Kill Raul.
I just love Zombie Trejo way too much to hurt him.
I hate ever telling him to leave the party, I feel bad enough for him doing that.
So kill him? Hell no! No matter what playthrough I will NEVER EVER kill Raul. :hugs:
That and I have to do his mission so that he comes to see he can still hang and goes out and terrorizes bad guys everywhere.

Later retconned by sympathetic developers, saying that anti-female sentiment is actually a minority in the Legion. Behind the scenes, Caesar feels no contempt for women and the only reason he keeps them behind the lines is their role in producing legionaries. I'm not quite buying it though, the slaves we see in the game are almost exclusively female, which acts against their alleged pragmatism regarding the "stronger" male. Either the developers actually retconned it or the Legion is just incredibly hypocritical.
Ever notice all of them are either Indian/hispanic or asian, as well? The slaves on Fortification Hill are all either latinas or American Indians. The women crucified outside Cottonwood Cove were asian. The more I learn about the Legion the more abhorrent I find them.