Things that I Noticed / Learned from Todd's presentation of

Post » Wed Jun 08, 2011 3:20 pm

1) Mounted travel looks a little bit shaky, but much better than it did in Oblivion.
2) When you look at the map the camera zooms out at the world instead of just staring at a sheet of paper with some markings.
3) They went into one of the starter towns and it looks somewhat similar to that of Oblivion, a guy just stands there staring at nothing and then a woman comes up randomly to talk, but we couldn't really see / hear what the convo was about.
4) We saw the interface it looks sick! The items are in 3D and you can move them around to view various angles of them.
5) When the break was over we saw new footage of where which the one dude is stuck in the spider web for that Golden Claw quest and then he runs away and the PC chases him and kills him. Unfortunately, the remaining clips were what we've already seen yesterday.
6) The Frost Dragon is extra tough because of his frost breath which not only does damage but slows down the PC and REDUCES YOUR STAMINA. Not good.
7) Dragon Priest is a boss kinda monster, reminds me of the Lich.

What did you notice?

Edit: Why did I put an apostrophe on the word Things? Can some moderator or someone please edit that, I svck!
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Post » Wed Jun 08, 2011 5:18 am

Is there somewhere I can watch this?

(Don't have cable tv)
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Dominic Vaughan
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Post » Wed Jun 08, 2011 12:04 am

Please let there be a Youtube link!
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Brandon Wilson
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Post » Wed Jun 08, 2011 1:11 am

Is there somewhere I can watch this?

(Don't have cable tv)

I concur.
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Lory Da Costa
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Post » Wed Jun 08, 2011 1:52 am

The ability to parry with duel wield.
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Matt Fletcher
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Post » Wed Jun 08, 2011 3:42 am

Well, the guardian stones are basically the rune stones from Oblivion...
Dungeons, at least the one I saw in the video, you still have to go through a door, but not much of a loading screen
Jobs are just a light touch, not a big feature

and Kevin will likely get flamed for momentarily referring to it as the Oblivion series on accident
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Kelvin Diaz
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Post » Tue Jun 07, 2011 11:54 pm

the new frost atrinarch looks kinda cool...looks like regice from pokemon
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Nicole Kraus
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Post » Wed Jun 08, 2011 8:42 am

Did I say this was absolutely jaw-dropping? The G4 crew was literally amazed, and so was I. The applause was loud, game of the show, game of the year. Skyrim shall concur!
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Post » Wed Jun 08, 2011 6:39 am

The ability to parry with duel wield.

Really? I didnt notice tha :o
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joseluis perez
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Post » Wed Jun 08, 2011 12:00 pm

Menus for dialogue and favoriting weapons/spells to each hand look sleek as heck.
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Liv Brown
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Post » Wed Jun 08, 2011 1:18 am

Armor is split into oblivion level at least. Block Confirmed, Light armor confirmed.
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Post » Wed Jun 08, 2011 9:26 am

Raspy Dunmer Voices are back! Please someone come along and say I wasn't hearing things.
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Post » Wed Jun 08, 2011 1:00 pm

Todd confirmed that the city we see in the distance on the Tundra in the scene with the giants and Mammoths is Whiterun.

Archery is a skill (all skills 18 should be knowable now as I'm sure they showed them all in the scenes with the menus)
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Georgia Fullalove
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Post » Wed Jun 08, 2011 1:31 pm

Does G4 usually post this kind of stuff later?
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Zosia Cetnar
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Post » Wed Jun 08, 2011 4:15 am

Loved the 3D map of Skyrim, Im literally going to play oblivion after battlefield 3 to pump myself up more for skyrim.
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Robert Jr
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Post » Wed Jun 08, 2011 3:24 am

Part one is up on youtube in 10-20 min
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Matthew Warren
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Post » Wed Jun 08, 2011 4:14 am

:') Despite the 240p quality and the lag, it was just........... amazing!
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Post » Wed Jun 08, 2011 8:16 am

Does G4 usually post this kind of stuff later?

