Things that made you go "What?"

Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 11:27 pm

The sky turned pink and I fell through the ground

Is that a sign of the apocalypse?
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Liv Brown
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 10:21 pm

Replying to my own thread, because some crazy [censored] just happened.

I had just started a new character, and I had accepted the Super Duper Mart scavenging quest. I was walking from Megaton to the mart, and when I was on the hill above it, I saw an explosion similar to a nuclear car exploding, so I just thought that the raiders who are always in front of the mart had hit one while fighting eyebots or something. I snuck up to the corner, and looked around, seeing 2 raiders fighting 2 eyebots. One of them wore a Wasteland settler outfit, and fired an energy weapon that I couldn't see what was, but it fired some blue balls, and I just thought that it was one of the new weps from the many mods that I have installed. The 2 eyebots fell pretty quickly, and I fired upon the raiders with my 10mm from my hiding place. The one with the energy wep hits me 2 times, and suddenly my health is at 20%. I freak the [censored] out, and as it gets closer, I can see that it's the Firelance! The explosion I had seen was the UFO exploding, and Alien Power Cells were scattered around the parking lot. Note that I'm only level 3 at this point, so if I hadn't hid behind a pillar, I'd been fried. I wait for my AP to restore, and then jump out, hit V.A.T.S., and kills them both with some headshots.

Now I have the Firelance this early in the game, and it's the first time I've gotten it without using the console. Talk about luck. But I freaked out when I saw it, and I was left mouth-wide-open afterwards.
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neil slattery
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Post » Wed Nov 30, 2011 7:22 am

Is that a sign of the apocalypse?

Must have been revenge from the Children of Atom for what I did to their "god".
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Post » Wed Nov 30, 2011 4:47 am

My first visit to the overlook drive in. I crouch nearby and snipe while Outcast Brotherhoods start a war with some raiders. I shot a truck, trying to blow it up... I shoot it again... and then every single car there blows up. :o
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Post » Wed Nov 30, 2011 1:36 am

The Moria Brown "head-spin" glitch.

That happened to me with Crazy Wolfgang. Now I know why 'Crazy' is part of his name.

My most recent 'WTF' moment was trying to get to the Ranger Compound to finish Reilly's Rangers. I was in Seward Square where the Preacher is and was backed into a corner by about 20 mutants (never in previous playthroughs seen that many there) and stepped too close to a bus because I was back-peddling to get away. Cue death music.

On my first time in that area the Preacher guy scared me. It was just dead silent and then 'NOT ONE STEP CLOSER WORM!!!!'
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RUby DIaz
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Post » Wed Nov 30, 2011 12:44 pm

Is that a sign of the apocalypse?

Could be, but more likely it is a sign of the Rupture.
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Umpyre Records
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Post » Wed Nov 30, 2011 1:23 pm

Could be, but more likely it is a sign of the Rupture.


PLEASE, I'm already facing the bear because of Chris and HA's ceaseless GANKING.
X"""""""DDDDDDDDDDD :nuke:

I've never seen the head spin glitch, the most irritating is def the stuck in rocks glitch. I got it once where I was stuck in some rocks, the only feasible way out was forward, but I couldn't GO forward because I was on the edge of the map. *facepalm*
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Isabel Ruiz
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Post » Wed Nov 30, 2011 1:26 am

I saw a door in the National Archives that had to be lockpicked... to be closed.

I also had the Mysterious Stranger's shots go literally right through the guy he was targeting... twice.

He also had to reload when he appeared... and his gun jammed. He didn't fire any shots.
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Alexis Acevedo
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 10:04 pm

Locked first aid kits....

It makes sense in some circumstances. You don't want little kids getting into the drugs after all.

No, that is why they would be mounted five feet high on the wall.

Imagine if you will, this scenario:
Bill severs his hand from his arm on a machine at the factory one day.
Tom and dike rush to his aid.
Tom begins to apply pressure to Bill's Axillary artery to slow the bleeding, while dike rushes to the nearest first aid kit to retrieve supplies to apply a tourniquet.
dike discovers the first aid kit is locked, and immediately calls for the supervisor with the key.
Bill bleeds out while waiting on the supervisor to arrive...

