There are somethings that just bother me about New Vegas, and Legion is one of them.
I really want to RP as a Legion-orientated character, but they're just so damn unsympathetic it's grating. If Ulysses were there as a full character and companion, offering up his thoughts on NCR and why Legion is better would've been a refreshing change of pace compared to all the pro-NCR characters you meet in the game. You see more NCR lands, more NCR concepts, and though corrupt, NCR is still more sympathetic.
When you first meet Legion, they burnt down an entire town, crucified some people, and enslaved the rest.
All other Legion controlled territory in-game seems to promote the Legion's cruelty and many characters, even Centurions, outright state that the Legion will fall apart soon after Caesar's death. which is pretty much inevitable without the intervention of the Courier.
Then the bugs. I actually found some new ones yesterday while playing. One bug caused me to actually fly into the sky and then die because of the fall damage. My hand in my pip-boy disappeared, and when I was sneaking around the Bison Steve Hotel, I had to use third-person because my gun was literally invisible and my bullets didn't even show up even though I was hitting people.
btw random question, did they ever patch the corrupt save bug in Come Fly with Me? I never entered Repconn HQ after that incident.