1.Why I cant add to SCAR silencer and sniper scope atachment ? SCAR-B cant even have assult scope, there was sniper scope on assult rifles in Crysis 1 and i dont understand why i cant do it now, these weapons wouldnt be overpowered with this atachment, really !
2.Why i have many times black grass on many maps ? Even path 1.4 doesnt repair this bug.
3.How long we need to wait for DLC ? There are only 10 maps in the game, There were thousand of singleplayer locations what Crytek dint use in multiplayer (Battery Park, Time Square,Central Station,Garden roftoops one the begining the Gate Keepers mission, Semper fi and more).I dont want this game die so quickly.
4.Does DirectX 11 will also support DirectX 10 ? (I have gforce 250 gts)
I hope You Crytek although read this. Listening to the community should be imporant for developers.
Ps:Sorry for some mistakes in text.