Things which put me off

Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:02 am


Not a single thing on your list remotely concerns me.

1) I am 100% behind a voiced main character. I am tired of everyone talking at you.

2) it has been 200 years if the world was still nothing but ash there would be no life.

3) the new perk system looks fantastic.

4) I enjoyed skyrim I had no major issues with it.
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Alexis Estrada
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:56 am

Do you know who Matt Firor is? He stated, even before the release of Fallout 3, "Zenimax Online Studios might work on a Fallout MMO in the future if Interplay fails to gather money for their Fallout Online project." Interplay failed. That is why I see Fallout Online a very real possibility if Zenimax wishes and since Fallout 4 will be their biggest selling game to date, makes it more than likely.

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Eire Charlotta
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 8:20 pm

well this is good at least: "That being said, the subscription market is shrinking, and is down from 30.6 million subscribers in 2010 to 23.4 million in 2014. Moreover, subscription market revenue is down to $2.9 billion, with an average spend per user at about $170 (or a little over $14 per month)."

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Danny Blight
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 11:18 pm

Pretty much my thoughts too.

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u gone see
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 5:50 pm

i know who Matt Firor is, and he state that years ago, since then the market have change, and looking how Zenimax have been running with problems from ESO they need to bring new info to that state to be real, and agean u can be real and look at the market and see that MMO number of ppl playing the game is less and less.

Go to any website and no reviews since most website that review games get paid for it, and look that active player number on MMO game go down, while Moba or Dota style game go up.

U just need to look at some companies, like Blizzard that move from Titan, to a Moba and DoTa game, making more money from that, that another MMO game.

im not saying it wont happen but it will be unlikely to happen. Time will tell.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:19 am

This. A thousand times this.

Voiced protagonist [censored] is one of the biggest things putting me off this game. It's completely unnecessary, greatly limiting the game's role-play potential and replay-ability that made Bethesda games great, and IMO a huge mistake. It makes sense only with a totally predefined character, not one we make ourselves.

That, and the whole character backstory (& probably family-oriented main storyline) thing. Incredibly off-putting, indeed.

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 8:46 pm

Too bad FO3 locks you into being under 20 years old though, right?

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 6:07 pm

I think the biggest mistake with Fallout 4 so far is Emil being head writer again. That Imo is not a good idea, maybe he pulls a rabbit out of a hat but I remain skeptical. Still getting Fallout 4 day 1 though but that is probably my biggest worry with the title.

The reason I say that is, with a voiced protagonist the writing is even more important and if that aspect fails then a lot of Fallout 4 will just fall flat and after the terrible writing we got in Skyrim I want better writing. I'm not asking for New Vegas level because that's unrealistic but something way better then Skyrim since that game had horrific writing.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:30 am

And Interplay is now doing a post-apocalyptic settlement game where you can be a human, cyborg, transhuman, or mutant with no connection to Fallout. Whether or not we will actually see it remains to be seen.

The shortest development I have seen is 1.5 years with Star Trek Online and that is mainly due to the previous developers not being able to keep the license so Cryptic had to work with a strict deadline. Of course, 4 years is a more reasonable time for a MMO so if Bethesda decided to create a Fallout MMO today, then we will not see it till 2020.

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 11:06 pm

I think the voiced protagonist breaks the immersion of the game and hope the give you the option to turn it off or it gets modded really quick.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 2:49 am

These threads spoil my immersion...

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Mark Churchman
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:28 am

1.People play Beth games because of the modding capability. Besides RPG has nothing to do with "creating a role" it's all about "taking on a role" that has been presented to you. If you want your own character then go practice with a pen and paper, write a book or something.

2. Stick with Fallout 3 then? Different areas of the game world will have their own themes.

3. Skills weren't removed they were just integrated into perks.

4. Well that's Beth, keep an eye out for those unofficial patches.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:38 am

I couldn't agree more.

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DAVId Bryant
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:17 am

Voice acting will always be good or bad depending on ones own opinion.

This said the reason I feel VA is terrible to put into games is it limits certain mods and DLC because of cost or availability of said voice actors/actresses.

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 5:20 pm

Things which puts me off :

Critical hits now a rechargeable bar.

