Just post any things you dislike about the game, from the graphics, to storyline, to characters. Anything
Just post any things you dislike about the game, from the graphics, to storyline, to characters. Anything
I personally don't like that no matter how bad you are, you can never be truly evil. You're always a hero, no matter what you do throughout the game. You save the world. You can't truly be a bad guy.
And I dislike ulfric and rolf stone fist, basicly any nord who hates outsiders.
Wonderful...I just think they are misunderstood. All of Skyrim hates them but there isn't a solid reason why. I think they're the best. I have yet to find a single-handed weapon that does more than their claws. They have a starting sneak of 25. They can see in the dark, so it's a good one to be a vampire or the sneaky type who kills in the night, unnoticed.
They are like those damn frostback knuckle draggers. The only good one is a dead one.
They don't bathe, for crying out loud.
They are nothing but a bunch of dirty thieves.
Give'em a box of sand and throw'em a fish once a day.
I dislike how the main Imperial protagonist is a cardboard cutout compared to the main Stormcloak.
No real impact from your completion of the MQ or doing the final "job" for the Dark Brotherhood!
The reason they cant bathe is because the stupid nords don't let them in the city.
See above...
Are you kidding? Hell, an iron dagger can be Smithed to be better than those claws.
Any race can make that up in a few levels.
They already have nighteye. Being a Vampire is redundant. Any race can get Nighteye by becoming a Vampire,as far as that goes.
Yea, because there are no streams, rivers or lakes in all of Skyrim, outside the city walls.
I do think that the Winterhold College should've been as long as the companions or longer. but with the companions, youve done the work of dozens of men, almost single-handedly wiped out their enemies, and found a cure for lycanthropy.
No, you can smith a iron dagger to 5 or 6 damage it least in the beginning, when khajiit get around 20 damage in the beginning
There is no reason for the Nords to hate the Khajiit so much. I was once told my kind wasn't welcome in a shop and I got so mad, I slowly assassinated most of the town. The only reason I never have nor will join the Stormcloaks is because of their battle cry "SKYRIM BELONGS TO THE NORDS". Are they forgetting thier scaled, gray-skinned, furry, or orcish companions? I don't want to fight for an army that is so arrogant and racist.
The boring characters
Bad voice acting
The terrible plots
Massive plotholes
Abundance of bugs
Invincible NPCs
Abundance of money
Lack of attributes
Lack of classes
Lack of skills
Lack of permanent birthsigns
Lack of realism
Dull followers
Brightly lit dungeons
Werewolves speaking with human voices
Small cities (Morthal)
Lack of NPCs
Overpowered skills (Smithing + Enchanting)
Cliche and boring main questline
Poor dialogue options and topics
Not allowed to drop quest items
To be exact, Khajiit claws do 15 points of damage. I'm a level 8 and I haven't used a weapon save for a bow once the whole game. Khajiit claws take out a bandit in one hit if they aren't blocking. I also love the cutscene kills for them because I usually pick them up and smash their heads into rocks.
That's only the base damage of the weapon. Not counting the 1H skill. Nonetheless, this can be nitpicked for only a short time as one can clearly create a better 1H weapon. To say that one cannot find a 1H weapon to compare is ridiculous.
Ok.. forget about the Iron Dagger and lets look at other options that are available early.
No, they do 12 points of extra damage. That's added to the 6 base of everyone else. Which is only a total of 18 base damage.
I hate the Nords. They believe they are superior to everyone else and it really pisses me off
The "Nords."
And Valdar.
The whole Evil in Waiting quest. Blasphemy to benevolent and merciful Hevnoraak is what it is!
12 points of damage plus the normal amount of fist damage, which is a total of 16 or 17 damage.