Hello everyone, this a big one and yes my first post, but i felt i had some issues i didn't like about the game and thought i would put them all together rather than have a few several little posts. Enjoy.
Let’s just say how it is. These are my opinions, some may agree, some may disagree, but these are my opinions and for what they are worth, right or wrong, I feel that Zenimax have let down the elderscroll fan base.
This is not skyrim, this is not morrowind, oblivion, and this is elderscolls online. This is the rhetoric I hear from people trying to defend this game, but we have to appreciate that this game is base in those worlds and if it has any chance of credibility as being an elderscrolls game it really needs to look at some of the important factors that makes Morrowind and skyrim the games that we have come to love.
I have played in 3 of the Betas now and at first I was not impressed. But the problem was that I couldn’t see why I was not impressed. Slowly the game started to grow, and I started to like it, I couldn’t explain it but it was starting to become interesting. And then I decided to play skyrim to see what it was I was missing. What was it about the other single player games that we have come to love? And why this so called elderscrolls online is not even a shadow on the bethesdas award winning games.
The character skill sets are a brilliant concept, it allows for a basic set skills that you get as a class Launchpad, but essentially everyone is the same. Each race has a unique ability, or resistance, each race gets unique bonuses, but essentially we are all the same. We have the same skills. I could be a dragon knight and decide to be a caster, I could be a caster and decide to use heavy armour and sword and board, the sword and board skill set is pretty much the same across the board. But with each of the launch pads we have a pre-determined character class. That essentially, we will not move away from. So realistically this is not going to stop alternate characters. And I was hoping for a game where I didn’t have to have alternate characters. If I want to be a decent enough caster, I have to take the caster class Launchpad, and if I want to change to sword and board, then I don’t stand a hope in hells chance of being anywhere as good as player who has taken a tank class. So this will mean I will have to have alternate characters if I want to be any good in a chosen class type.
So was it this that was bothering me? Maybe. In the elderscrolls single player games, we do not have any pre-determined skill set, we can choose what we want to be as we progress.
But still something was bugging me and it was when I was playing Skyrim again I realised what it was and the list is pretty ugly.
In ESO, there is no weight to character animation combat. Some will disagree, but I challenge you to play skyrim and watch what happens when you kill a monster or NPC, when they die, they fly away from you, in the direction of your weapon swing, with an excellent rag doll effect, in elderscrolls they seem to have some pathetic death animation like someone trying to have the last word.
Where was the huge inertia from my god almighty swing, or the staggering effects of being impaled by an arrow launched from a super strong bow? The bow is another bone of contention and I will pick this topic up again later.
Simply put the combat is all very busy and looks impressive but the climix to a huge fight ends with an NPC/Monster looking vacant and slumping to the ground? Bit of an anti-climix really.
And who among you sometimes enjoyed the morbid affair of picking up a dead Monster you just killed, and dumping it in the river to hide the evidence? Ok skyrim is a single player game, no one’s actually going to care or take notice, but that’s the issue, the single player game felt more like I needed to hide my fresh assassination kill from other NPC’s, random guards wonder over and complain “I don’t know who’s done this but if I find out, some one’s going to pay.” You all must recall the speech animation of the guards, please tell me I was not imagining that.
And is ESO, well I have not seen any corpses floating down stream in the rivers? Shame zenimax missed out on something quite special there.
So picking up corpses and disposing of your road rage. Not in ESO.
Which brings me to another element of the game that they missed out on.
Have you ever, either on purpose or by accident killed a chicken in riverwood or whiterun? I bet some of you have. Now during the heat of battle, some NPC’s in the single player games were accidentally killed and the game was intuitive enough to realise that it could well have been the huge dragon breathing fire down on the town folks, and not really your arrow you just loosed into the crowds. But if you went on a killing spree of livestock, not only would the guards, but the towns folks come for you, if you refused to pay the fine. OMG I getting killed by a guard for murdering a chicken. My own fault really.
In ESO, a friend of mine decided to murder the livestock belonging to the towns folk of davons watch in full view of the guards like it’s the most natural thing for them to witness?? No fine, no guards chasing him…. Cool my friend thought and finished off murdering everything that was wondering around that he could attack, and the guards did…. You got it, NOTHING. Boring! Huge fail Zenimax.
