Every job i've looked at online and at local stores wants a person to have 2 to 3 years experience in the industry instead of providing training on the job. I know things are tight, but this is getting ridiculous and makes it hard for people like myself to even hope of a job.
Don't let that stop you dude. Stream-line your CV to one page, grab a telephone and call all of the places wanting experience and talk your way into interviews. Whan you get an interview - you will - and during it they ask if you have experience, you say, "I have a deep interest in this line of work and I've done my very best, taken every opportunity to learn all I can about it." You'll find in most interviews when you score them that interviewers latch onto negatives: "I don't... X." "I haven't... X." "I've never...X." Even qualifying it with a "But I'm willing to learn." You've already lost them.
You're motivated, you want work, you're right for the job! Relate any skills and experience you do have with the job you're applying for. Avoid "No, not, never, won't, can't..." I got a job at a printing firm by spending five minutes of the interview talking about software I was proficient in, PCs I'd slapped together, and a house I helped my step-dad build. "SAGE, FLASH, CS 2 3 4 5... the systems I did build were purely for business purposes, so able to run basic office programs, and the web sites I helped create were for small local businesses such as self-employed beauticians. I'd charge for the initial design and work closely with the client to establish not just what they wanted, but what they needed, and then I'd give a basic tutorial to allow them to update the site as needed instead of having to return and charge them for what could be regular updates. I regretted leaving a contact number if they ran into problems, though, (laugh with me) but really its good to have that kind of reputation because they would recommend me to anyone."
Sell yourself dude. When I found myself standing in front of a sheet fed press I obviously needed showing around, lol, because I didn't have a clue, but I wasn't working with the interviewers, admin staff, I was working with the underlings, doubt it ever filtered back that I pretty much had to learn on the job and had blagged my way through an interview. But where there's a will... there's a job. Keep your chin up and throw yourself about a bit.
I'm thinking about existentialism and it annoys me. Why? Because there is no answer.
Heh ha. Dude, the question doesn't make sense. Why? Because only humans ask why of things that don't have why answers.
I know what annoys me. My flat mate. She starts stories and trails off giving details on tiny little things that don't matter to the story she's telling. Like the, "Oh what's its called? Oh uhm... mm.. oh nevermind. Oh yeah! The THINGY, anyway, forget that, blah blah blah..." Forget it? You spent five minutes trying to remember it while I stood here making it obvious I just wanted to take this, what was a full and hot cup of coffee but is now an empty cup, to chill out and finish watching Dexter. Guess I need a refill and to sit down and rewind the twenty minutes I'd watched the hour before you latched onto me, to refresh my memory a bit. :confused: