First, Killyox, thank you very much for making and maintaining this thread. It is very well organized and provides constructive criticism. I hope the PTB are making notes. Wouldn't it be nice if one of them popped in with a response?
Second, I agree with virtually all the points you made, including the classification of Major vs Minor. In my opinion, you've also received a lot of great ideas from other posters. Toggle helmet, craftable ammo, one-button outfit change, a better explanation of settlement building, a menu to see which settler is assigned to which job? Yes, please.
Here are a few points I didn't see listed in the OP or by other posters:
-- Gamma slider. The game is so bright! I wish I could darken it up just a bit.
-- UI opacity. I would love to be able to darken the backgrounds of open windows (container windows, workshop menus, etc). Very often, when my character is in bright sunlight, I can barely read the items on the screen. If I had the option to darken those windows, it would make my life much easier.
-- Map notes. My character has run across a few locations that have not triggered an icon on her map. I'd like to be able to drop a pin on those locations so she can revisit if needed. I'd also like for her to be able to make a note of places that had things she couldn't access (perhaps her lockpicking wasn't high enough yet), so she can go back. Right now, I'm having to do that on paper. How old-fashioned!
-- Whistle to call Dog. I try my best to avoid dragging that dog around with me but for the times when I'm required to have it accompany me, I'd like a whistle to call it back when it wanders away.
-- Immediate updates when using multi-component items for building/modding. Example: Duct tape breaks down into Adhesive and Cloth. If a recipe uses Duct Tape to fulfill an adhesive requirement (but that recipe doesn't need cloth), it takes a game-hour for the cloth to end up back into inventory. Up until a day or so ago, I thought I was just losing those items and that saddened me. When my character manually breaks down items, the inventory is updated immediately, so I can't think of a reason why there is a delay when the items are used (as opposed to "scrapped").
-- Typewritten version of handwritten notes (very minor). The handwritten notes is a very cool idea but they are very hard to read. Perhaps if the ink was darker that would be ok, too.
-- An announcer for the Classical station. Someone very snooty who simply refuses to acknowledge that the world has gone wrong but still reports the news (perhaps with his/her own biased editorials). Additionally, it would be nice to know the names and artists of the classical pieces. I recognize most of them, but some are unfamiliar to me.
-- [Bug fix] -- Often, when my character is out in the field, Sanctuary's settlement looks like it's in trouble. Somehow, there are no beds, no food, no water, no power, and so forth. So my character makes a beeline back there, only to find everything's fine and her settlers are happy and productive. Although she's relieved to know everyone's ok, it is a waste of her (and my) time.