1: Can you implement something that when we unlock new items, its highlighted with a star, kind of like the dogtags? Frustrating having to search through everything to see what is unlocked.
2: I'm inside a train, grenade explodes on the outside of it, how do I die? It happens and is frustrating. (also happens on pod capture, your on opposite side of pod from where the grenade lands, totally obstructed by the pod, grenade explodes, you die.)
3: Anyway to turn the kill cam off? No disrespect, but the replay from the kill cam svcks. Nothing more frustrating to see the replay and see the person who killed you shot all shots behind you, over you, no where near you, and yet they all still hit you and you died. Happens more often then not. Reason why I can't stand Call of Duty. So frustrating.
Thank you,