Everyone bisixual for political correctness in a game of harsh reality.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:03 am

I couldn't agree more unfortunately. Every game I play I'll be playing the SS ... not my character. The SS perks and paths may change some but he/she will always be the SS ... not my character. I think that those that have no problem with the voiced PC are the same ones that may play the game once or twice and move on to something else. In MW, OB, Skyrim and even DAO I've must have played over 30 characters in each of those games. There is no way I could do that with a voiced PC. Even ME1 & ME2, games that I really liked, I only played both twice, and that was just to play once as male and once as a female. The voiced PC just kills any creative role-playing IMO because you are never actually playing your character, you are playing Bethesda's character. I've never had any problem playing my character in Skyrim. Bethesda made the game world, but it's MY character I'm playing in it, and believe me I have had some varied characters playing in that world. This just isn't going to happen in FO4. It's just not possible.

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Trista Jim
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 10:50 pm

All of these reasons are petty as hell.

Voiced protag won't ruin rp. Just look at the Witcher series, Mass Effect, Dragon Age, etc. All high rated games by respected publications and critics.

Apocalyptic does NOT mean bleak, dark, devoid of lush color. Just look at The Last of Us.

Skills are still in. They've been changed to perks. This system is much better in my opinion.

I don't even understand #4
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 2:54 am

It'll definitely get nodded out, just might take a bit lol
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jess hughes
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 2:48 am

All of those games you mention are highly story-driven with main characters and classes which are quite rigidly defined from the start of them. Bethesda games, OTOH, have always given you a main character who is, for the most part, a blank slate, with only a very few details about background defined at the start. That's a very big difference in philosophy, and I'm also not sure how well a voiced main character is going to work.

Another thing is that I see lot of discussion about how we can just turn off the character voice if we want, maybe with mods. Again, I'm not sure how well that's going to work in a game designed around a voiced main character.
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:24 am

Would love the mod but also not sure how it would work. I imagine it would need to fix the PC into First Person during dialog (because just looking at your PC just standing there moving their lips would just be weird), show the dialog response choices (like always), then have the PC still in first person watch the NPC's response, etc.

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Nathan Hunter
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 12:45 am

That's true but I've never had a hard time identifying the main character as myself I doubt Fallout 4 will be different.
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 7:42 pm

The recharging-crit-bar thing is in VATS. The bar builds up by using VATS, and it's then used in VATS. We have no details yet about how crits work in regular combat. (someone has said that they saw a non-VATS crit happening in one of the combat videos.)

And that other comment of yours is silly. Each playthrough of the game is a separate entity. So unless your own personal character is both male and female, the character they're romancing are not bisixual (except for any particular companion who has dialogue/background that explicitly says they're bi.)

If you're playing a male character, they're attracted to males. If you're playing a female character, they're attracted to females. Two separate game states.

(additionally, it has nothing to do with "political correctness" and has everything to do with that frequent buzz-phrase "do what you want." i.e, it's about player freedom. And letting the player romance whichever companion they feel like. Now, whether or not that's a good thing w/regards to defining interesting NPCs, is a separate discussion. But it has nothing to do with being PC.)

edit: an NPC that ends up turning you down, because they have a strongly defined personality, personal goals, and a character arc, can be more interesting in the end than one who's entirely orbiting around your character. Even if it is disappointing because you like them. >

....honestly, that complaint says more about you than it does about the game or the devs. :shrug:

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 6:13 pm

As only 6-8% of the player base use mods, modding concerns should never override base game decisions, surely.

As Bethesda paid the protagonist VAs for 2 years work, I'd be staggered if they were not up to doing more - it may well be contractual.

And if mods want to repurpose some dialogue, they have 14,000 lines to choose from.

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trisha punch
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:31 am

When reality is harsh, the opportunity for a little happiness from whatever source would surely be seized upon.

What is off putting about that, as romance is optional?

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elliot mudd
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 9:31 pm

Voiced PC is a bold move on Beth's part, but it's a bold move I fully support and am glad to see implemented.

The Mass Effect Trilogy is at the top of the pinacle for RPG games, in my opinion and I could not imagine it wi thout a voiced PC.

The problem will not be the VA, but the actual quality of written dialogue, choices/consquences, and story.
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