Things you'd like to see in DLC

Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 12:27 pm

Here's some ideas i figured would be good for DLC or expansions or whatever you want to call them these days.

1st off, In the interest of crafting or smithing itd be nice to have a higher level cap and naturally more armor and weapons.
As well it would be nice if we could craft arrows in the future, bound bow aside theyre a real pain to keep looting from the dead or paying for and could make more use out of a lumberyard.

Following with the ideas of crafting your own equipment and such the idea of being able to run your own shop that you can stock with said equipment, as well hire some friends to work. Gaining customers through social interaction advertising using speechcraft to determine the success rate.

And of course perhaps some more spells. They are quite neat.
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Karine laverre
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:06 am

Halberds and crafting arrows and I will be happy but mainly crafting arrows.
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Ridhwan Hemsome
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 12:05 pm

More map area with new dungeons/weapons/spells etc.

In other words, I want the game life doubled.
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He got the
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 12:01 pm

More spells, Falmer who don't attack on sight, Friendly giants, more shouts etc.
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Katie Louise Ingram
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:27 pm

More spells, Falmer who don't attack on sight, Friendly giants, more shouts etc.

Falmer are blind. :thumbsup:
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Elisha KIng
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 6:22 pm

More factions that are at odds with each other.

Aside from the Stormcloak/Imperial factions, it seems like too many people are getting along. It would be amazing if we could have factions with the tensions and interconnectedness of Fallout: New Vegas in an Elderscrolls game.

Additional skills and perks would be nice, but IMO not necessary. Maybe some perks that aren't skill specific.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:09 am

Ooooh also maybe a change in the economy system i just got married in the game sold my wife a buttload of expensive gears, most of its gone and shes still poor, youd think shed have more money for selling the gears... unless she got jacked but shes been home all day... not sure how shes selling stuff either... >_>... dear god is my wife selling her body for gold!!!

As a fantasy game i pathetically vote it should be livable in lol... for instance refering back to my idea of opening a shop and stocking items that you make and stock and you earn the value of the items as apposed to some random amount or the value you would pawning it off at a shop for a reduced amount. Of course it would take time to sell. Then even going further watching the town evolve as people buy your equipment, so if you stock your store with glass armor, certain townsfolk will start wearing glass.

Then your shop can gain reputation based on the quality of your products (aka how expensive they are) or it could make for a poor shop because you have so few customers because you dont stock with lower quality items as well.
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Jaylene Brower
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 4:32 pm

More factions that are at odds with each other.

Aside from the Stormcloak/Imperial factions, it seems like too many people are getting along. It would be amazing if we could have factions with the tensions and interconnectedness of Fallout: New Vegas in an Elderscrolls game.

Additional skills and perks would be nice, but IMO not necessary. Maybe some perks that aren't skill specific.

i got attacked by stormcloaks for offing some imperials lol i was mad.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 9:13 am

Ooooh also maybe a change in the economy system i just got married in the game sold my wife a buttload of expensive gears, most of its gone and shes still poor, youd think shed have more money for selling the gears... unless she got jacked but shes been home all day... not sure how shes selling stuff either... >_>... dear god is my wife selling her body for gold!!!

As a fantasy game i pathetically vote it should be livable in lol... for instance refering back to my idea of opening a shop and stocking items that you make and stock and you earn the value of the items as apposed to some random amount or the value you would pawning it off at a shop for a reduced amount. Of course it would take time to sell. Then even going further watching the town evolve as people buy your equipment, so if you stock your store with glass armor, certain townsfolk will start wearing glass.

Then your shop can gain reputation based on the quality of your products (aka how expensive they are) or it could make for a poor shop because you have so few customers because you dont stock with lower quality items as well.

In regards to the item value earnings in shop that should go for the entire town as well. Perhaps the game could monitor the wealth of the town based on the shops... aka the more shops get items sold to and bought from the more they will have and the more money they will have... going even more extensive the town could evolve or the shops could get kinda makeovers from the wealth they earn to look prettier or be bigger.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:15 pm

It would be amazing if we could have factions with the tensions and interconnectedness of Fallout: New Vegas in an Elderscrolls game.

Have you played Morrowind?
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 2:12 pm

If Bethesda has any sense of marketing, and they certainly do, then Spellcrafting is almost assured to return as a DLC. They may have said that they removed it for balance reasons, but the sheer power of Alchemy and Enchantment shows that they're not too concerned with any balance issues. The reasons those two shipped with the game is that they're based on skills that had to be useable right away, while Spellcrafting is a feature that can just be added later without much trouble. It's a feature that would sell almost as much as the game itself, because nearly everyone regards it as a defining trait of Elder Scrolls games and will want it back.

