Things what should be repair, added ( CRYTEK PLEASE READ )

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:23 am

Hello, there are some thinks what should be in my opinion changed,
1.Why I cant add to SCAR silencer and sniper scope atachment ? SCAR-B cant even have assult scope, there was sniper scope on assult rifles in Crysis 1 and i dont understand why i cant do it now, these weapons wouldnt be overpowered with this atachment, really !
2.Why i have many times black grass on many maps ? Even path 1.4 doesnt repair this bug.
3.How long we need to wait for DLC ? There are only 10 maps in the game, There were thousand of singleplayer locations what Crytek dint use in multiplayer (Battery Park, Time Square,Central Station,Garden roftoops one the begining the Gate Keepers mission, Semper fi and more).I dont want this game die so quickly.
4.Does DirectX 11 will also support DirectX 10 ? (I have gforce 250 gts)

I hope You Crytek although read this. Listening to the community should be imporant for developers.

Ps:Sorry for some mistakes in text.
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Ann Church
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:59 am

1) becouse of balace. every weapon have it's own set of attachments. frankly i don't think that giving snipe scope to SCAR user is good idea
2) many have this issue. there are still many visual problems in game because of "wet" multiplatform engine and bugs in the game. just be patient
3) i think it will take some time. as far as you know it's not MMO game so developers had their main money actually and they will never work quick and hard to satisfy customer that gave his money already. so i think it will take few monthes (i hope it will not)
4) no any official announces, but hopefully yes
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Dj Matty P
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:28 am

But there was sniper scope for SCAR in Crysis 1 and nobody says that its overpowered, so why its bad idea ?
the same with silencer, on the screen from weapons, SCAR have silencer.I think that deleting this atachments from weapons is pointless.

Look here:

I can understand why i cant have bigger magazine and granade luncher or laser and Acog scope togather.This is really good, balanced idea.
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naome duncan
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:00 am

1.Why I cant add to SCAR silencer and sniper scope atachment ? SCAR-B cant even have assult scope, there was sniper scope on assult rifles in Crysis 1 and i dont understand why i cant do it now, these weapons wouldnt be overpowered with this atachment, really !
It was made to keep weapons variety. Some things that can be attached to one weapons cannot be to others. Otherwise you could run with a single weapon all the time and always be on top.

2.Why i have many times black grass on many maps ? Even path 1.4 doesnt repair this bug.
Cause game is still very bugged. Believe me or not: Black grass is actually one of smaller problems with the game. But yes, I see it too from time to time. :/ Hopefully in 4-5 patches it'll be fixed.

3.How long we need to wait for DLC ? There are only 10 maps in the game, There were thousand of singleplayer locations what Crytek dint use in multiplayer (Battery Park, Time Square,Central Station,Garden roftoops one the begining the Gate Keepers mission, Semper fi and more).I dont want this game die so quickly.
This game is already half-dead anyway. But if you'd like some leaks on DLC to come here it is (spoiler warning).
But don't worry: There won't be any MP vehicles or other stuff to make game more immerse.

4.Does DirectX 11 will also support DirectX 10 ? (I have gforce 250 gts).
Huh? When game will get DX11 patch it still shall work on the DX10 cards. But none of the DX11 features will work on your GPU so essentially: You won't notice any difference.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:41 am

I read this thread title in Tony Soprano's voice
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Claudia Cook
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:42 pm

What about experience, I lost it 7 times!!! -.-
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:12 am

Dude...when I was overwhelmed by all the bugs and glitches in the game, I didn't think the grass would be bugged as well. I literally thought the ground was just torched and the grass was the bug.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:37 am

Hello, there are some thinks what should be in my opinion changed,
1.Why I cant add to SCAR silencer and sniper scope atachment ? SCAR-B cant even have assult scope, there was sniper scope on assult rifles in Crysis 1 and i dont understand why i cant do it now, these weapons wouldnt be overpowered with this atachment, really !