We can have it now
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Connor Wing
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Post » Wed Jun 08, 2011 8:46 am

I noticed horker meat in the item menu.... HORKERS CONFIRMED
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Christine Pane
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Post » Wed Jun 08, 2011 7:16 am

1)Conversation with Giants possible. (ty Velorien)

2)Multiple types of Dragons: Fire & Frost Dragons. Frost stronger than Fire Dragons.(make sense, we are in the cold north)

3)Dragons can dive and pick up creatures as large as Giants.(at the very least, wow)

4)Todd stated over 150 dungeons! (ty woods0419) (although im assuming he is including points of interests in that number)

5)Dragon "Quickening" Confirmed! LOL

6)Heavy Armor confirmed. (ty The Terror Of Death) (and yes that suggests light armor at the very least)

7)Storm Summoning Shout, that calls a thunderstorm to strike your enemies with lightning. (ty The Terror Of Death)

8)Todd states 3 major factions. (ty Agent Grey)

9)Dragon finishing moves confirmed.

10)Yazorazer made this observation... "I notice that guy was just standing there when his friend got hit(by todd with the arrow)but if you look closer he does equip his weapon"

11) Silverglade made this observation... "They also seem to have toned down the over the top combat physics. When he shot those people with the bow, they tended to just slump to the ground instead of flying through the air."

12)Dragons will fly around the battlefield while fighting and wont just land next to you to engage. (ty kermit.the.frog)

13)RaelBR made this observation... "In the tower, look like we have dynamic retina eye simulation in this game (look how dark is inside, and it gets brighter when he go inside)."

14)Guards participate in Dragon fights. (ty kermit.the.frog)

15)Mr. Tissue Box made this observation... "Anyone notice Michael Mack (male Redguard) and Linda Canyon (female Elf) voicing the bandits?"

16)Having bow drawn decreases fatigue. (ty Orzorn)

16a)Roland1232 made this observation... "If you'll notice, fatigue is drained when you hold your breath to zoom in, not simply by drawing the bow."

17)Orzorn made this observation... "you can clearly see, in the bottom right corner just above the stamina bar, "62 Iron Arrows", which drops to "61 Iron Arrows" when he fires the arrow"

18)Sneak attacks with Bow have a 2x damage. (ty Orzorn) (might be perks to bring that up though)

19)Dragons have the ability to dodge/evade attacks while flying. (ty sherby10)

20)Near the beginning of the demo there is a fox chasing a rabbit into the bushes. (ty Orzorn)

21)Aradal made this observation in another thread... Look at the part where he casts the Restoration spells in the beginning. Notice how some of them have different durations? And if you notice the Mana bar doesn't get drained immediately, it gets drained little by little. (ty for letting me use it buddy)

22)Orzorn made this observation... UI: The bars are symmetrical in how they lower. The Magicka bar, being on the left, lowers from the right to the left. The health bar, being in the middle, lowers on BOTH SIDES towards the CENTER of the bar. The Stamina bar, being on the right, lowers from the left to the right.

23)Negeator made this observation... "I noticed that the character seems to hold their breath (if you listen VERY carefully in the demo, you'll hear the sound) when zooming in with the bow."

24)When Dragons crash on earth the mar the ground (ty Johnn123) (i assume that the ground will restore itself when you leave the area and return later)

25)Dragon Shouts can affect (some)non animate objects. (ty eelwrolyat) (in the demo the force push dragon shout knocks some books in a shelf down)

26)Reticle stays VISIBLE in third person. (ty Millardkillmoore)

27)CleverWolf made this observation... "When the PC has the dragon targeted and the distance between the dragon and PC is small: the compass at the top of the screen places a red circle to indicate the direction of the dragon."

