see its good to be back.
see its good to be back.
Some of the responses in this thread leave me confused. I'm not sure whether Khalaharri is 2 people or one? But to add my 2 cents worth: Killcams. I hate killcams. They tear me out of the flow of combat and say "hey, you're playing a game". The 1.9 patch for Skyrim seemed to increase the frequency of Killcams. Almost like Bethesda was trolling me (does that seem paranoid?). It got so bad I quit playing the game. Finally I installed a mod which eliminates all killcams. Now I'm playing the game again. This is why I will never play the game on a Console System, mods give me the ability to customize the game to my tastes.
What are you talking about? Have you even played as one of those cat things? That's the maximum damage after you get the Enchanted Gloves, the perk in Heavy Armor and a set of Daedric gauntlets.
You're not getting all of that in the beginning.
Guilds - Skyrim has probably done the worst when it comes to the guilds. The Companions probably being the most boring and lazy guild ever. College of Winterhold could have been better rather than dungeon crawling and then instantly becoming Arch-mage. I enjoyed the other two, but the Thieves' Guild should have less involvement with Nocturnal (as in, not making me join her stupid cult).
Main Questline - It was pretty boring for the most part, and rather unmemorable. The best part was probably near the end, but even then did it soon become rather underwhelming and disappointing.
Magic - What was the exact point in removing spellmaking and other fun spells specifically found in Alteration, Destruction, and Conjuration? Skyrim lacked a lot in magic compared to previous TES games.
Skills - Again, more features removed. Athletics and Acrobats were fun skills. They increased the speed and jump height for your characters. You'd think Acrobats would have been a VERY important skill in Skyrim considering the vast mountains, but apparently not.
Cities - With about nines cities in Skyrim, four of which are just small villages. About the size of Riverwood. Oblivion had eight (Kvatch doesn't count but even that was bigger than say Morthal or Falkreath) cities with each one being of expansive size. I find the cities of Skyrim rather disappointing.
Balance - Skills such as Smithing and Enchanting are just too easy to exploit and become overpowered. Improving your weapons over five times after it already hitting Legendary, with the help or Enchantments and even Alchemy. The crafting skills are the main issue when having balance to this game. They really need some limits.
I find those to be some of the major problems. There are plenty of minor problems I have as well.
I am jylag's main account and I logged him off. Nords. svck.
I only felt that way about the Companions and the College of Winterhold which is the worst in this regard.
But the other factions still made some sense.
- After playing a major role in taking down a traitor to the Thieves Guild, and working your ass off to help them regain respect in all holds, you definitely deserve the title.
- As Listener of the Dark Brotherhood, you obviously are a relevant candidate to replacing Astrid.
Dragons. I was already dissatisfied with Oblivions generic European fairytale creatures (Unicorns, Trolls, Imps, Wisps...), but the Mythic Dawn had some cool ideas. Skyrim takes it a step further and introduces the most overused and generic creature of them all: The dragon. No conspiracies, no mysterious cults, no human enemies, just dragons destroying everything randomly. Where is the brilliant, mysterious, alluring, creeping evil of House Dagoth? The dragon cult is long dead by the time you arrive.
And I miss noble Houses. They add a new layer to your character customization, a mix of politics, power, prestige and mindset. I don't feel at home with the Skyrim guilds, it feels like I am just doing jobs for them somehow. I really wanted more diverse factions. Like a lawful mage guild (College of Winterhold) and a chaotic mage guild (Necromancers? Daedra worshippers?), a lawful assassination guild (like Morag Tong was) and a chaotic assassination guild (Dark Brotherhood), lawful warriors (Jorvaskrr) and chaotic warriors (Mercenary guild), lawful thieves (like the Morrowind Thieves Guild, hanging around various Inns) and chaotic thieves (the ones in the sewers), Imperial Cult questline, maybe a guild for researchers (Dwarven ruins, Ancient Nord ruins), an Arena, joinable Bards college, Hunter Guild etc.. I wanted more choices.
There is so much negativity in this forum. It's not even constructive criticism anymore. I don't usually let other people's opinions affect me but damn, Skyrim gets absolutely slaughtered. If all you were to read was this forum you'd think Skyrim was an utter failure of a game.
lol man, if you think the dragon attacks are random you really weren't paying attention. It has to do with stopping Alduin from quickening the end of the current cycle before the appointed time.
We've never had most of the stuff you're asking for in the first place, and those we did have weren't all in the same game.
Must we worship Skyrim as some sort of deity of RPGs? There are flaws, like every game.
No, but there is nothing constructive about these sorts of threads. People are just going "I hate Khajiit. I hate Nords." What's the point? I wonder why people visit a Skyrim forum in the first place if all they're gonna do is complain. Skyrim is obviously not without its flaws but its positives outweigh its negatives. There are so many threads where all people focus on are the negatives. I get bummed out reading this forum.
This forum or this thread?
Either way, granted there are people that chime in form time to time with complaint threads that make absolutely no sense. While others bestow their concerns because they aren't bashing the game, oh the contrary. It's because they are very passionate about the game they love and they want to make it better.
Complaining about complainers is not doing anyone any favors either.
Now phrase it not in lore-terms, but in terms of what they actually do: They want to destroy the world and start killing the people of Skyrim indiscriminately. Also, it's an obvious rip-off of Norse mythology. I firmly feel that the evil of Skyrim does not even hold a candle to for example Morrowind. Those dragons do not come completly out of nowhere, but for me they feel out of place in Tamriel.
Topic: "Things you dislike about the game", not "Name things that were in the previous games but are missing in Skyrim". They made a huge and spectacular world, I think it is a waste not add more depths and choices into it. To further flesh out my character and to personalize every character I play, make him something unique.
Every game of TES has it's strengths and weaknesses, I'm only frustrated because I feel like they do not learn from some weaknesses of the previous games (in many cases, they do), and sometimes fail to conserve their strong sides. The gameplay gets increasingly better, but I feel like the questlines are getting worse and worse and tedious but lovely things like traveling (Silt Striders, boats, teleportation... very immersive features) or choices like birthsigns get simplified to attract a larger audience of people with rather short attention spans. The addition of horses in Oblivion was a big help, though!
It's not like i dislike the game, I love it! That's why im passionate about it.
No Marriageable Bosmer or Khajiit, they both seem left out.
But positive thinking!
All of the new Race models look great! only thing I could Improve is giving Khajiit and Argonians some digitigrade legs.
It is.
The problem is that some members are too naive to and lack the capability to distinguish between hardened complaints and harmless banter between friends.
"You can't fix stupid." - Ron White
That I can't find the little birdies chirping all over the forest and tundra.
More indepth storylines.... probably but it works in my favor.
And if that's what I dislike about the game? See, if every TES game has there strengths and weaknesses, why take out the strength that did good for one game and not continue it in the next?