#1 The new map - Not a big deal. I can work with it, but it doesn't feel right. My guess is they won't continue this past this game. I WON"T BUY THIS GAME BECAUSE OF THIS.
#2 Staves - I felt that staves in Oblivion were just...well, almost pointless. It's nice to be able to hold 2 now, but it's just like casting a damn spell. OK, so I run out of mana and I might start using a staff, which feels just like the magic I was just using... Sure it's nice for classes that don't want to invest in a certain type of magic to have access to them, but on the other hand that feels like cheating (Slightly) the people that do invest in the magic. It takes away the uniqueness of trying to stick to one class. The other thing is that staves are supposed to be the choice for item for Mages...but they already have spells that do the same thing! The unique Daedric staves are on thing that a love, but were the only instance where staves made sense. I'd like more if staves were used more traditionally. Like they could be equipped to increase spells power and for attacking/blocking. I do see how this may not fit the game as well, but I don't think the current incarnation of staves does either. Not a huge deal, but if I'm a wizard I feel like I should want to have a staff and use it quite a bit, not avoid it like the plague...especially now that you can combine spells. I suppose holding a staff in one hand and a spell in the other is a way to conserve mana, but I dunno, it just doesn't seem great to me. It's not a huge deal, but I'd like to see staves be a little more than they are.
#3 Perks aren't looking to be all that they could have been. They seem to be a step down from Fallout's perks which were great. I thought they would be at least on par with that, but sadly they don't seem to be. I'm very excited about perks, but Fallout quality perks would have been amazing.
But I do agree that I would have liked beast legs and spears. Not as much as this stuff, but it would have been nice. People just need to not complain about it as much.... =/