To me there's several things Bethesda could add into Skyrim.
But one I think they should add in is that you can re-marry...
Some might think that's a stupid request... But it gets old having the same wife and also listening to the same quotes over, plus I cant even take Ysolda out and fight with her as a follower and that gets boring, I also think you should have a chance to become a Jarl or High King, Or Buy a Big palace...Why I say that is because I have all this money and nothing to spend it on.....
Maybe adding some in Tougher guys to kill, The Ebony Warrior Was nothing for me, I think having a boss that is 10 time stronger than the Ebony Warrior and a Dragon or Dragon Priest would be fun...Also giants are a one hit kill... Some would say put your difficulty on Hard then try, its still not a challenge without something new that you don't know their strategy or their attacks...
One question, does anyone have an idea themselves they would like to share??? Or a better one perhaps
Any Ideas are welcome please tell us your ideas, and if someone from Bethesda reads this please put this into consideration, Thank you.
Thanks for Taking your time to read this
-Skyrim Fan Forever