These are just ten things I hope they either fixed, did better, or added from the past games in no particular order:
1.Interesting Story
All of the past BGS games haven't really had a story I cared about. Maybe it's just the way the game works, but I hope they learn from what the audience did and didn't like from their past games.
2.Interesting Dialogue
So this one they'll definitely advertised with their "over 100,00 lines of dialogue", so it haves the potential to have interesting dialogue, even more so with a voiced protagonist. My hopes are just that they can follow through with it.
3.Good Perks
Again they'll advertised their new leveling system I just hope it's "feels" right. What I mean is for example in Skyrim where there were only a few perks that really felt like you were doing something different once you got the perk, like the archery perk where it would slow down time or the perk that you could draw your bow faster, stuff like that. I don't want all of the perks to just benefit the numbers of the game like like damage or damage resistance.
4.Rubber banding system done right
I hope this is done right. I can't say how much I hated how they did this in Skyrim. Instead of hard enemies and easy enemies almost all of the enemies just leveled with you. "You just turned level 50? well instead of getting revenge on all of those raiders, we're just going to make them the same level as you," the feeling of progression is necessary, but without a level cap the chances of this feeling successful is low.
5.Good Customization
Again, they showed enough of this that it seems perfect, I just hope it follows through
6.Easter Eggs
I know BGS ALWAYS puts easter eggs in their games, I just want them to keep it up, with both funny easter eggs and serious ones, like references to other games (specifically New Vegas).
7.Karma/reputation system
Still an interesting system but one of the biggest things that needed improvement in F3 and FNV. You know like more consequences for doing the wrong thing, not getting bad karma for pickpocketing a raider, etc. Especially doing what they did with the rep. system in NV, say what you want but I loved it and I hope they can implement it still and work on more.
8.Settlement building
Just like the customization that I mentioned, they'll shown it off and BGS is proud of it, I just hope it follows through and is as fun as they are making it seem.
I can't tell you how much I loved the music in F3, it was fantastic, and with the songs they put alongside their trailers, I have high hopes that they're going to put just as good of a soundtrack into F4. On top of that, I hope they put some of the songs from F3 into F4 for nostalgia's sake (and save me the trouble of getting a mod to do it).
and last, but certainly not least......
10.Better AI
Ok, we all know the AI in past BGS games, were a little....... lets say "dumbed down" and I think we can all agree that the AI still needs a little work down, so this is hopes that they listened and put a little "mmph" into the AI.
So what do you want differently out of Fallout 4? Is there something you want them to take out that they've had in previous games? Post away!