A comment I saw on one of my loading screens said (and I'm paraphrasing) "Any weapon or piece of armor you find can be improved at a smithy, even if you don't have a perk". Apparently that's easier said than done, because you CAN'T improve any weapon or armor. Numerous ones seem to be missing a material classification or they have the wrong material classification.
I know this isn't news to anyone. I know I'm just complaining, but I feel like this is completely justified. I cannot understand how in all of their content patches they never fixed these mess ups, when all they had to do was change some line of code. Maybe that's easier said than done, but man... with all this stuff being common knowledge for so long you think they would've done something about it.
I also will forever be hurt by the spell absorb effect absorbing summons, so you cannot effectively play a summoner using absorb effects. Again, seems like a major oversight that was never fixed. I've been told it was extremely easy to fix, like deleting a line of code or unchecking a box, easy to fix.
All of these things make me want to cry. Anyone want to share theirs? Let's just cry it out people.