Things that happened that made you go hughhh....

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:12 pm

Tell something that happened that was just wierd.

This just happened to me. This game always surprises me.

So I come into Whiterun after a day(in game) of exploring. First things I see is the archer/bosmer from riverwood faendal(i think it's his name). He says to me that we are different and that I didn't do my job by letting a dragon kill some of the people in Riverwood. Honestly I tried and I was sad to see some great people go that day. Anyway this archer is pist. So he walks by me after putting me down and walks right into my house, I stand there in total shock, after a minute of trying to put this in my head he pops out of my house in a much better mood. Waking along all jolly and happy now instead of pist off. The thing is my wife was inside. I go inside and my wife seems a little disorientated as she is waking down from our bedroom. Still I am in total shock. She cheated on me!

Now I sit by the fire as she repeatedly ask me if I am alright, over and over again. I'm trying l figure this all out. Then it hits me and here's the kicker. My wife is Camilla the shopkeeper of riverwoods daughter and girl that is involved in the love triangle with....wait for it....FAENDALl from Riverwood! They must still be in love. I am deciding if I should kill this dude for messing with my wife or let my wife go for messing with him, it takes two to tango.

Really I just could not believe how far in depth this far game goes. It blew my mind. I've seen some really great things in this game as far depth but nothing to this extent. Please comment and feel free to share your story. Still I can't believe it. This will be a great story to tell anyone who asks how much involved can you get in the world of Skyrim.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:53 am

Perform the Black Sacrament... we'll take care of the rest. :teehee:
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Rachael Williams
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:36 pm

Honestly I think you are reading into this too much. The marriage system in Skyrim is really shallow and I would be shocked if Bethesda actually made it possible for your spouse to cheat on you, let alone have them remember and acknowledge their previously established relationships with other NPCs.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:39 pm

Belethor said something other than "doooo come baaack." It was still sorta weird though cause I think it was "Like I always say, i'll give you the best prices or die trying." Never heard him say that!
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Amie Mccubbing
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:13 am

Honestly I think you are reading into this too much. The marriage system in Skyrim is really shallow and I would be shocked if Bethesda actually made it possible for your spouse to cheat on you, let alone have them remember and acknowledge their previously established relationships with other NPCs.

Actually after looking into it you would be surprised to know that it is in fact that detailed on Bethesdas part, maybe not the cheating but on UESPwiki it says he may show up at your house looking for Camilla and later Camilla will give you a reward for killing him. So it is that detailed. I have the guide and it gets pretty deep man. I browse through it every once In a while and there is really some great detail put into the relationships of the game.

Here's the link.
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