Things making me laugh in this game.

Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:34 pm

1)Receiving a headshot while sliding in front of an enemy that is shooting in your direction at man's height.

2)Trying to change fire mode while lagging(uselessly) and be forced to change weapon in hope to fix it.

3)Having mousescroll up and down reverted every single time i restart the game and be killed while trying to perform a headshot with C4.

Keep thinking on...

Oh yes!

4)Lend my head for a headshot addressed to someone else.

5)Finding myself always on the fire line of an enemy shooting someone else and be killed.

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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:57 pm

1) shooting an enemy in the head accidentally when they power-slide towards me.

2) jump off a roof and land on someone just to find out he didn't see you because he's lagging.

3) dislodge your mouse-scroll because your mouse is ancient and the plastic it is made of is simply disintegrating.

4) start a game with a killstreak of 12 just to never kill anyone on the game again. You were just marked for death after all bloody rampage. Everyone is after you now.
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IsAiah AkA figgy
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:55 pm

5) Being forced to rage(not laugh) because of the randomly exploding cars on Parking deck.

6) Jump into a server where everyone is standing around the Relay turrets and gaining cheap points.. and Kill em all xD

7) Switching to DSG-1 cause of the lack of performance from the GAUSS-rifle..

8) Hearing my Ceph gunship trying to reach the playing area without success on Downed Bird xD.. He's stucked behind a freaking skyscraqer xD HAHA
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:18 am

1) Being killed by 2 melee hits when I throw a clip into someone

2) Shooting 8 straight jackal shots all into someone and dying by their scar

3) Shooting with the Marshall twice, meleeing, and then dying by my opponents melee

4) Shooting at the person in front of me where they never shoot in my direction and I somehow die, and thus the kill cam shows they were ACTUALLY behind me the whole time. (And no, they DIDN'T use a hologram).

I blame the servers. It only happens when I have high ping or someone else with high ping joins the game. People, please play regionally. If I play regionally I have someone who is nonregionally acquanited with the server and thus messes up the game and causes lag :(
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Daniel Holgate
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:34 pm

1) Being killed by 2 melee hits when I throw a clip into someone

2) Shooting 8 straight jackal shots all into someone and dying by their scar

3) Shooting with the Marshall twice, meleeing, and then dying by my opponents melee

4) Shooting at the person in front of me where they never shoot in my direction and I somehow die, and thus the kill cam shows they were ACTUALLY behind me the whole time. (And no, they DIDN'T use a hologram).

I blame the servers. It only happens when I have high ping or someone else with high ping joins the game. People, please play regionally. If I play regionally I have someone who is nonregionally acquanited with the server and thus messes up the game and causes lag :(

and that makes you laugh? Really? It makes me cry..
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Alan Whiston
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:31 am

1) Being killed by 2 melee hits when I throw a clip into someone

2) Shooting 8 straight jackal shots all into someone and dying by their scar

3) Shooting with the Marshall twice, meleeing, and then dying by my opponents melee

4) Shooting at the person in front of me where they never shoot in my direction and I somehow die, and thus the kill cam shows they were ACTUALLY behind me the whole time. (And no, they DIDN'T use a hologram).

I blame the servers. It only happens when I have high ping or someone else with high ping joins the game. People, please play regionally. If I play regionally I have someone who is nonregionally acquanited with the server and thus messes up the game and causes lag :(

and that makes you laugh? Really? It makes me cry..

He laughs to not cry...
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Sandeep Khatkar
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:59 am

I'm starting to hate headshots, since they occur randomly.

Firing feline at body will give you headshots because of spread

And it's still 1 shot to kill people
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Vera Maslar
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:26 am

I'm starting to hate headshots, since they occur randomly.

Firing feline at body will give you headshots because of spread

And it's still 1 shot to kill people

Hahaha xD its so true. It should totally be removed xD
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Ernesto Salinas
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:02 am

I'm starting to hate headshots, since they occur randomly.

Firing feline at body will give you headshots because of spread

And it's still 1 shot to kill people

Hahaha xD its so true. It should totally be removed xD

It really should. I think that headshot bullet camera insta-kill deal is ridiculous. They should only do that with snipers, that'd make more sense.
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KIng James
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:34 am

In Skyline, I'm hearing someone's steps, I'm stopping, using nanovision, seeing nothing, turning it off... hearing steps again, using nanovision again and I'm seeing cloaked enemy in the corner, on top of the wall with ventilation, sneaking and getting in position to camp... I'm jumping there, uncloaking, turning armor on, killing him with rage, and then someone's shooting at me behind from the ground... I'm turning and jumping on him like a mad alien/animal while he's killing me in the air... then I'm watching the kill-cam and getting scared by myself performing that mad animal jump! LMAO! xD

I love when I confuse someone, when he notice me cloaked and shoots but miss, then I go round him in circle and he shoots blindly all around him... when he stops or reload, I just take him down.
Or when me and my enemy both run out of ammo, and then trying to kill each other with melee xD

When I jump all around and 2 enemies spending whole clips on me just to shoot me down, then someone approaches from the back and melee kill me xD

One time on map City Hall (I think), I'm spotting cloaked enemy and he' spotting me cloaked, we're trying to melee each other but he accidentally "melee" me in the back and stealth kill me LOL

Lot of funny moments... I would like to record them, but I don't have video editing software. And I'm not sure if Fraps lower FPSs?

