» Tue Jan 11, 2011 3:55 pm
the mispelling of my name
the mispelling of "definitely" as "defiantly"
the using "could care less" in place of "couldn't care less"
the mispelling of "ridiculous" as "rediculous" (Is it British?)
MISPELLING/LACK OF PROPER CAPITALIZATION OR PUNCTUATION, especially when people write as though they are texting
a large majority of fellow high school inhabitants, specifically ones in lower grades (I'm not of the "boo, freshmen" or "boo, softmores" mentality, but a good portion of them don't seem to know how to shut the hell up or contribute discussion of intellectual value.)
platform bashers
bashers of my favorite games
computer viruses
shooters (Really, I'm just jealous that a genre I couldn't care less about gets the spotlight of video gaming and has for as long as I can remember. Long live the action RPGs, turn-based strategy games, and building simulators!)
DLC (One, they seem to have killed the expansion pack and two, they get exploited in the form of removing content from a game and selling it as something "extra".)
pre-order "bonuses"
[censored] decisions
[censored] decisions made by dumbasses
[censored] decisions made by myself when I'm acting like a [censored]
religious fanaticism/zealotry
small games (What a ripoff...)
gum being placed in places gum doesn't belong (Again, high school...)
printers (The blasted things hardly work, for me.)
condescending comments that attempt to portray the person being condescended as an idiot, when they are not, in the form of placing words, which are typically mispelled, in someone else's mouth (I'm sorry, but you're the only person mispelling words, here. I never stated "it brakz teh immershun, lolololol")
people spitting when they talk (I don't dislike the people themselves simply because of this, but I dislike the actual act and how it's such an unintentional and unavoidable act.)
people who can't believe anyone else has a different opinion (No, I don't like the same food item as you. Now leave me be instead of continuously picking on me for it. I've told you this many times.)