I really don't like that all elves are given a bad reputation because of the damn Thalmor. I'm determined to kill every last one of them.
I really don't like that all elves are given a bad reputation because of the damn Thalmor. I'm determined to kill every last one of them.
Name a race that could ever beat the Khajiit in a brawl. You can't because there isn't one. Even wearing full plate steel armor, I took out one guy in 3 blows.
It's 12 + 6 base = 18.
How long does that last/ A steel mace can be improved and pass the by level 3. Granted an Iron Dagger will take a little longer as one needs to raise the 1H skill, but those claws are very limited. There is no comparison to a 1H weapon of any type.
Not really something I would boast about.
Alright, the topic isn't "Fight over the Khajiit" so let's stop.
You can smith a pair of Daedric Gauntlets and use their armor rating with the Heavy armor perk for handtohand damage.
Im not going to stop fighting until he admits khajiit are better than nords
I beg to differ...
That's a hard argument. They both svck skeever nads.
Oh so now its a steel mace? Ha besides fist do don't weigh anything
That is true oh skinless one. However, these cloacal sniffers are boastin early gameplay.
It's a weapon that is readily accessible form the early game. I tried to compare the Iron Dagger but you guys want to keep it at the early levels. So...
Claws don't hold a candle to weapons. It's a dying argument.
What does weight have to do with it. Every empty hand cat I come across dies. Where's your "Claws R Us" with that?
You're going to be fighting an impossible fight then.
It's like me trying to convince Rolff that the Dunmer aren't Imperial spies.
Balancing and having to join all the factions in order to have access to all the dragonshouts.
Annoying as hell process of importing custom anything into Skyrim via Blender/NifSkope.
Mostly the extreme dumbing down and the hand holding. The non choices and non consequences, such as giving the bow to Harkon for example. It makes Oblivion look like a hardcoe game and makes the writing in Oblivion look Oscar worthy.
Hopefully for the next game Uncle Todd finds inspiration from the earlier games and games like Dark Souls instead of finding inspiration in Call of Duty.
I am not talking about NPC, every npc is bad at fighting, I am talking about playing as a khajiit.
Do you not remember khalaharri my original account? I am the impossible.
The most you can get those cat nails is 68, or so, damage. And that's playing on Adept. Master takes that down to 34. Not very good, now is it?
Besides, in the heat of battle, all it takes is for someone to roll a ball across the floor and it takes the fight right out of the kitty, anyway.