Imagine being shoot by a bunch of snipers with 50 rounds mags and semi/full automatic rate of fire, do you still want have sniper scope with Scar? Guess not.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:49 pm

SCAR with sniper scope wouldnt take more damage, it will be the same scar, it will look a bit diffrent and it will have bigger zoom but snipers will still use DSG or Gauss Rifle.For example i like silencers but i use many times Feline and SCAR-B with this atachment and i am a bit bored, i would like to play with silenced SCAR but i cant and the game is starting to boring me quicker.
And about the upcoming DLC i read that on the Japanse site of Crysis 2 there is writed (DLC-coming soon)
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:35 am

what is the point of silencer anyway?:D
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:43 am

makes you less visible when shooting + enemies don't hear you from a mile.
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Josee Leach
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:24 pm

sound isnt a big deal in C2 anyway
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:25 am

sound isnt a big deal in C2 anyway
only because of small maps
if you play 3v3 or 4v4 the sound is very important
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Charleigh Anderson
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:56 pm

SCAR with sniper scope wouldnt take more damage, it will be the same scar, it will look a bit diffrent and it will have bigger zoom but snipers will still use DSG or Gauss Rifle.

Are you freaking kidding me? SO what that dmg won't change since you need only one bullet into head to kill someone using scar, with sniper scope and semi/full auto rate of fire + max 50 bulelts mag doing head shoots will be easy, this is why sniper rifle have limited ammo and rate of fire. Your idea it is pure imbalance.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:24 am

I dont agree.
1.Even with assult scope making headshots with SCAR ist easy.
2.Bigger zoom is good thigk only on lighthouse,just look, more people use normal red dog sight or laser.
3.Bigger zoom also mean bigger recoil (recoil is the same but with zoom its look stronger)
4.Bigger zoom also mean smaller field of view.

So it really wouldnt be ovepowered in my opinion.
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Marcia Renton
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:59 am

SCAR with sniper scope wouldnt take more damage, it will be the same scar, it will look a bit diffrent and it will have bigger zoom but snipers will still use DSG or Gauss Rifle.

Are you freaking kidding me? SO what that dmg won't change since you need only one bullet into head to kill someone using scar, with sniper scope and semi/full auto rate of fire + max 50 bulelts mag doing head shoots will be easy, this is why sniper rifle have limited ammo and rate of fire. Your idea it is pure imbalance.

If you seriously think a sniper scope on a SCAR would be overpowered, go play Crysis.

The gun is wobbly as hell through a sniper sight, and unless you're laying prone with MAXIMUM STRENGTH on (the latter of which doesn't even exist in Crysis 2), you can barely even hit your target, let alone get a headshot. You could be spraying a 100 round mag at your opponent, and you'd be dead before you get 5 shots off because whomever you're spraying will likely have the good sense to be using a proper sniper gun and will therefor be able to take you out with 1 or 2 accurate shots
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Clea Jamerson
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:30 am

I dont agree.
1.Even with assult scope making headshots with SCAR ist easy.
2.Bigger zoom is good thigk only on lighthouse,just look, more people use normal red dog sight or laser.
3.Bigger zoom also mean bigger recoil (recoil is the same but with zoom its look stronger)
4.Bigger zoom also mean smaller field of view.

So it really wouldnt be ovepowered in my opinion.

Bigger zoom doesn't mean more recoil at all... while using sniper scope only thing which is changing is range, and more range means less accuracy. But as i said in bottom Scar with proper setup have very high accuracy, maybe not so much as DSG-1 on max distance but more less close.

Are even playing Crysis 2? People using Scar + Assult scope while siting in lighthouse can shoot with huge precision people running around in middle of the map. Heck, i can shoot with great precision people near LH ruins with freaking ironsight =.=" Single round ahve more accuracy and power than short/full auto bursts, and crouching add even more accuracy.

Scar + Sniper scope + Single shot + Aim Enhance Perk + Crouching stance = pure ownage =.="

While DSG-1 have low rate of fire it's a bit hard to hit someone moving fast, and yet you can 1/2 shoot some quite fast. So SCARr with +/- same accuracy and bullet power (DSG 1or2 bullets kill/ Scar 1/4 bulelts to kill) but drastically faster rate of fire will be wiping people out of map.
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Grace Francis
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:05 am

OK, lets and the topic with Scope, everybody have his own idea and its ok. I saw other problem which is sometimes pissing me of. Why i need to shot one time to get better accuracy from loins if i have perk which is giving me this ability ? I hope you know what i have mean ^^
Also i have noticed that on the Wall Street map the weapon is always disappearing when i am on the highest point in the middle.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:53 am

no snipe scope for SCAR
end of discuss
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Amie Mccubbing
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