Things that we feel have been misrepresented

Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 1:02 am

We all know why Bethesda didn't want to announce too many features early on. Because they weren't sure they would make it to the final game as things can change greatly in game development over a short space of time.

However I feel that already some things have been misrepresented to us and now we have seen them in action at E3 they might have been better off keeping mum about them from the beginning and not including them at all. For me the biggest one of all is the Horses. Now i'm not a horse fanatic and I could care less if they are in the game or not; but Todd assured us they would get them right or not bother. Now we didn't see a lot of them in the demo but I think we saw enough to know they ain't right and have been told in a interview that there won't be any horse combat. Then the look and feel of what we saw in the demo was poor and more or less like Oblivion. Horse standing there wooden and not tied to anything with a big clunky animation and lack of fluidity. The only thing that was different was that you can rear them. That isn't really getting them right. If someone attacks me on the road and I have to stop and dismount probably while they are swinging at me, not doing any damage due to the animation event, and then fight. THAT IS NOT DOING IT RIGHT. Just ditch them Todd, or has it gone too far?

Next up is the "visceral combat", "draw distance" and the "minimal UI". Grass and bushes still only draw to 50 metres giving you the feeling that you are some kind of 'life god' walking in a dead land whilst plants grow and die in your halo.
"Minimal UI" were they comparing it to minimal techno? Stripped down and classy but with huge bass. I couldn't see the fight going on because of the huge announcements and information pop-ups.
If you can't block when you have a sword in your hand the combat is going to feel wrong period. Duel Wielding I'm looking at you.

Now we will let the Grass thing go this time because it's too late in the game for changes like that but no blocking with two handed swords? Come on!! Also the minimal UI needs massive work especially for PC. If you were trying to copy Apple you ended up with Capcom and if you can't sort out the horses just ditch them, no one will care. They might moan at first but the glory of Skyrim will silence them!! And when they see the state of them at E3 the will know why and respect you for it

I love TES. It's my fav. Like most people here I'm just trying to make suggestions. If I could make just one suggestion it would be to keep your word. The Internet never forgets. Never

Anything you guys feel has been a bit misrepresented?
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sexy zara
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Post » Sun Jun 12, 2011 11:33 pm

There's a difference between your opinion and "us/we" I thought the horses were fine other than being a little bit tubby.

Everything else you're poking holes at is simply making mountains out of molehills "no blocking with two handed swords? Come on!" - They've confirmed you can block with 2h weapons.

Stop nitpicking at the little things.
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Noraima Vega
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 6:12 am

You should ask a mod to rename the title to 'Average Lord has been misreperesented'.

To be fair, we haven't seen a whole lot of horses to judge them properly. Maybe Todd & co. never set out to have horse combat. After all, he said if they feel they are right they'll put them in.

Grass draw could be better, yes.

I like the UI!

Dual Wielding will block if you hold both triggers/buttons, methinks.

EDIT: Oh yeah, this is a negative thread.
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 4:21 am

There's a difference between your opinion and "us/we" I thought the horses were fine other than being a little bit tubby.

Everything else you're poking holes at is simply making mountains out of molehills "no blocking with two handed swords? Come on!" - They've confirmed you can block with 2h weapons.

Stop nitpicking at the little things.

Sorry I meant blocking whilst duel wielding. Sure they are little things and on the whole Skyrim looks great. However it's the little things that count
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KU Fint
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Post » Sun Jun 12, 2011 4:17 pm

There's a difference between your opinion and "us/we" I thought the horses were fine other than being a little bit tubby.

Everything else you're poking holes at is simply making mountains out of molehills "no blocking with two handed swords? Come on!" - They've confirmed you can block with 2h weapons.

Stop nitpicking at the little things.

I thought the horses were a huge improvement, just a little tubby as well but not a major issue. I also really liked the UI, much better than Oblivion in my opinion.
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Sophie Miller
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 3:11 am

Now we will let the Grass thing go this time because it's too late in the game for changes like that but no blocking with two handed swords? Come on!!

Blocking with two-handed swords is confirmed. It's dual-wielding and one handed thats the concern.

Edit: Damn, Ninja'd
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Sarah Bishop
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 6:48 am

The horse looked more like an oversized pony, I think. Also a lack of horse combat is just pure sadness. It's not THAT hard of a concept to pull off.

I didn't see much of a problem with the UI. I have to look through stuff on my hud in EVERY game I play, so I'm pretty much used to it by now. I agree with a lot of people that the compass is better off at the bottom, though.