You don't lock first aid kits.
Drugs that may require special training to administer may be stored separately, maybe in a locked room or cabinet... but even then, the case it's self (usually called a "crash kit" or a "field surgery kit") is not locked.

Ever notice that gauze and other supplies in a first aid kit are wrapped in a tissue thin wax paper, and not mylar or plastic? It's so they can be opened easily without needing to use a knife or scissors. It kind of defeats the reasoning if you make someone have to fumble for their key to get to them.

I know, it's just a game... but still, the first time I found a locked first aid kit, I immediately thought "WTF?"...
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Thomas LEON
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 11:00 pm

just last night while wandering the Wastes I came upon a cavern with a Giant Radscorpion roaming around....alittle further up the cavern was a Deathclaw......they caught site of each other....thinking to beans! This is gonna be good...(I love it when I get to see enemies fight each other) the Radscorp ran towards the Deathclaw....Zooom....there went the damn Deathclaw...up in outerspace never to be seen or heard from again....damn...that woulda been a cool fight....
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Chloe Yarnall
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Post » Wed Nov 30, 2011 6:56 am

i was going through a reaver infested metro. and i was using a ghoul mask to help. well guess what? i had dogmeat with me. and he saw reavers as hostile. so he bites one, and it jitters like mad. so i put it out of it''s misery. BAD MOVE. it glitched and the body was moving everywhere. i couldnt even loot it it was going so fast.

*edit* cerestes, he chickened out BIG time.
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Lory Da Costa
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Post » Wed Nov 30, 2011 12:48 am

I looked up one day and the moon was purple. Everything else was fine except that the moon...was purple. It was odd.
In a random encounter I came across a friendly rad scorpion. I promptly shot it with a Tesla Cannon.
Then there is Fawkes' immortality. I don't know if it is just unbelievebly high health or a glitch but (after he took on all my other followers and won) I shot him with 4 MINI NUKES and it didn't even dent his healthbar. Three NukaGrenades also failed.
Also, another case of body glitches, with Charon at Adam's Air Force Base. I was using the multiple followers glitch and had Charon and Fawkes with me when I noticed Charon was not behind me. I used VATS and found him not too far away, behind a wall. I then targeted his legs and found that they were stretched out (about as long as he is tall). After awhile he would start following me and then he would glitch again. Rinse. Repeat. After I got in the crawler I had no problems.
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Post » Wed Nov 30, 2011 5:47 am

I'm betting that you were near Bigtown, and if you ever do the quest in Bigtown... you're going to wish you remembered where that Protectron body had landed. Due to the way the body is placed in Bigtown, it works fine on the first visit, but on your second visit to the cell it gets launched high up in the air in a random direction.

I thought that was just a wierd bug I ran into, but I guess others have experienced it too. I was near big town and saw a protectron just fly into the air... The most suprising part, was that I was not suprised at all. I have seen wierd physics and AI behavior all over this game, and I love it. I shot down a Vertibird during another random encounter, and it blew up as expected. After the explosion FX wore off, the damn thing was just sitting there in mid air, like a static object. I did freak out a little when Enclave soldiers started falling from the sky. Easiest fight I ever had.
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Post » Wed Nov 30, 2011 2:58 am

I looked up one day and the moon was purple. Everything else was fine except that the moon...was purple. It was odd.
In a random encounter I came across a friendly rad scorpion. I promptly shot it with a Tesla Cannon.
Then there is Fawkes' immortality. I don't know if it is just unbelievebly high health or a glitch but (after he took on all my other followers and won) I shot him with 4 MINI NUKES and it didn't even dent his healthbar. Three NukaGrenades also failed.
Also, another case of body glitches, with Charon at Adam's Air Force Base. I was using the multiple followers glitch and had Charon and Fawkes with me when I noticed Charon was not behind me. I used VATS and found him not too far away, behind a wall. I then targeted his legs and found that they were stretched out (about as long as he is tall). After awhile he would start following me and then he would glitch again. Rinse. Repeat. After I got in the crawler I had no problems.

its not a glitch, its just really really bad leveling. its just it is in FAVOR with you this time. npc followers do not level up with you (IE. charon.) and become cannon fodder at higher levels. while creature followers (IE. fawkes, dogmeat, the mister gutsy whos name i cant remember) become nearly immortal at level 20, and pretty much immortal at level 30.
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Kerri Lee
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Post » Wed Nov 30, 2011 9:11 am

npc followers do not level up with you (IE. charon.)

