I played the first Mass Effect 30+ times and never had any issues with hearing the voiced bits.....and your argument about "but it's 400+ hours" doesn't hold any water as 99.9% of that time is spent exploring or fighting or doing other things than talking. Not to mention you can always skip things or walk away or whatever so it's not like you have to sit there and listen to all of it 30 times or somethig.
Not to mention the fact that that this game was never designed to accomodate the five to ten people that play it 30 times.....it was designed to accomodate the millions of normal people that play it once or twice.
Plus I hope you realize how insanely laughable your argument is.....saying they should change a feature because you plan to play a 400+ hour game 30 times.....I guarantee you that you'll unintentionally manage to convince bethesda to call for you to be taken into a mental health asylum for your own safety before you convince them to cut the voice acting lol.