Which brings me to the next point. NPC’s guards and townfolk are not even killable? So you can’t kill anyone other than NPC/monsters? An NPC really annoys you, not unlike the priest in whiterun preaching about Talos? Remember him?, who here killed him when you became a werewolf for the first time? I am telling you he was the only one that was butchered in whiterun, after becoming a werewolf, and I left everyone else alone, because I liked everyone else.
Now Zenimax will come up with some really obscure reason why not, but frankly other MMO’s have managed making everything in the world targetable and killable for years, why not you?
There are ways to get around this issue, and any player who has played some of the older MMO’s will know what I am on about, when I say positive and negative faction related hits.
Sneaking… Sneaking sneaky sneaky, picking pockets, picking chests open, looting cupboards.
You know what happens in the single player games. You get caught, fined and if you refuse, either the guards let you go because it’s not worth there time, or Fight, fight, fight.
In ESO, nothing??? Baffled beyond belief. I am stealing your lockpicks from your chest over here, look at me stealing from your foot locker… ? No fine, no guards, no warnings, no complaints. FAIL!
Which leads back to combat and sneaking, and more importantly I am linking bow use in this.
You sneak, bring out your bow, draw back the arrow, take aim…. Loose.
Apart from the incredibly feeble range in which arrow flies, and in fact disappears after a certain range, you stand up because you fired an arrow? Why am I not in sneak mode still, why do I stand up because I fired an arrow? It needs the NPC to come find me, not for me to stand up waving my arms around shouting I am over here, if you failed to notice my arrow being fired at you. OMG ZeniFail
Oh yes and no ragdoll affects from being hit by arrows. Vacant look of dying victim, is that an aaaaarhg.
Sneak should be as in the single player game, make it worth something, your using an ability, make other players have to work to find you, they need to be more observant about their surroundings, you shouldn’t be penalised for using sneak and attacking from sneak with a range attack like that. If player manages to duck behind cover just after firing, and the NPC or player didn’t see where they were, tough, make them run around looking that’s what sneak is for, not some failed attempt to allow someone just to get the drop shot.
And Bow use. First thing I wanted to do when I got into the beta was get a Bow asap and start being a sniper rogue, it seemed it was never to be, bow seems to be the most useless weapon in the game, has no real weight behind each attack (staggering) and you can’t remained sneaking when using it. Why can’t I crouch and remained ducked making me a smaller target? Why do I have to stand up?
If you have the little eye crosshair opening and closing, why? Why? Why? If it’s not going to make a damn bit of difference to the NPC or players? Why is it in the game? This just seems like a failed attempt to put something in the game from the single player, that you haven’t managed to get to work.
Which brings me to soft targets. Some of you may know what I am on about here, some may not. So for the benefit of those who don’t, here it is.
Soft targets is where you cast a spell or loose any arrow or swing a sword, but your cross hair is not over your target, but is in the general area of your target, the game seems to allow for a chance to hit, this is soft targeting.
For the most part, firing into a crowd of people, you’re going to hit something, and soft targeting works. But when it seems to be that you duck behind a cover way before the ranged affect has chance to reach you, the spells and arrows seem to defy the laws of nature, curving their way around objects. I have never seen an arrow turn a corner. Or a directed spell traveling in a straight line, suddenly do 90 degree turns. Until now!?
If your casting spells or shooting arrows, you’re already at range from you’re target. Which means you have a clear advantage in combat, the range user is not being hit or attacked. So why give them an advantage of soft targeting, where as long as they’re firing in the general direction you will hit?
The skill of a range user is to anticipate the actions of the enemy and land that all-important ranged attack at the right time. And it’s the skill of the CQ combatant to close the range to beat to death with a melee weapon. The skill sets allow for a caster to be able to wear more protective armour if need be, and even swap out his staff for a sword and board… now that would humiliating, a caster fails to finish off his target with spells and the enemy closes in, the caster swaps to sword and board proves to him/herself that it wasn’t a waste skill points, taking those skills after all when they smash the CQ combatants head in?
If a spell is targeted at the ground next to me while I am hid behind a wall or obstacle, and the small blast AOE is pecking away at my health then so be it, well played caster. If I manage to double tap and duck behind a wall, I don’t want to see a spell following me around corners. IMO this is another fail.