Things that should be balanced in multiplayer

Post » Fri Mar 04, 2011 1:16 am

Just posting in this thread to laugh at the guy who said to reduce the power of Cloak because hackers abuse it.
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RUby DIaz
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Post » Fri Mar 04, 2011 3:50 am

All weapons besides Scar needs a buff.

K-Volt, Gauss and L-Tag svcks really hard.
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Karen anwyn Green
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Post » Thu Mar 03, 2011 11:29 pm

agree with the nerfing of the spray (not that they have a lot of recoil) and prey weapons; also I'dd love to see the Grendel a bit more powerfull.
It feels like the scarab and scar do more damage with a single round, dunno if its true o not but I've been killed many times by a single round whyle I was blasting away at their heads to no avail.
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Adrian Powers
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Post » Fri Mar 04, 2011 2:15 am

Armor mode needs seriously a buff.
At least make that it don't consume energy with the time like in Crysis 1.

Armor makes you sparkle like a Christmas tree, if you're losing energy with time eventually it'll make you be a perfect target with a mere 20% o 30% of energy armor.

Furthermore, you can't even run in armor mode!!!
Seriously, is stupid. It makes you be a shiny and slow duck awaiting to be shooted.
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Ria dell
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Post » Fri Mar 04, 2011 1:14 am

Most issues, IMO have been fixed through 1.2. One more patch should finalize and then we wait for sandbox 3 and DX11 BUT there's something i wanna bring up and that's balancement in the multiplayer. I actually started enjoying the game but theres a few things i think need fixing.

1-Scar needs to be nerfed, perhaps by slightly more recoil and smaller clip size.
2-The Scarab also needs to be nerfed like the scar
3-Jackal needs at LEAST a slight bit more of power. Not much more, just SLIGHTLY more.
4-Cloak on enemies should have a SLIGHTLY stronger outline in SOME sense. Not immensly but VERY VERY slightly.

Just type in the numbers for the ones you think need balance. Type All if you think everything here should be done for balance or type 0 if you think none should happen.

1. Scar is perfectly fine, it suits new players and has a drawback of shooting slower than the Scarab. It is stronger so in a fire fight, it can easily trump the Scarab if you've got good aim.
2. The scarab is a lighter version of the Scar so it has its purpose. It shoots faster but is weaker. The clip is tiny too so extended clip is a almost a staple.
3. Jackal seems fine to me. You can unload on anything in your way and get a kill. If you have the reload perk, you're godly in small maps. I would look at the Marshal's range if any of the shotguns.
4. Cloak nerf? Really? It's easy enough as it is to see it without ANY help at all. I almost want to say make it MORE invisible because of Nanovision and lasers.

Overall I think most people would be unimpressed by your changes and would probably want to revert back to the original after a while. The scar would never be used, same for the Scarab. Everyone would probably just use the LMG or Grendel. Not to mention no one using cloak anymore.

I would definitely say that the K-volt is **** garbage. It needs to be changed, quickly. It has utility but the utility is wasted if it takes a whole entire clip of dead on shots to kill someone. It's VERY bad at giving away your position with its sound and animation as well.
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Tiff Clark
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Post » Thu Mar 03, 2011 5:47 pm

Most issues, IMO have been fixed through 1.2. One more patch should finalize and then we wait for sandbox 3 and DX11 BUT there's something i wanna bring up and that's balancement in the multiplayer. I actually started enjoying the game but theres a few things i think need fixing.

1-Scar needs to be nerfed, perhaps by slightly more recoil and smaller clip size.
2-The Scarab also needs to be nerfed like the scar
3-Jackal needs at LEAST a slight bit more of power. Not much more, just SLIGHTLY more.
4-Cloak on enemies should have a SLIGHTLY stronger outline in SOME sense. Not immensly but VERY VERY slightly.

Just type in the numbers for the ones you think need balance. Type All if you think everything here should be done for balance or type 0 if you think none should happen.

1. Scar is perfectly fine, it suits new players and has a drawback of shooting slower than the Scarab. It is stronger so in a fire fight, it can easily trump the Scarab if you've got good aim.
2. The scarab is a lighter version of the Scar so it has its purpose. It shoots faster but is weaker. The clip is tiny too so extended clip is a almost a staple.
3. Jackal seems fine to me. You can unload on anything in your way and get a kill. If you have the reload perk, you're godly in small maps. I would look at the Marshal's range if any of the shotguns.
4. Cloak nerf? Really? It's easy enough as it is to see it without ANY help at all. I almost want to say make it MORE invisible because of Nanovision and lasers.

Overall I think most people would be unimpressed by your changes and would probably want to revert back to the original after a while. The scar would never be used, same for the Scarab. Everyone would probably just use the LMG or Grendel. Not to mention no one using cloak anymore.

I would definitely say that the K-volt is **** garbage. It needs to be changed, quickly. It has utility but the utility is wasted if it takes a whole entire clip of dead on shots to kill someone. It's VERY bad at giving away your position with its sound and animation as well.
pretty much this!
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Mimi BC
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Post » Fri Mar 04, 2011 2:19 am

all good points there.
The scar is indeed an alrounder weapon but we cant deny that it might be a bit too powerfull sothat it overshadows the rest of the guns, thus making it rather frustrating for the people that want to use something else for a change.
Getting that perfect long distance headshot with the Grendel for ex. only to see the guy turn around and mow you down with a couple of Scar rounds that don't seem to spread verry mutch even without the steady aim upgrade.
The changes wouldnt have to be astronomical, just a few nudges here and there and I think most people wouldn't fuss too mutch (and we all know they like to do that :p).

just my 2 cents
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Lizbeth Ruiz
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Post » Fri Mar 04, 2011 7:34 am

Stealth is fine. Most people complaining about cloak don't know how to play against it. Some would argue cloak visibility is weak in nanovision, but it's no problem, and any stronger visibility might become one.

