Things you dislike about the game

Post » Sat Aug 17, 2013 9:32 am

Grinding tradeskills. God I hate how I end up doing it with nearly every character I make.

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Yama Pi
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Post » Sat Aug 17, 2013 6:09 am

No beast legs
Enemy AI is easy to manipulate. It is funny though. I do like the AI as it is but it needs to improved so there will be 1 less complaint on the forums.... but that would probably cause more complaints, things like-
Why do enemies never stop searching for me when they hear me but dont see me.
why are enemies crouching and disappearing off the HUD. (A feature I'd like in TES VI)
why are enemies so hard to manipulate.
why dont NPCs run away when hostiles are near.

basically if TES VI has improved AI, it will cause more complaints. but we do need improved AI.
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Nathan Barker
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Post » Fri Aug 16, 2013 7:56 pm

-The main quest was poorly thought out

-The epic battle with Alduin that gets hyped throughout the game lasts close to 30 seconds and is not challenging or rewarding at all

-The Dark Brotherhood was okay but nowhere near as fun as Oblivion

-The College is an absolute joke of a questline

-The Thieves guild was good for for the first 2 quests then it turns into a generic dungeon diver

-There's no choices you can make

-The radiant quest system was to heavily relied on


-"You can control the economy"

-"Each city is larger then the ones in Oblivion"

This list used to be much larger but then I got the PC version so mods fixed tons of problems.

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Jessie Rae Brouillette
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Post » Sat Aug 17, 2013 3:36 am

Why are people discussing things they don't like about TES and not the game it self? Not liking Khajiit or Nords has more to do with the world and lore.

-Lack of depth

-Clearly aimed for casuals to pick up and play

-Most things you do don't matter

-You are the 'one' where ever you are no matter what

-Self forced role playing in most cases

-Needed to be more fleshed out(hence the 1000+ gameplay mods)

-Butchering the term ARPG/RPG

Those are the biggest problems without taking into account anything too objective.

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Post » Sat Aug 17, 2013 9:58 am

Definitely agree with most of what you said.

I was wondering that myself. Just some more folk trying to argue about the races again.

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Killah Bee
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Post » Sat Aug 17, 2013 6:49 am

That's hilarious. Well done.

I would have never thought about that guy. Yet I see how one could make that association.

Because it's a joke. All in a cheap stab at the OP's username in relation to the topic. While some of it has merit, it's not that big of an issue.

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Nikki Morse
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Post » Sat Aug 17, 2013 7:43 am

11/11/11 mugged Skyrim

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TRIsha FEnnesse
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Post » Sat Aug 17, 2013 7:18 am

I wanted a 'rebooted' Golden Saint as a Spouse/Follower.

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Antonio Gigliotta
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Post » Fri Aug 16, 2013 8:27 pm

I thought it was a joke at first but then people kept going on about it and providing reasons and I thought it was an arguement. Good to know!

What do people mean by this? I know it was the release date, but what was wrong with that? Do you mean they rushed to get it out by that date, hence the bugs?

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Alexis Estrada
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Post » Sat Aug 17, 2013 6:43 am

The narrative and the quest lines and dear god the college quest line they had to make it "epic" they could not keep it to magical lessons and researching artifacts and magical theories noooo it had to be some world destroying threat.

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Paula Rose
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Post » Fri Aug 16, 2013 11:58 pm

There are some things I dislike but the one over all - the one thing I really dislike is that the most interesting faction with the greatest potential was completely ruined, spoiled and destroyed by connecting it to lycanthropy.

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Post » Sat Aug 17, 2013 11:16 am

In no real order:

The less than stellar writing

The short guilds with few options

Not giving Christopher Plummer more to do.

How unimaginative Smithing is

How unimaginative Magic is

How terrible the horses are

The less than great movement system

The lack of unarmored Huskies to become your pets

That marriage is as shallow as it is, in terms of actual means to get married, the number of candidates for marriage, and the actual mechanics of marriage.

The lack of in depth exploration on both the Greybeards and the Dragon Cult (Both before and after Dragonborn)

The less than huge amount of stewards you can get (and the fact you can't get any for your big houses)

No faction independent player home in WInterhold

The just stupid AI

The way you can't pick any 3 of the 9 wings for your homes in Hearthfire

The lack of character customization in terms of height and weight (as in fat, not muscle) sliders

The bugs

The fact that Bethesda has apparently abandoned the game with such a "Meh" attitude

That should cover it for now.

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Claire Vaux
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Post » Sat Aug 17, 2013 1:09 am

Yeah the werewolf thing was not handled well but there is mod that actually makes the companions quest interesting and the mod uses the werewolf as a vehicle of conflict between the companions.