Yes, they do. And their HP and skills increase as well. They don't have the BS bug that the creature followers (Dogmeat, RL-3 and Fawkes) have so they never become invincible.
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Kay O'Hara
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Post » Wed Nov 30, 2011 7:39 am

That's just one of the many random encounters in the game, buddy. Nothing uncommon about that. But yeah, I know what you mean -- a fridge in the middle of the Wastes is pretty odd. I mean, how the hell did it get there?

hey maby indiana jones' body is in there :hubbahubba:
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Jaylene Brower
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Post » Wed Nov 30, 2011 1:10 pm

its not a glitch, its just really really bad leveling. its just it is in FAVOR with you this time. npc followers do not level up with you (IE. charon.) and become cannon fodder at higher levels. while creature followers (IE. fawkes, dogmeat, the mister gutsy whos name i cant remember) become nearly immortal at level 20, and pretty much immortal at level 30.

It's pretty ridiculous though. I did a test and he was able to survive 12 Mini Nuke hits. The 13th killed him though. This was of course, after he plowed through the rest of my team.

More things that make me go "What?":
The fact that you can carry a U-hauls worth of equipment. In your pockets. 2 suits of power armor, a plasma rifle, a fat man, 100 stimpacks. That's nothing.
When my character breaks the lock on a weak metal door he won't just kick it down. Even worse: locked suitcase.
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Post » Wed Nov 30, 2011 11:19 am

In your pockets? You can do it in your underwear! A little bit of an anti-immersive oversight, IMO; your character should need a pretty good sized pack as well as a weight-limited carry capacity... or at least a multi-pocketed coat, like a Wasteland Scavenger coat.

I see a lot of that falling ragdoll spawning of dead npc's, robots and critters when the game reloads as I step out of a door. The movement catches my eye and gives me a little surge of "FIGHT!" and then I realize the game is just set-dressing with some corpses. They never fall exactly like I left them, of course, but close enough. :shrug:
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Post » Wed Nov 30, 2011 10:03 am

When I first saw the It spawned as a she. But had a beard. This was re-confirmed when I saw the wiki page, it says so in the notes.
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Danny Blight
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 10:06 pm

One time I was playing with a ....few.... too many mods. I was playing a while with my laptop and when the thing gets hot weird thing happen in the capital wasteland. I was currently ignoring that my laptop was practically on fire and was in the Underworld recruting Charon. As I talk to Azkurahl, his neck turns to wax, and his head spins until it is upisde down. He continues to talk to me as though he isn't melting. After Charon offs him I converse with various other ghouls and they behave in a typical manor. Their heads stopped melting after I took them off though.
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Post » Wed Nov 30, 2011 4:45 am take my

That last one was a biggie. The game not only forgot to load the texture for that area, but also the collision. If it werent' for my jetpack I would have been unable to get to Rivet City. Not that it mattered, the game crashed when I tried to save.
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Izzy Coleman
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Post » Wed Nov 30, 2011 5:58 am

I approached Greener Pastures Disposal the other night. In front of the office was a car, hanging in mid-air, about 30 feet off the ground. I shot it til it exploded. Pretty cool. My fav though is when you throw a nade at a deathclaw or Protectron, and they rocket off into the sky.
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Kelsey Hall
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Post » Wed Nov 30, 2011 9:37 am

Eulogy Jones' suit it was very early in my first playthrough and I had yet to encounter anything but raiders and animals. (I didn't go to megaton until way later I just wandered north) I used my karma to get in without having to do the quest and amidst all this scum is a guy in a zoot suit. I found it awesome and had to have it so I gunned him down only to get gunned down in turn by a minigun.
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Trevor Bostwick
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Post » Wed Nov 30, 2011 1:31 am

Going into the Vaults (108 I think) with the clones. "Gary?"
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Juan Suarez
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Post » Wed Nov 30, 2011 8:53 am

Going into the Vaults (108 I think) with the clones. "Gary?"

"Gary... Haha! Gary!" I wanted to keep one as a pet but accidentally petted them to hard with Blackhawk.
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