Things Fallout 4 could use.

Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 3:58 am

Hi first time poster, total fallout fanatic....serial crafter...gun nut...and wasteland romancer.

HOWEVER! I have to ask here I the only person who felt gypped when they saw "Tesla coils" on the Torso mod for power armor, more specific the X-01...put it on...and had no change...

I'm not saying the jet pack addition is bad (in fact I've come to use it very effectively in combat, mostly when those suicide nuke super mutants come around the corner!) but c'mon man...X-01 armor and no Tesla coils! That's like peanut butter and jelly BUT WITHOUT THE FRIGGIN BREAD!

So yeah...Bethesda....I don't care what you'd make me do in game, even if I have to quest for hours...I want me some Tesla Coil power armor...that makes me look like a semi satanic walking x-mas tree.

I'm also a little bummed at the lack of machine guns. Fallout New Vegas had the Light Machine Gun, and the shoulder MG that were a staple in my armory...and I'm feeling the lack there. I get the mini gun, and the other automatics fill the roll...but I suspect we need a LMG in the .308 range.

Bethesda....can you bring me the gun of Rambo? I'd settle for an MG42

Yet I feel there was a great opportunity missed, the M2 .50 cal machine gun has been unchanged (mostly) since it's introduction and to have .50 cal rounds in the game and not have this gun as some form of a heavy weapon (I imagine a version you can lug around similar to the mini gun) is just a travesty.

I'm also missing dat anti-material rifle....with variable ammo.

So I'm also going to guess the Enclave are gone for good.....?


Now I do applaud you guys and gals on Fallout 4, it is by far a master piece that has svcked my entire existence but I think you didn't take the settlements far enough. You notice people will get a little carried away *waves* with building that one particular settlement and turn it into a fortress....well maybe you should ramp the AI to launcher major assaults on it? For example if you're not on very good terms with say the brother hood...well get to fend off a major assault on your compound...or raiders...or super mutants...okay those are two random factions....but I must say my toughest fights have been with the Gunners....and when I built up the castle into a compound of awesome I made the defense with them (and vertibirds ala FO3 style) in mind.

It would honestly save me the mind numbing board om of being the only person in the minutemen who does anything to save settlements.

I'm also a little bit...lost here...why does Laser Weapons do more damage than Plasma? I thought Plasma was more advanced?

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Pawel Platek
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 8:12 pm

Would not be surprised to see the Enclave return in DLC

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 5:47 am

Honestly I just want a .50 cal MG....hell I'd track a slow fire .50 cal chain gun!

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Sam Parker
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 5:49 pm

I dont mind the Mod set up. I can swap out recievers and go from automatic to single shot and on some weapons switch the ammo type. Basically I find I am able to make my guns work better with some glue a few screws and a few gears and what not.

I have had some good fights not just against gunners but raiders wearing power armor (more then one) with some other tough ones even a legendary thrown in. Yeah defending some out in the sticks 4 population town. Anytime it takes me a good death or two I feel like it was a battle enough. I had two back to back just like that yesterday, and even a large group of Super mutants kicked my but on one go when I spawned dead center in the middle of them when I fast traveled there. They were packing some heavy fire power on that one..

Im pretty happy and like the new power armor set up.

Complaints.. Sure sure, but really its just small stuff

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