I love this game. I really do. I have 80 hours into the game already (I LOVE this game)
I also love that this thread exists because there a few things that should be added to utilize the settlement feature
and in general, make the game a much more enjoyable experience.
My main asks that will dramatically enhance the game, while only being minor changes:
-A UI List for settlers in current settlement that includes what they're assigned to and the ability to change that in the menu or have them marked on your compass.
This can be done by having it in the terminal you can build to control lights. Include: supply line management.
-Hide head gear option for conversations.
-Locking certain things into a companions inventory. It's tedious to try and work around their equipped armor to take back all my "junk" I am having them carry.
-Creating sets of armor- picking pieces and combining them into one option in the apparel section in the pip-boy-- This would be so nice. With this have separate sections for
head gear, chest, arms , etc etc. in the pip boy as well.
-Shared bottlecap income from all settlements into one "safe" that is a special build option. Awesome. Woulkd make it so I don't have to go to each settlement.
-Key ring.
-With the quick loot menu, add a little information: value and damage resistances are the most important.
-The ability to highlight items in the settlement build menu to quickly choose items to scrap/store. Reduces button presses by 50% (and alot of time)
-More variation in seetlement crafting. It's painful to see the variation in the world and not being able to craft that way. Metal fences, streetlamps, cosmetic items, sliding doors,
a refridgrator that makes "ice cold" drinks, a radiation remover for food, a working shower that boosts experience gain aimilar to being well rested. All awesome. Different floors/walls mostly.
Not a small thing but it would be nice to see this in the season pass.
-Painting camoflage on weapons; there are paint cans out there, give them more use.
-More music from the radios. Add all of the music from fallout 3 and new vegas and as much as you guys are allowed to due to copyright deals and what not. Have like 30 or more songs. If you can.
It would be amazing to see this in a free update, not part of the DLCs. Feasibly it would be in my opinion and hope that Bethesda would be able to do this in addition to their plans. This game is amazing to me,
it accomplishes so much that there only a few things that I would to see added to make this game really just one of the most enjoyable games ive ever played.