This topic also concerns those who have recently acquired the game of course, but the focus is mainly on those who have the game for a long time.
There's a features of Daggerfall that I've never or barely touched.
- I have never played a magic-user for more than a few hours. (The gameplay for the mages seems too overwhelming for me...somehow..)
- I have never risen high in any factions without cheating. The highest rank I got was Punisher(5th rank) for the Dark Brotherhood
- The highest level I've risen to is 15
- I have never summoned a Daedric Prince without cheating to get the money.
- I've recently finished the Main Quest for the first time.
- I have never purchased the most expensive house without cheating. (It costs 1 450 000 if I recall correctly)
- I have never acquired daedric gauntlets. (They are pretty rare I think)
- I have never made a potion or magical item.
I think that's all for now.

What about you? What things have you never done in Daggerfall, despite the thousands of hours you've put in the game?