» Tue Jan 11, 2011 6:40 pm
One of my best friends cancelling our get-together three days in a row and then not even contacting me the past two days to reschedule, which makes me feel like [censored] to say the least.
Two of my friends basically using me for a ride to the gym, and taking me along as a guest but paying little to no attention to my presence while we're there, until they want to leave.
My girlfriend, and our seemingly endless stream of fights, disagreements, and unresolvable tension for the past 11 months.
Those aforementioned people being the only people in my life outside of my family, which leads me to the next one...
Seemingly endless stream of fights, disagreements, and unresolvable tension with my family for the past few months. :facepalm:
The fact that I can't quit smoking because I am frequently so angry, frustrated, or depressed that I immediately go to smoking for solace. Not doing so just doubles the weight already on my shoulders. I only managed a week and a half quit before caving in.
The fact that every job I've attempted to get in the past year has either ignored my phone calls or claimed repeatedly they did not get my application, after sending it in three times. I've exhausted all possibilities in my township, and ...
I don't have a reliable vehicle to drive to and from work anywhere outside of my township, because it is a huge, gas-guzzling truck that requires over $100 in gas weekly to go any further than twelve miles on a regular basis, and ...
The ridiculously high cost of everything and my inability to pay for any of it, my [censored] phone bill not least of all, nor the gas for my piece of junk truck that is about to fall apart, nor food, nor rent.
Having to sell all of my guitars, equipment, and video games to pay for the aforementioned things, as well as for my constantly needing money or things girlfriend. :glare:
And the fact that the weather simply can't make up its mind. Beautiful and sunny one day, cold and windy the next.
Damn it all, I'm gonna go play me some Fallout. The post-nuclear wasteland is far less stressful.