28)CleverWolf made this observation... "the PC used the stave to send a ball of light that lit up the cave"

29)vessels made this observation... "When he's in the sneak mode with the bows on in first person view, it appears that the reticle doubles as your indicator of how hidden you are (it changes its shape into something that recalls a very narrow eye slit after the first arrow hit one of the bandit, and alerting the other one)."

30)charon711 made this observation... "at around 2:30 he bashes the Draugr in the face with his fist/pommel when it gets inside of the blade effective range."

31)The_ugly_guy_at_the_Store made this observation... "When Todd is switching from Sword/Shield to Spell-Sword and Spell-Spell, there is no Pause at all. I'm not saying that there's no menu brought up, which is true too, but unlike Morrowind and Oblivion, there isn't even a hiccup. So Smooth transitions for at least "Hotkeyed"/Favorited abilities."

32)The_ugly_guy_at_the_Store made this observation... "Enemies (specifically the Drauger in the video, and possibly the Mammoths and Giants, until old fire breath shows up) are intelligently surrounding the player, instead of lining up single file as in previous games"

33)devilinblue22 made this observation... "in third person (the viewing angle) is more of a fallouty over the shoulder, and when you bust out the weapons it goes to a more centered behind the back"

34)JDills39 made this observation... "the Axe becomes frozen when hit with the dragon's frost spell."

35)JDills39 made this observation... "Combat still queues music."

36)eric22r made this observation... "Dovahkiin isn't wearing pauldrons"

37)Lightcrux made this observation... "the bag/pouch being carried by the giant, you'll see it moves independently rather than "with" the movements of the giants"

38)Andodalf made this observation... "Blood appears on screen and there is some knock back when your shield is struck"

39)carcanclaw made this observation... "Pendulum traps can be see in the hallway behind the draugrs."

40)JDills39 made this observation... "Giant has separate animation for descending the hill."

41)There are light emitting mushrooms in caves/dungeons. (ty Left4Candy)
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Jodie Bardgett
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Post » Wed Jun 08, 2011 1:42 pm

Holy. :mellow: I thought I was impressed before. Wow.

Some highlights :
- Magic. Crazy neat effects. Circle, lightening, flamethrower... It's something in action !
- TRAAAAAAAAPS ! And that speed-shout, neat to pass through.
- Much much more subtlety : clairvoyance beats the [censored] out of questmarks, I do hope they replace them ; water to guide you ? If I can scrap the compass, I'm happy.

That dragon priest rising... *whistles*
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Lisha Boo
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Post » Wed Jun 08, 2011 12:55 pm

I thought it was pretty awesome. I only saw form when Todd was showing the inventory, though. Did I miss much?
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Post » Wed Jun 08, 2011 2:51 pm

Blocking skill is confirmed
Seperate Armor slots
Elven armor is now confirmed
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David John Hunter
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Post » Wed Jun 08, 2011 4:22 am

That was what I wanted to see yesterday. Wow very very impressed!

For those who missed it, this is what we saw:

-Guardian Stones to pick your birthsign from
-Fighting Wolves
-More footage outside the Barrows dungeon
-LOTS of the UI in the menus including quicks-selecting for hands, the map (IT WAS ZOMG), the perks menu (again amazing), lots of items and names of things..we really need a youtube video to find out all the names they went over quickly!
-Walking around the first town
-Dialog with a male nord NPC working a machine.
-More inside the dungeon
-Killing giant rats
-Freeing the Dunmer trapped in the webbing from interviews (and killing him muhahah)
-A couple new shouts, one that lets you fly forward quickly to avoid swinging blades and another that slows time (bullet time-ish)
-The word wall and unlocking a new dragon shout word
-Fighting a Dragon Priest (float like the wraiths from Oblivion!)
-The Dragon Priest summoned a Frost Atronach...he looks like a living chunk of ice

It closed with all the same footage with the dragons and giants outside.
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Danii Brown
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Post » Wed Jun 08, 2011 8:03 am

Please say someone has a link. I had to watch it on my phone and ot ran put of charge and I missed a lot of it.
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