I could care less about draw distance. I play on the 360, I expect not everything to look right.

As for dual wielding, I kind of expected them to do a system where you would press the right trigger to attack with either or both weapons and use the left trigger to block. I expected the same for two-handed weapons, but not bows really. I didn't really get how you could block a giant axe with a bow in Oblivion. On the other hand, a sword mixed with magic wouldn't really work for blocking whatsoever in that scenario. Maybe there's an auto-block system in place (which I wouldn't like very much to be honest), or maybe you just can't block without a shield anymore (which is just stupid). It's too early to say, really. Maybe the person playing was just being stupid because they figured they had enough health? Who knows.

There's no way to tell if anything is final, really. But heck, I'd be happy even if they just made everything the same as Oblivion but in a different setting, so I'm plenty happy with Skyrim even if some things don't turn out right. They may even turn out for the better, who's to say?
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sally coker
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 8:03 am

Horses: I think the horse riding animations have been improved from oblivion. The only kind of horse combat I really want is archery and maybe projectile spells. As long as dismounting is very quick and fluid and the horse doesn't get in the way I'll be okay with not slicing enemies while on horseback. Considering the only fast travel option we know of other than map-instawalk is carriages between major cities, I'd rather have horses with no mounted combat than no horses at all.

Draw distance: the grass draw distance was short because they want console players to experience the game in real time rather than a slide show. This is a technical limitation that won't be solved until the next generation of consoles, but I'm sure on PC you will be able to set it higher. But the LOD texture distance - look at the mountains.

UI: I'm just surprised you're talking about PC here. I agree there needs to be some changes, and I plan to try and mod it so the H/M/S bars will be stacked in the bottom left and the compass will be in the bottom right, with everything (especially text) a bit smaller. Luckily, this will most likely be completely possible on PC.

The horse looked more like an oversized pony, I think. Also a lack of horse combat is just pure sadness. It's not THAT hard of a concept to pull off.

Looked kinda like a,1175168016,1/stock-photo-profile-of-clydesdale-horse-2970437.jpg to me.
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Chris Ellis
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Post » Sun Jun 12, 2011 3:59 pm

Ok mfirst off you can block with a 2 hander... secondly I like the horses. Thirdly I love the ui and finaly if the grass bothers you that much...tough.
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candice keenan
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Post » Sun Jun 12, 2011 11:01 pm

The only thing I have a problem with is the messages on the HUD, they are way too intrusive. Everything else I am fine with (although it would be nice if we can block while dual wielding, but we don't know for sure if this is in or out yet anyways).
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Post » Sun Jun 12, 2011 6:45 pm

I agree about the draw distance on the tundra, and while the horses look alright, I really hope they take their time to include mounted combat or the fans will nag about it for another five years. Also, no forced perspective switching, PLEASE.
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Post » Sun Jun 12, 2011 6:48 pm

We all know why Bethesda didn't want to announce too many features early on. Because they weren't sure they would make it to the final game as things can change greatly in game development over a short space of time.

However I feel that already some things have been misrepresented to us and now we have seen them in action at E3 they might have been better off keeping mum about them from the beginning and not including them at all. For me the biggest one of all is the Horses. Now i'm not a horse fanatic and I could care less if they are in the game or not; but Todd assured us they would get them right or not bother. Now we didn't see a lot of them in the demo but I think we saw enough to know they ain't right and have been told in a interview that there won't be any horse combat. Then the look and feel of what we saw in the demo was poor and more or less like Oblivion. Horse standing there wooden and not tied to anything with a big clunky animation and lack of fluidity. The only thing that was different was that you can rear them. That isn't really getting them right. If someone attacks me on the road and I have to stop and dismount probably while they are swinging at me, not doing any damage due to the animation event, and then fight. THAT IS NOT DOING IT RIGHT. Just ditch them Todd, or has it gone too far?

Next up is the "visceral combat", "draw distance" and the "minimal UI". Grass and bushes still only draw to 50 metres giving you the feeling that you are some kind of 'life god' walking in a dead land whilst plants grow and die in your halo.
"Minimal UI" were they comparing it to minimal techno? Stripped down and classy but with huge bass. I couldn't see the fight going on because of the huge announcements and information pop-ups.
If you can't block when you have a sword in your hand the combat is going to feel wrong period. Duel Wielding I'm looking at you.