Hence why bethesda needs to improve their quest lines and narrative for the next game because of the poor pacing.

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Laura Wilson
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Post » Sat Aug 17, 2013 5:42 am

It took me a bit to find it, but I agree with what this distinguished gentleman said...

I guess it's more of a "future suggestion" but it's relevant as to what I feel is lacking. Therefore it's something I dislike about Skyrim.

And that it also lacks Spellcrafting.

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Louise Lowe
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Post » Sat Aug 17, 2013 3:24 am

Basically yes, in order to release Skyrim on their gimmicky date things had to to be trimmed. I ussed the word mugged because 11/11/11 robbed Skyrim of all its potential. Its a great open world game but you can barely call it an RPG anymore. Onto the list...

-Guild pacing svcked. The stories weren't bad but everything happened too fast.

-Gimmick mechanics like marriage make me mad because it felt like a last minute addition. To this day I haven't gotten married in Skyrim because its lame.

-The animations, while improved from oblivion, are still lackluster even by 2011 standards. Seriously the hunched over casting animation is so lame, I never leave first person as a magic user.

-I didn't agree with their approach to the magic system, as they opting for cost reduction enchantments to in order to cast more spells. But it made casting way too costly (im looking at you lightning) and made fire spells superior over every other choice. Um, were in Skyrim where its mostly Nords; that means at least half of the population is 50% resistant to frost. You just gimped frost magic form the beginning. :confused:

-Forced guild joining.

-Horses are so useless, they might as well not even be in the game. I lol'ed at the horse combat update, as if anyone even rides horses. They're all the same ( there are exceptions of course), and they don't carry your stuff.

-Fake Difficulty

-"Perk" trees in skyrim were filled with the most useless thing to pad out trees and broken skills. Useless perks example: One Handed- Bonebreaker, Bladesman, and hack and slash.

-There is no natural way to level smithing so that skill is 99% grind, terrible.

As well as other things but I think most of you get it.

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Lexy Corpsey
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Post » Sat Aug 17, 2013 6:55 am

1. The poor spawning system. NPC's spawn in mid air ,half way in the ground,underground. NPC's can die because of this. Only since the engine changes has this kind of stuff happened.

2. NPC's dont rest or sit properly. Sitting and resting in thin air. Poor.

3. Perk system is not all it's cracked up to be. Some don't work,and some make no sense at all...others are just plain dull with little thought. Just plonked in for the sake of it.

4. No proper birthstone to stick with at the start. Choosing birthstones willy-nilly is hand holding at it's best. Poor.

5. All NPC's start with 100 in each so called attribute. Much better in morrowind and oblivion. Attributes need to come back.

6. Things don't load properly.

7. Extremely dull cities.

8. Not the best writing.

9. No attributes and classes.

10. Poor map,menu and interface. Way too modern for the type of game it is. Again,i prefered morrowind and oblivions menus,maps etc.

11. No alchemy equipment on the go. Why they got rid of this i don't know. Less to find in loot because of things like this.

12. Poor quests for the most part. Especially faction quests.

13. No athletics or acrobatics. Every race jumps the same.Just enough height to clear a chicken...yes,i said a chicken. Running speed is awful. High elfs and orcs can run faster than anyone even carrying a two handed weapon and wearing heavy armour. So according to bethesda and skyrim logic woodelves are the less nimble and slowest race. My arsecheeks they are. Very poorly done all round here. Can't even jump when sprinting.

14. Lack of attributes makes food,diseases,beverages and other things more dull than ever.

15. Poor rage of clothing and armour in my opinion.

16. Lack of more body slots.

17. Poor smithing,and lack of weapon armour degrading.

18. Can't pay enchanters or smiths to enhance your stuff.

19. NO under water combat.

20. No hand-to-hand skill. No unarmoured skill either.

21. Poor weapon designs,for the most part. No thrust,chop or slashing stats with weapons.

22. NPC's can't use detect life or sneak attack us.

23. Too many things copied from fallout.

24. Way too many shouts. So many that magic and other things in the world take a hit for it.

25. Speech is awful. NPC's have poor dialogue.

26. Lack of response for your actions.

27. Health regen.

28. No cure disease spell in restoration. Poison rune in restoration? WTF!

29. Bugs,and crap loads of them.

30. Poor game design,for the most part.

31. Poor enemies.

32. Rubbish AI,followers. I'd rather it stay single player. But if they are going to add dumb NPC's as followers or multiple followers,they may as well add co-op.

33. Vampires are poor. Way to overpowered during the day.

34. Lack of spears,throwing weapons.

35. kids and marriage.

36. combat ain't the best.

