I just (after watching the vid a few times) noticed a few things...
- The spawn menu: (Looks like BF3 which is great imo) It seems there are classes to customise (The ones shown were Sniper, Scout, Assault, Gunner) So then classes could be more specific to a role in the team, perhaps?
- Real-time customisation: For a brief couple of seconds betweeen 0:40 and 0:42 you can see the FY71 being customised in-game (Like multiplayer in Crysis 1 & Crysis Warhead). If this is going to be implemented in multiplayer, I'm sure many people would be happy that their request is answered
- Two new modules shown: Auto Armour (Does what it says) & Hunter (Make no footsteps or suit sounds)
- Built-in Air Stomp: I believe has already been confirmed, but just to make sure that it is there, you can see the Assault class used and Air Stomp wasn't one of the modules. Good or bad change?
- Anyone ever been able to pull players out of vehicles before?: Seems like a novel idea. Makes the Pinger more balanced, I believe
- Crash Site score limit reduced from 175 to 150
- NY feed: Seems like a better way to encourage friend/squad integration. Better than the simple friends list in C2 for sure.
If you saw anything else that's significant, please add