- Lobomites with 10mm Pistols hurt
- Selling a K9000 will make you sad
- When the dialogue starts in the Think Tank go make a sandwhich, itll be a while
- Police K9s have a Super Bark
- Those aren't toes, theyre pencses
- When it suggested I waited til level 15 to start OWB I should have listened
- Gardening made me feel dirty. See what I did there?!
Your turn. Bonus points for no spoilers
- Its best to fight a horde of Robo-Scorpions at a distance.
- Military K9's are bullet sponges so don't reload thinking they'll die wont catch up.
- When you hear a beeping, its just like DM, run away not towards.
- Stripe is not friendly.
- The Legendary Bloatfly is no laughing matter.
- Gabe has a bigger bark than its bite.
- The Giant Robo-Scorpion isn't something you should attack with a melee weapon.
- That Ulysses is a cheep-skate and only leaves holotapes instead of cool weapons.
- When Muggy wants Mugs, he wants mugs.