The SCAR definitely has too many of those moments where someone 3-bursts another from the other end of the map, then the next thing panic-sprays 2 bullets into someone's foot at close range, winning the fight. Compared to feline and scarab, the slightly slower RoF doesn't really pay up the damage and range, since it can still compete against smg and shotgun at close range as well as against a sniper at long range.
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sunny lovett
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Post » Thu Mar 03, 2011 10:36 pm

AT OP: NO for all of that. If you can't see cloaked enemies moving then that's your problem. You have the tools at your disposal.

Scar and Scarab : Grendel+single rate and Feline are the answer to that.
And i'm glad that there is a game out there that actually starts you off with a balanced weapon. Most give you a **** weapon.

Jackal is Fine.

If anything the hit detection is the ONLY thing that needs fixing besides the net code/lag issues.
Especially when it comes to using the marshall
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Post » Fri Mar 04, 2011 6:07 am

Stealth is fine. Most people complaining about cloak don't know how to play against it. Some would argue cloak visibility is weak in nanovision, but it's no problem, and any stronger visibility might become one.

The SCAR definitely has too many of those moments where someone 3-bursts another from the other end of the map, then the next thing panic-sprays 2 bullets into someone's foot at close range, winning the fight. Compared to feline and scarab, the slightly slower RoF doesn't really pay up the damage and range, since it can still compete against smg and shotgun at close range as well as against a sniper at long range.

Feline and Scarab tear it apart in a close range firefight. Shotguns? If a shotgun is close enough in range, nothing compares, that's not true at all. But of course, a head shot from the scar would trump any of these close range. Then again, a head shot from ANY gun does. So that doesn't apply. It isn't easier to get them with the scar.

I don't know what kind of sniper you're playing against but he's a bad one. Scar has never killed me faster than one or two bullets fired from a DSG-1.
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Emily Graham
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Post » Fri Mar 04, 2011 2:33 am

Dont nerf anything! Boost the weaker weapons! L-tag and K-volt maybee marshal. Fix the Gauss attachment and the Gauss rifle itself!

Whats the deal with explosions in this game?! Its so freaking bad. Take the grenadelauncher! Its a **** joke. There is no splash damage at all. You can carrying 2 grenades at the most!? There is no chance people would choose the grenade attachment only if you boosted the splash damages just slightly. And you have to reload the tube before bein able to switch to rifle mode..

The frag grenades is far more deadly than the pos grenades L-tag uses!!!...
I thought this beast would be op. Op is bad but i didnt expect the weapon to svck, when a scar has no recoil and more damage in one bullet than one of thoose grenades xDDDDDD

And the under barrel shotgun! What a joke.. It cares 2 round in the chamber.. I can see why. So it wouldnt be better than the original shotgun.
But you should be able to freaking switch from it without being forced to acctual reload the POS attachment before being able to fire the weapon itself (scarab, grendel, scar)
Very handy in close combat if you cant switch from it.. morons..
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Post » Fri Mar 04, 2011 1:56 am

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Rachell Katherine
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Post » Thu Mar 03, 2011 5:21 pm

Stealth is fine. Most people complaining about cloak don't know how to play against it. Some would argue cloak visibility is weak in nanovision, but it's no problem, and any stronger visibility might become one.

The SCAR definitely has too many of those moments where someone 3-bursts another from the other end of the map, then the next thing panic-sprays 2 bullets into someone's foot at close range, winning the fight. Compared to feline and scarab, the slightly slower RoF doesn't really pay up the damage and range, since it can still compete against smg and shotgun at close range as well as against a sniper at long range.

Im not saying change anything to the visibility all Im saying is make it so that we can hear it again. This drastic change in the mechanism for cloak is a bit much if you played the previous games. But as for myself I dont have a problem with cloak, Im just looking out for the little guy.
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Bonnie Clyde
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Post » Fri Mar 04, 2011 7:31 am

Feline and Scarab tear it apart in a close range firefight. Shotguns? If a shotgun is close enough in range, nothing compares, that's not true at all. But of course, a head shot from the scar would trump any of these close range. Then again, a head shot from ANY gun does. So that doesn't apply. It isn't easier to get them with the scar.

I don't know what kind of sniper you're playing against but he's a bad one. Scar has never killed me faster than one or two bullets fired from a DSG-1.

Maybe if you play a *0 latency* game with players who shoot still and hit every time, and where the shotgun and sniper always get the first shot.

I emphasize the 0 latency because I often have time to put in 2-3 DSG rounds into a stationary targets head before it dies, and a scar would have done that faster. Other than that, I said *COMPETES* with the specialized guns. If you have not witnessed that, then good for you. The autofire+damage forgives alot.
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Eileen Müller
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Post » Fri Mar 04, 2011 12:10 am

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maria Dwyer
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Post » Fri Mar 04, 2011 2:01 am

stealth is fine, nano vision is pretty handy to spot stealthed opponents.
AS long as they're in a 1 meter radius. :s
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