Excuse my bad English, it's not my native language.
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Trevor Bostwick
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:12 pm

Best moments are when you luckily walk up behind an ememy squad of 4 or 5 guys and toss a made to take a few out and just spray the rest down Scarface style. SO satisfying!

Really funny moment is when you land in front of a cloaked enemy while you're cloaked and you both run around trying to find the other one an it doesn't happen for what seem like ages. Then you both get owned by the others teammates and the whole **** of a situation ends so anti-climactically.

AnOther is when you bunny hop around with the L-Tag and Jaw just playing a demo class. Awesome times
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Natasha Biss
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:04 am

5)Finding myself always on the fire line of an enemy shooting someone else and be killed.3) Shooting with the Marshall twice, meleeing, and then dying by my opponents meleeThese.

1) People meleeing randomly and killing me even though they are facing the opposite direction.

2) Killing someone (particularly in a doorway), then they turn to stone and you cannot get past them.
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Jade Muggeridge
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:19 pm

5)Finding myself always on the fire line of an enemy shooting someone else and be killed.3) Shooting with the Marshall twice, meleeing, and then dying by my opponents meleeThese.

1) People meleeing randomly and killing me even though they are facing the opposite direction.

2) Killing someone (particularly in a doorway), then they turn to stone and you cannot get past them.

That is very annoying, it mainly happens with a death animation that involves them grabbing their throat and they are immovable while it plays. Killing people with the MIKE seems to trigger a similar problem a lot of the time which is very annoying when there are two enemies in a row as the body of the first stops your microwaves.
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Rodney C
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:25 am

1) Being called a speed hacker for increasing FOV settings.
2) Getting killed by the 90 degree sweeping spray.
3) Getting killed by the 180 degree sweeping spray.
4) Getting killed by the 360 degree sweeping spray.
5) Getting killed by someone drawing circles with their gun.
6) Getting assassinated by a lagger when you're IN FRONT OF HIM.
7) A guy with 1000 ping tanks your whole clip then someone shoots you in the back.
8) Getting killed by the 360 degree MELEE sweeping spray.
9) Getting killed with a headshot by getting shot the in legs.
10) Getting a headshot kill by shooting someone in the legs.
11) Killing an energy hacker aka perma cloak with Nanovision.
12) Getting kicked for going 6-0.
13) Trying to votekick a hacker but nobody gives a flying fug.
14) Finding a whole legion of campers lined up in a building and spraying them all down at once.
15) Shotgun shells going through your opponent and he kills you with a spray while taking no damage.
16) Getting killed by a shotgun user that's shooting way off but someone 1 hit KOs you.
17) Everyone starts lagging and you're the only one who can move, then you kill everyone who has been standing still and get the exp & dogtags all at once a minute later.
18) Everyone starts lagging, and when the lag stops you somehow die 10 times in 1 life and watch the weirdest killcams ever.
19) You run past a guy and he doesn't even notice you, then you start chasing him down. He stops at the most random place to recover so it's really unlikely that anyone would find them. But knowing where he is, you kill him, and then the guy won't quit calling you a wall hacker.
20) You happen to be watching a killcam, then wondering why the killcam lasted so long, and why you're watching 2 death scenes. Turns out you spawned right under an Orbital Strike.

I can go on forever, but it's an FPS game, so you're going to see bull5h1t. It's not a game if there's no bull5h1t.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:53 am

Multiplayer profile resetts and all your Achievements and unlocks are away forever!, plus ?h, back to lvl 1! and.. Armor, stealth and energy on 1, funny! (not)
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:10 am

