Just like the subject says - there are some things in Crysis 2 that cripple the experience for me.
1) Kill Cams - Is it just me....or do they look terrible 99% of the time? Camera tracking on grenade throws is horrid. Actions hardly ever match up. (including the sound of gunfire matching with the person shooting) Sometimes (maybe from lag?) shots I fire that land prior to my death often are never seen...which makes me question of they even registered at ALL! The broken/ugly/buggy kill cams pulls me right out of the experience rather than showcase any great moves like it should! CoD: WaW didn't have the best kill-cams in the world....but they were pretty sweet. Hell...ANY modern game with a kill-cam does it better than this....Why do they have to svck so badly here?? Ever watch a kill-cam when you die from an Orbital Strike?? What a MESS! It should be EPIC...it is very very far from epic. Glitchy...shaky garbage.
2) Server Browser - It's damn near useless. Nearly every server is empty. The few that are not are usually full. This could be just a lack of community I suppose. Ever try and pick a server while the browser is building the list? Yeah...fun isn't it? It's like trying to catch a greased up chicken while wearing an eyepatch! So we're forced to let the whole list load...(which again...are mostly empty) but if we switch tabs....and come back...we have to wait for the list to refresh AGAIN! Why do games like Unreal Tournament (released many years ago) have flawless server browsers...and a game from 2011 feels like a chore??
3) Chat system - More like....WHAT chat system?? You can type IN-GAME only...(pretty much) BUT...only while you are alive....That makes sense?? So I wanna type a quick message....I have to hide or cloak and just prey no one sees me??? They always do....so you will DIE half way through your message....then your chat screen disappears immediately...and you get the buggy kill-cam.....so you skip that and are forced to respawn....leaving you only a tiny bit more time to finish typing before you inevitably get killed again standing there like a moron! You CAN chat between matches....but you have to click the CHAT tab first??? WHY?! THis is pointless on servers where the count-down timer is uber fast. You don't have time to type anything! Also, if you give us a access to the console....why not show player chat there too? WTF?! If you miss something someone says....you're pretty much screwed. Unless you wanna go find a corner to hide in and try and type back.."What did you say?" Of course...someone will just run by and kill you......This is yet another aspect that pulls me OUT of the experience. Why should I feel detached from the HUMAN players i'm playing with? Just buy a mic you say? Well...lots of us prefer to type. So much for being able to B.S. with other players comfortably...
4) Air Stomp - Good luck getting a kill with this! I think I have only ONE kill so far with it.....Do you have to be EXACTLY on top of the enemy? Is there any splash damage at all?? Most of the time you're left standing there looking stupid as you slowly stand up...while the enemy empties a clip in your face.
5) Coward Kills - Next time you play online...count how many times you die from being shot IN THE BACK with no logical way to defend against it. You can try and argue that "Ooh..you just svck..." or "You should not leave yourself open" but be honest......count how many times you get shot in the back out of nowhere and are left tapping your button to skip the horrible kill-cam in frustration. Wish we would only get HALF of a point for shooting in the back.....cloaking and un-cloaking...then shooting someone in the back is just cowardly and too prevalent.
6) Weapon Switch - I'm mainly pissed at how when switching to my grenades....I am forced to slow down to a crawl for a second or two. What is the point of that???? Why can I NOT sprint and pull out a grenade at the same time. Where is my character storing them.....in his socks?? The game is fast and frantic....especially if your play-style involves close-quarter-battles and a ton of ledge grabs and running (ie: the mobility perk) God forbid you switch to your grenade as you try and run...you might as well just stop and hold up a sign that says "SHOOT ME".
7) Slide - I love to slide...but doing so isn't always easy. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE allow us to have a key-combo mapping for sliding! I use R-SHIFT for sprint and R-CTRL for crouch....Holding shift with my left pinky and being able to mash it down onto the CTRL button below it can be a pain in my ass. SLIDE should have it's own key or allow for a key-combo OTHER than SPRINT + CROUCH! Sometimes it doesn't work....so I will be running toward someone full speed....and then I stop and crouch like an idiot because it didn't make me slide. Unacceptable!
8) Hologram - Yep. I love it too! Why not have the option to AUTO-SWITCH BACK to ammunition after I deploy one? Why am I forced to switch it back myself?? Sometimes it doesn't switch back if I hit it too quickly! End up activating a hologram...spotting an enemy right away...and shooting a 2nd hologram at him. Unacceptable!
I am starting to feel better already.....kind of... ^__^
I spent good money to buy this game at release. Since then it's been crippled by hackers and bugs. There is soo much about the game that blows my mind...and so much that makes me wanna blow my brains OUT! Arrrg! I am willing to over-look the lack of DX11 support out of the box....and the lack of tweakable graphic options....I am even willing to svck it up and deal with the many server issues....hackers included! But all of this other stuff just makes me mad. Too many of the fundamentals of FPS games was done poorly. (mainly kill-cams, key-mapping, server-browser and chat-system!!)