When you go to Whiterun for the first time, guards question you before they let you in the city and the drow chick stops you when you get close to the yarl. This is the way it should be but no other city does this. I guess the developers got lazy. How can a commoner nobody just approach the lord of a city? Unless you have a certain amount of fame or got some good excuse, you should be restricted from entering the palace.
2. Yarls’ chambers are unlocked and unguarded. Nobody cares if you go in there and steal everything. At night, you can go in and wake up the yarl. And the guards just watch.
3, Ulfric calls himself a king but there are like 4 people in his castle. There should be more guards and officers in the castle. And he always has that same stupid argument with his general 24/7.
3. All the kids look the same and sound the same.
4. The voices of advlt characters aren’t that varied either. It is slightly better than Oblivion, but you hear the same voices everywhere.
5. Stupid AI
- Kids run around and play tag while the dragon is attacking their village.
- Nobody recognizes you. Even if you become a thane or a guildmaster, everybody treats you the same.
- Dumb Companions.
- Marriage system is just pointless and empty. Don’t know why it’s even there.
6. Guild quests svck. An apprentice becomes a guildmaster in a few hours (few days in game time).