1- RP come at least for me from the decisions i make during my play, so voice or no voice doesnt really affect.
2- Making the world feel more live, is a good decision, they explain the reason and is true, plus last time i check NV was that gray and bleak and still make me feel the "themes the game is built on", Themes are just colors, is everything u can have variations and still be on the "theme"
3- the removal of the skill is a good way to go, since what they do is replace a scale of 0-100 with a perk system
4-i dont understand this part, u complain about RP and if u ever RP u will never have the option of respec, u choose what u are and live with it, plus they improve over Skyrim stuff, as u can see from crafting system and house system.
if u are worried about this, this will probably the first mod made. =D so be happy is a Bethesda game where u can mod it =D
Sure there is an option to turn it off. Turn on subtitles and turn off the speakers.
Personally, I prefer games that give different Voice Actors to choose from when creating your character. Especially, the Zombie voice in Saint's Row.
plus, you have to figure good parts of it will still be very bleak. Boston got nuked. it's not like they've rebuilt it. I imagine the majority of it will be in ruin.
I will surely make a donation to modders who will do this job. I expect to spend an insane amount of time in this game, but I think hearing "my" voice all this time will be exhausting.
yeah i think the same, the "bomb part" is call the glowing sea, and if u look the Concepts art and the E3 video, u can see that still look bleak and gray.
u will have one during day 1 probably
I honestly think many of the changes we will see in Fallout 4 are preparing us for Fallout Online. Project 13 was Interplay's Fallout MMO licensed to them by Bethesda when Bethesda purchased Fallout's IP. Bethesda went to court to obtain the rights back from Interplay. Interplay was forced to sell Fallout Online back to Bethesda for 2 million dollars. Just because Interplay's Project 13 was scrapped doesn't mean Bethesda wont pursue their own Fallout Online. Yes, Yes...I know Bethesda owns the rights and can make as many as they want. But ZeniMax owns BGS and if they want to produce Fallout Online via Zenimax Online Studios(which was created shortly before they took interplay to court to get the rights to Fallout Online)they will. It wont be up to Bethesda, it will be up to Zenimax and I'm sure they are counting the money they will make even now. That's is why I think it's taken this long to make FO4 and the next biggest release after 4 will be Fallout Online.
i really disagreed with u, for 2 major issues, first not major companies will have 2 MMO running at the same time, and Bethesda saw what happen after ESO, and the ppl that buy the game dont want MMO game want single player games, they still working hard to save ESO. So i really doubt about Fallout Online, plus any of this change they did dont look anything for a Online game,
plus u need to see the MMO time have pass, if u look not much of the new mmo have a huge impact and more of the time they become a problem. Just look any of the big MMO out there WoW is slowing dying (i know ppl said that from years, but i play it and day by day there are less players more on the pass 2 years), SW go free to play to survive, FF is the only new one that survive with a sub, and only bc they re make everything for a re release, ESO go F2P and is dying, Wildstar similar to ESO.
If i think on anything probably what we can get next from Fallout or ES will be a VR style game focus to work with Oculus or the console versions.
Ok then let me ask, would you play Fallout Online?
no, lol Fallout or ES game are a single player experience, the worst part of ESO is that u as "hero" have other 1000 doing the same quest.
Probably not. I haven't played ESO.
Honestly, Fallout would be even worse online than TES.... so much of these games is being the "lone wanderer", trudging across the barren areas between small settlements. Fill all that space with dozens of guys with names like "xXxWandererD00dxXx", making stupid jokes in chat? eh, no thanks.)
Bethesda is the publisher and like any other publisher that own the IP, they have the decision over it, they didnt make it but if the game fail is a problem for they, they lose money too no just the companies that made it. That is why we going info about ESO during Bethesda presentation on E3 or u get info from the main website. The ESO is still a Bethesda game.
You are aware that is an entierly different company also named Bethesda?
I agree, I wouldn't want Fallout Online, but I think that is what we will get and there are many that would play.
I was going to yell at you for even bringing up the possibility of this, but now that I think of it, a fallout online might be kinda interesting if it was like Day-Z style... it would certainly make more sense than elderscrolls online... that being said, bethesda's strength is in single player games and they wouldn't make it Day-z style, it would turn into an mmorpg with pointless grinding... so yeah, nightmare...
are u aware that on paper are the same.
tell me what games u see there.
I see Bethesda Softworks at the bottom.... and zero mention of Bethesda Game Studios. Which isn't odd given that is Bethesda Softworks site, hell, its even called "Bethsoft.com"
Next your going to be saying Bioware is the same thing as EA, and that a game made by DICE, also owned by EA, is a Bioware game because of that.
You have no understanding of how company structure works.
no dude im not saying, and sorry if i write it like that, that Bethesda game studio, made ESO, im saying that the decision of making it wasnt on their hand, im pretty sure if it was for the Bethesda Game studio probably they will never think on allowing other studio to use the IP to make ESO, and probably was better to work on another ES (if they arent already). The decision of star making any game isnt about the studio that is involve on it is Bethesda software that make that decision, since they give the money to make it.
im just saying that at the moment ESO come out or lets put this way star developing it was the boom of MMO, now that time have pass, just look the market, so is probably that a Fallout Online will not happen.
It actually was according to Todd.
The MMO market is actually doing fairly well. Its only WoW that's tanking, and only because its the last real pay-2-play MMO out there.
And Bethesda already let Interplay work on a Fallout MMO, though that failed due to Interplay's incompetence. Its really not a stretch that they would let Zenimax's newly formed MMO team make a Fallout MMO.
Though I doubt it would be in the near future.
lol yeah right, if u think, that Todd said, "hey guys today we star making Fallout 4" yeah right u live on a dream man.
and if u go and check MMO arent doing fairly well, and WoW isnt the only Pay 2 play game since FF isn the same way. Ppl just dont want to invest hours of game time to play game like they do on MMO.
What online game is actually doing good is different, since Moba or Dota style game are growing each day.
subscription isnt the same as active players. On games that are F2P u need to realize u want active player and no Sub numbers, since u dont make money from Sub accounts only from the one that play and paid for stuff inside the game.
like i have a subscription for SW, but i havent play that game for the past 3 years my account still active bc i can log on the website, but im actually generation 0 dollar to the game since i havent buy anything from it.