» Sat Jul 09, 2011 12:39 am
1. Dragon-riding
To get the most obvious point out of the way first, any game featuring giant winged iguanas that doesn't treat said giant winged iguanas as a taxi service is doing itself a disservice. Also: you're a Dragonborn. If anyone's got a right to park his or her rump on a dragon, it's you.
ridiculous GTFO
2. Pie persuasion system
Pies are for eating, not wooing recalcitrant shop-keepers with. We listed Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion's spinning disc of conversational dead-ends as one of 10 "game breakers" last month. Skyrim's a pie-free zone, thank the gods.
Agreed, good riddance
3. Separate armour pieces
Where previous games handled pieces of armour separately, Skyrim opts for more of an all-in-one approach in the interests of artistic coherence. You can't mix and match upper and lower armour, though you can still mess around with different hats, boots and other accessories. Fashionistas beware.
Not a big deal to me.
4. Class selection
Perhaps Skyrim's most-lamented omission among old school Elder Scrollers, designed to avoid the get-three-hours-in-and-restart experience reportedly typical among casual users. Perks, skills and independently levelling attributes sort of fill the breach - if you focus on spells, you'll be a wizard in all but name. Bit of a departure, hopefully for the best.
yes, it is for the best
5. Spears
An inexplicable casualty. Are dragons too easy to bump off with polearms? Modifications to the Elder Scrolls combat system to discourage backpedal-to-victory tactics and accommodate new, ultra-cinematic finishing moves may have something to do with this.
more concerned with factions, NPC relationships, quests, survival features. spears are not a big deal to me
6. Dragon transformation
If you can't ride a dragon, you should at least be able to assume the form of one. Again: you're Dragonborn. We're sure you have more in common with your progenitors than a tendency to scream a lot.
this is not yet known, but not a big deal to me either way
7. Levitation
Done away with to stop players winging their way around otherwise impassable obstacles. And presumably so the dragons don't get upset at the loss of one of their natural privileges. Those dragons. Grasping, selfish little buggers, aren't they?
don't care about this feature one way or the other. there is still "TCL Levitation Spell" in console command
8. Skill/perk ally management
While you can pair up with NPCs, you can't fiddle with their abilities. Even if you're married to one, yes. What's mine is mine and what's yours is yours, apparently.
don't mind this either
9. Key racial differences
Divisions between the playable races have been softened in Skyrim. Choice of origin no longer affects your maximum encumbrance or speed, for example, though races still boast unique abilities and starting attribute make-ups. Orcs get the Berserk power, for instance, while Khajiit can see in the dark.
Have no interest running around like Speedy Gonzalez (faster than my horse) and avoiding all enemies, so this doesn't affect me.
10. Sub-hour completion
If you know what you're doing, you can polish off Oblivion in under an hour. The ending boss is a character within the world from the get-go, see. No such luck in Skyrim.
they ran out of features to talk about and now the journalist is making up irrelevant stuff to get to 20 features
11. Total environmental destruction
Where are the dragons, there must surely be piles of scorched, shattered building. Trouble is, giving the scaly ones the power to gut Skyrim's terrain and building geometry would royally mess with Bethesda's NPC interaction and quest systems. Dragons will get to destroy buildings at intervals, but don't expect it to happen every five minutes.
what else would you expect for such a huge open world game. Todd Howard is not Jesus, give the dev team a break.
12. A Karma gauge
Fame and notoriety are factors in Skyrim, but numerical Karma gauges are kaput. From what we can tell, NPCs will take your overall reputation into account when interacting with the player but remain responsive to local factors, like the precise manner in which you complete particular quests.
nobody really cares AFAIK, as long as there is a reputation system, and it seems like Skyrim's system will be more complex and dynamic than FNV's
13. A hardcoe Mode
Tackling Fallout: New Vegas in hardcoe Mode was an eye-opening experience, to put it mildly. Wounds stubbornly refused to heal, guns jammed at the drop of a hat, and you'd wash down every other meal with a refreshing draught of radioactive toilet water. We have no idea how such a mode would manifest in Skyrim, a game that lets you shout people to death. We're not entirely desperate to find out.
Speak for yourself, I am "entirely desperate to find out," and since this is not any sort of "missing feature," the journalist is just making up filler to reach the number 20
14. Co-op
So you've killed all the dragons, conquered all the cities, befriended all the shopkeepers and kicked over all the mountains. What's the use if you've nobody to share it all with? Co-op is the logical next step in the Elder Scrolls franchise's relentless upward march to global assimilation. It would also be a complete nightmare to implement, birthing all sorts of balancing hiccups besides the initial technical predicament.
don't mind
15. Dynamic enemy levelling
Another feature we're glad to see the back of. Who likes revisiting an area to discover that all the local bandits have armed themselves with magical weapons while you were off saving the universe?
yes, good riddance
16. Dwarves
Depending on who you read/believe, Tamriel's dwarfs are either extinct, confined to subterranean settlements or gone from this plane of existence entirely. We explored Dwemer ruins in Morrowind. Now we'd like to meet their architects face to face.
they are not "missing", we still don't know whether they are in skyrim or not
17. Gunpowder weapons
The day Bethesda puts guns in an Elder Scrolls game will be the day the entire internet picks itself up, wrenches the continent of North America out of the sea and casts it into the sun. Still, we think a very small selection of adequately balanced gunpowder weapons, tucked away in the furthest reaches of the game world, could make a decent contribution to the experience.
even more ridiculous than riding dragons
18. Jumping to raise agility
Oblivion's grow-by-doing attitude to character stats meant you had to bounce up and down as though saddled with a full bladder to max out your agility. Skyrim does things differently. Let us never speak of this again.
agreed, good riddance
19. Crazy areas
We've been promised crazy locations redolent of the Shivering Isles in Skyrim. Thus far, we haven't seen any.
If you've "been promised" how can you complain that this feature is "missing"? more filler to get to number 20
20. Finding forks inside wolves
You'd be amazed at the things you can find in a garden-variety Oblivion wolf. Pelts and bones we can understand. The deluge of cutlery is a little harder to explain.
somebody ran out of things to mention and was getting close to his deadline when he made this one up