Now we will let the Grass thing go this time because it's too late in the game for changes like that but no blocking with two handed swords? Come on!! Also the minimal UI needs massive work especially for PC. If you were trying to copy Apple you ended up with Capcom and if you can't sort out the horses just ditch them, no one will care. They might moan at first but the glory of Skyrim will silence them!! And when they see the state of them at E3 the will know why and respect you for it

I love TES. It's my fav. Like most people here I'm just trying to make suggestions. If I could make just one suggestion it would be to keep your word. The Internet never forgets. Never

Anything you guys feel has been a bit misrepresented?, you say?
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Felix Walde
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 1:44 am

I like the horses, I dont think they are too fat, they are simply portrayed as sturdy mountain horses.
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Stacy Hope
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 6:19 am

Won't these complaints never end? If I could wish for one thing a this particular moment, it would be that everyone would stop complaining, wait until the game comes out, and then start complaining. It just doesn't feel right to whine about things we have hardly seen. For example the UI. I agree, the notifications about skill increases and what not are pretty large, but I bet the feeling will be different when you play the actual game compared to just watching a demo. Also, the argument that you are giving constructive criticism is just crap. I hardly believe that they will change anything based on one guy's opinion, especially now that they have progressed so far with the game.
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Post » Sun Jun 12, 2011 6:53 pm

We just have to wait and see. They will slowly release info to keep us satisfied and tease us. Its all marketing I think
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 2:22 am

Aww guys i believe horses looks very cute and funny :wub:
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Post » Sun Jun 12, 2011 10:27 pm

I like the horses, I dont think they are too fat, they are simply portrayed as sturdy mountain horses.

This. Also, trust me when I say that horse combat really would just be annoying in a TES game. They're better off focusing on things you won't get sick of after five minutes. People just want it in as a gimmick. It's only in games like Mount & Blade and Red Dead Redemption because you're fighting other people on horses quite regularly, so it deserved a lot of development time. In a TES game, with no locking on of any kind, it'd just be annoying. Games like RDR and Mount & Blade are also realistic with their damage system, but TES is not. Therefore, you'd have to ride past, swinging your sword once each time, only doing the damage of one regular swing, meaning combat just drags on. You'd end up just jumping off the horse, believe me.
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Dan Endacott
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Post » Sun Jun 12, 2011 8:24 pm

another nitpick thread
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Enny Labinjo
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 12:37 am

...trying to copy Apple you ended up with Capcom,

Hehehee, I like your comparison here :D

Yeah, the UI might work just fine for the console, but 50 centimeters away from a PC monitor, they took up too much space. Something to consider here. Just reduce their scale, then we're good enough I think.
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 12:24 am

THAT IS NOT DOING IT RIGHT. Just ditch them Todd, or has it gone too far?

If they ditched everything that someone didn't like, let alone ditched anything that wasn't perfect, we wouldn't have a game.
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 5:08 am

The only thing that really bothered me was what appeared to be Dragon Age style finishers. For example when he killed the dragon with an axe to the head in third person. Sure it looked cool, but it felt more like a cutscene. Ultimately I would rather have control over how I finish off the enemy. Finishing moves in 1st person are a god compromise.
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Mrs Pooh
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 1:35 am

combat no sence of real contact, conversation same pompous dialog as oblivion :verymad: , and nordic gritty elemant
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Dina Boudreau
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 5:53 am

I agree with you on the horses, they really aren't much better than Oblivion horses. Get rid of them or make them more fluid. Everything else is fine. I expected the small draw distance, and the combat and UI don't bother me at all.
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TRIsha FEnnesse
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Post » Sun Jun 12, 2011 6:08 pm

You should ask a mod to rename the title to 'Average Lord has been misreperesented'.

To be fair, we haven't seen a whole lot of horses to judge them properly. Maybe Todd & co. never set out to have horse combat. After all, he said if they feel they are right they'll put them in.

Grass draw could be better, yes.

I like the UI!

Dual Wielding will block if you hold both triggers/buttons, methinks.

EDIT: Oh yeah, this is a negative thread.

Horses look better than Oblivion, however no mouted combat will probably give us the same problem as in Oblivion, you get a tail of enemies after you however in Skyrim you can run into enemies far tougher than you and get attacked by dragons.

Fonts on console was designed for consoles, should be simple to reduce on PC, if console players think its too large, shout, it’s easy to change now.
Block and dual wield sounds simple more probably that it’s in than greaves.
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