37. Stamina is useless compaired to how it was in morrowind.

38. Money is to easy to come by,and fluff all to do with it.

39. Lack of proper stores. Book shops etc.

40. Poor horses.

41. Quest markers,and way too much hand holding.

42. Poor traps.

43. No way for a mage or warrior to open chests. Warriors should be able to try and force the lock based on strength. Also with a risk of damaging or breaking their weapon...or some loot inside.

44. alchemy,smithing,and enchanting should be under crafting a trade skills. Not combat,magic,and stealth.

45. Lack of flying enemies,except dragons. And i don't mean the poor ones that hover.

46. Enchanting things better than daedric artifacts. Daedric atrifacts are also worth fluff all anymore. Azura's star is worth around 500 septims depending on speech. Yet you pay 200 septims for a crappy poem. Yeah...allright.

47. Shouldn't be able to make daedric armour. Again,adds to the loot problem.

48. Loot.

49. Harder to roleplay becasue of things that are forced on you.

50. Pacing.

That will do. I could add another 100 to that list easily. But i have wasted enough time already.


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CHangohh BOyy
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Post » Fri Aug 16, 2013 10:15 pm

Kill cams

No respec before leaving helgen keep

Forced 3rd person perspectives

Dungeons too linear, and too bright.

The map svcks, use a 2d one like previous games.

No weapon/armour degredation.

Pickpocket is way too lenient... In previous games simply looking in a pocket was the risk... now you can look and decide whether to steal with 0 risk 100% of the time. Which sort of defeats the purpose, funny that they even made a skill around it.

No hardcoe mode.

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Alexx Peace
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Post » Sat Aug 17, 2013 10:23 am

Not a fan then ST. :shrug:

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Post » Fri Aug 16, 2013 9:25 pm

Nazeem :brokencomputer:

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Big Homie
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Post » Sat Aug 17, 2013 5:45 am

Of the TES series,yes. Of skyrim,not really. Some decent things in there,but i have way too many dislikes to bother with it anymore. There are many that like it the way it is,and that's fine,it's their cup of tea. I don't like the direction it's gone in and the way it could possibly go in the future. As an older fan,it leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. I've give skyrim more than enough chances. But the seed has already been planted and the damage done. Or has others would say: The dummy has been spat out. I'll agree with both. :smile:

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Post » Fri Aug 16, 2013 8:04 pm

Twin SSDs in RAID 0 solves that problem. Works for me :D

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Post » Fri Aug 16, 2013 10:56 pm

That when you install different mods game becomes highly unstable. Wish game just prevented conflicting mods from loading and everything else ran smooth as butter

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Miss Hayley
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Post » Sat Aug 17, 2013 3:32 am

One of my major gripes is the addition of the Nine Divines to Skyrim. I think the Nine(Eight) Divines should have a temple in Solitude, due to the Imperial influence there, but the temple in Whiterun should have been a temple of Kyne, not Kynareth. Ysmir and Shor also deserve shrines and temples IMO.

I dislike that the Imperials are now not only inspired by the Romans, but everything they have, apparently, have to look Roman as well. I liked the mix of influences in the Morrowind presentation of the Legion much better.

The races doesn't have enough differences IMO. Enough for me to have preferences, but I wouldn't mind more. The Imperials and Nords are particularly bad there, since gameplay-wise the Imperials are basically weaker Nords. Very similar activated ability, one focusing on duration and the other on "range"(as in what it affects), both being crowd control. Only major difference is that the Nord's 50% resist frost is more useful than 2-10 more gold when looting. Why not give the Imperials a passive bonus to persuasion and barter, which is more befitting of them?

The Civil War questline. The premise around it is interesting enough. The questline itself, not so much.

Too few spells. I can deal with no spellcrafting, if there is enough variation in the spells and spell effects in the game. Sadly there isn't.

I like the Standing Stones, but I wouldn't mind having a permanent Birthsign.

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Post » Sat Aug 17, 2013 6:04 am

So you hate Skyrim then :/ in my experience Morrowind and Oblivion share many similarities with Skyrim. The only major difference is the skill system, which is more simpler and better in my opinion.

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carley moss
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Post » Sat Aug 17, 2013 7:21 am

I found a common within 5 of those. The rest are somewhat repetitive dribble and fillers that make no sense., other than to grant an illusion of in depth concern.

And aside from two that were omitted, the game still has the effects from attributes. It certainly has classes. It just removed the cookie cutter predetermined profiles.

I don't know why people feel they must have a plethora of initiated skills to create a sense of uniqueness for a character. I guarantee you every character I have made is undisputedly unique form the others.

Chances are you were like the majority and created a custom class, anyway. Those predetermined settings were targeted to new players that don't know what they really want, to start with.

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