» Sat Jul 09, 2011 3:48 am
The only things I agree with are the following and why I agree with them.
Spears. Why not? Adds a new gameplay element and lets you roleplay as Leonidas. But still, I want spears. I won't fuss and hiss about it if it isn't in the final release of the game, but if it's there, it would be nice.
Key race differences. BECAUSE I want to feel like picking a Dunmer is actually effecting how I play. True it shouldn't be too impacting but it would be nice to have a Nord be more akin to combat than magic. You could still raise your magic skill just as easy as combat skills, but you get a bonus for combat skills?
Gunpowder weapons. I really don't care if they're in the game or not, but it would be nice as the "Fatman" of Elder Scrolls. Kind of an Easter Egg or as a "fun weapon" much like the Fatman. Seriously, who uses that thing in real combat against anything other than a Super Mutant Behemoth? It should be the same for Skyrim. It's very strong but can't be effectively used in combat against anything other than a one on one thing.