1) Being called a speed hacker for increasing FOV settings.
2) Getting killed by the 90 degree sweeping spray.
3) Getting killed by the 180 degree sweeping spray.
4) Getting killed by the 360 degree sweeping spray.
5) Getting killed by someone drawing circles with their gun.
6) Getting assassinated by a lagger when you're IN FRONT OF HIM.
7) A guy with 1000 ping tanks your whole clip then someone shoots you in the back.
8) Getting killed by the 360 degree MELEE sweeping spray.
9) Getting killed with a headshot by getting shot the in legs.
10) Getting a headshot kill by shooting someone in the legs.
11) Killing an energy hacker aka perma cloak with Nanovision.
12) Getting kicked for going 6-0.
13) Trying to votekick a hacker but nobody gives a flying fug.
14) Finding a whole legion of campers lined up in a building and spraying them all down at once.
15) Shotgun shells going through your opponent and he kills you with a spray while taking no damage.
16) Getting killed by a shotgun user that's shooting way off but someone 1 hit KOs you.
17) Everyone starts lagging and you're the only one who can move, then you kill everyone who has been standing still and get the exp & dogtags all at once a minute later.
18) Everyone starts lagging, and when the lag stops you somehow die 10 times in 1 life and watch the weirdest killcams ever.
19) You run past a guy and he doesn't even notice you, then you start chasing him down. He stops at the most random place to recover so it's really unlikely that anyone would find them. But knowing where he is, you kill him, and then the guy won't quit calling you a wall hacker.
20) You happen to be watching a killcam, then wondering why the killcam lasted so long, and why you're watching 2 death scenes. Turns out you spawned right under an Orbital Strike.

I can go on forever, but it's an FPS game, so you're going to see bull5h1t. It's not a game if there's no bull5h1t.
Hahahaha totally agree with all of them :D

Adding some:

21) Getting killed by a random grenade
22) Kill a player, then get killed by the grenade thrown for the dead guy.
23) Get killed, then when watching the killcam you notice that the other guy missed all of his shots aiming erratically but then makes a headshot with his last bullet.
24) Find a guy in front of you when reloading, then jump over him on his back, watch his weapon going wtf trying to make the maneuver and finally finish him off when the reload is done.
25) Getting killed by a headshot from a mounted weapon/HMG which was on the other side of the map.
26) Watching a guy trying to commit suicide in Skyline in order to avoid certain death, then finishing him off while falling. Rofl.
28) People thinking they're playing CS, ducking every time they shoot, then calling you a hacker for making the easy-peasy headshot.
29) People trying to play fair, then when realizing they're getting pwned resort to hacks.
30) Being 24-0 in IA and getting killed in the last frag.
31) Stupid retards swearing in their mother language (suka, fvck) and saying other stuff you cannot hope to understand while making cheater/hacker allegations. Laughable.

To be continued!
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:24 am

Getting tired of loosing CTR and starts to hold the relay and get called **** camper by the relay taker.
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Bryanna Vacchiano
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:26 am

26) Watching a guy trying to commit suicide in Skyline in order to avoid certain death, then finishing him off while falling. Rofl...
This is really for ROFL!
It would be epic to have that on video :D
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Alycia Leann grace
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:03 pm

one cant laugh with this game.. no matter how many flaws it has.

that is why they (cleverly) dubbed it, CRYsis.. :)
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Roberta Obrien
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:44 am

Just watch the "kill-cam".....

there is always something there to make me "laugh"...
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:19 pm

1) Being called a speed hacker for increasing FOV settings.
2) Getting killed by the 90 degree sweeping spray.
3) Getting killed by the 180 degree sweeping spray.
4) Getting killed by the 360 degree sweeping spray.
5) Getting killed by someone drawing circles with their gun.
6) Getting assassinated by a lagger when you're IN FRONT OF HIM.
7) A guy with 1000 ping tanks your whole clip then someone shoots you in the back.
8) Getting killed by the 360 degree MELEE sweeping spray.
9) Getting killed with a headshot by getting shot the in legs.
10) Getting a headshot kill by shooting someone in the legs.
11) Killing an energy hacker aka perma cloak with Nanovision.
12) Getting kicked for going 6-0.
13) Trying to votekick a hacker but nobody gives a flying fug.
14) Finding a whole legion of campers lined up in a building and spraying them all down at once.
15) Shotgun shells going through your opponent and he kills you with a spray while taking no damage.
16) Getting killed by a shotgun user that's shooting way off but someone 1 hit KOs you.
17) Everyone starts lagging and you're the only one who can move, then you kill everyone who has been standing still and get the exp & dogtags all at once a minute later.
18) Everyone starts lagging, and when the lag stops you somehow die 10 times in 1 life and watch the weirdest killcams ever.
19) You run past a guy and he doesn't even notice you, then you start chasing him down. He stops at the most random place to recover so it's really unlikely that anyone would find them. But knowing where he is, you kill him, and then the guy won't quit calling you a wall hacker.
20) You happen to be watching a killcam, then wondering why the killcam lasted so long, and why you're watching 2 death scenes. Turns out you spawned right under an Orbital Strike.

I can go on forever, but it's an FPS game, so you're going to see bull5h1t. It's not a game if there's no bull5h1t.

Yeah an FPS will have some BS, but not to level of this bug infested, aborted, colossal failure. Yes, there will be some cheaters and some bugs, but sorry state this game was released in is unprecedented. Even the console versions are apparently very buggy.

Does Crytek really expect all of us to rush out and buy crysis 3 after all of this? Talk about clueless....
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