No matter your opinion on the matter of Spellcrafting itself, you have to admit that ignoring such an obvious and effortless money-grab would almost be a criminally irrational business decision.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 7:49 am

maybe a dlc where you get to travel to the ruined capital of the dwemer empire. i havent figured out a plot for it yet but it would be nice.
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Nancy RIP
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 6:23 am

Some sort of giant expansion in the vein of Shivering Isles. Not necessarily going to a different realm, but visiting a place with a different "flavor" than the rest of Skyrim would be
a nice change of pace. Hopefully something offbeat and a little weird. I have no specific idea for this; I just know what feel I'd like it to have. Okay, okay, maybe something
with elves. Especially given their new, eerie makeovers.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 12:16 pm

I wouldnt mind seeing some perk for mastery of destruction allowing you to mix different types of spells. As sad of an example, but like magicka, maybe a nice electrical ice spike :D.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:53 am

Posted this in another thread. My one Skyrim wish

An Akavir Invasion (Rather it be Akavir but Skyrim would suffice)

Reading the book in Skyrim got me even more intrigued by Akavir. The Tsaesci would be the hardest to kill but would be awesome if they could be talked to or negotiated with. Imagine having a Tsaesci craft you your own special Katana, it would be so sick. Then you have the Ape like people of Tang Mo and the Cats of Ko' Pa' Tun (I think that is what it's called). The natives of Tang Mo should have to be negotiable and friendly to Dovahkiin. The Khajiit-Like Tiger Folk of Ko' Pa' Tun however, would be an interesting group. Their leader the Tiger Dragon "Tosh Raka" has plans to eventually invade Tamriel which you would want to prevent. He is said to be the biggest dragon in all of Nirn, covered in Orange and Black scales. He was one of the Native Tiger Folk who ascended and became a Dragon (which you could say is all of the Tiger Folk's goal). The Rise of the Dragons sets the stage perfectly to go to Akavir. The Tsaesci are merciless but you share a common goal with them. The Tang Mo are peaceful and noble but they are allies with your enemy. The Ko' Pa' Tun are all trying to become next to gods and are behind invading Tamriel. Would it be possible for you to side with the Tsaesci and the Tang Mo, breaking their alliance with the Tiger people? Could you kill everyone in your path to the Tosh Raka, making no friends in the process? Could you side with the Snake-like Tsaesci and destroy both the Tiger Folk and the Monkeys?

What the Expansion could bring.
More moments similar to "Season Unending".
A true boss battle with Tosh Raka.
Multiple New Races.
Tsaesci, the original Dragon Slayers.
A vast new land.
A choice driven Main-Quest!
New Companions.
Return of Goblins.
More Akavir Weapons like Dai-Katana's.
New Ingredients for Alchemy.
Naval Warfare.
Full Fledged Siege Warfare.
Interesting Side Quests.
Tremendous Amounts of New Lore.

A man can dream can't he? :blush:
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 7:40 am

It needs to be big. Big as, or bigger than shivering isles.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:51 am

Werewolves and Vampires improved and then have some dlc centered around them (similar to Bloodmoon and Morrowind vampires)
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jessica breen
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 7:35 am

Have you played Morrowind?


What I'd like to see in a DLC is a hardcoe mode. Make eating/sleeping a necessity. Reduce/eliminate healing potions forcing one to use healers and fight smarter. Add 'rent' to the game. Instead of buying/owning a house you could only rent so that you would need to keep working (exploring/looting, bounty hunter or chopping wood). If you don't have enough for rent either you lose access or hired thugs are sent.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 3:26 pm

Falmer are blind. :thumbsup:

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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:51 pm

Going to the Daggerfall area would be pretty fun (with Privateer's Hold), along with tons of other improvements people have already mentioned.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 6:51 am

make your own spells. be able to make more set of armor( different appearance ) make cooking better (perhaps combine some stuff from ingredients list) be able to shoot from horseback ( y buy horse it dies u have buy new 1) the ability to influence the town economy is good idea i do most of my commerce in whiterun( the smith should own that town ) the ability to open shop would be great (several towns could use smithery) an app to make screenshots in game like mag would be good (hideing behind my shield as a dragon breaths on me id put it on t shirt) a higher level cap if they added new skills and section because if not your character would just lose it individuality from others
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Gemma Archer
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 2:41 pm

I'd like to see more interesting followers for each guild, especially for the Dark Brotherhood. They don't even have any names. I liked the original members of the DB when I first joined. more radiant quest for each guild. New rare weapons via daedric quest I suppose.

How about a way to revive your followers if they die by either spell, potion, scroll etc. And if you can't revive them on the spot how about being able to revive at the guild home base. I don't know about you guys but I get attached to my followers and would rather reload a recent save then continue playing without them ever again.
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Imy Davies
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:54 am

Plot: Somthing to do with the Divines, prehaps Talos, taking down the Thalmor maybe. Sons of Talos would be a good name for this. Something along the lines of Knights of the Nine.

Items. Dragonbone weapons pretty please.

Skills: Higher level caps and new perks on all skills. The return of spellcrafting, tie it in with enchantment, using the enchantents you have already learned through disenchantment to create new spells.

Enemies: Bring back Goblins and more Daedra.

Locations, a lots of new dungeons to raid and some new villages

Other new content: Allow unmarried male characters to seduce female NPC's at every inn (and vice versa for unmarried female characters) for some sort of Conquest bonus (all skills over 60 raised by 25 points or somthing) The ability to bet money on yourself for organised tavern brawls.

Oh, and fix the bugs, even if they don't ruin the game for me.
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Gaelle Courant
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 3:26 am

The only DLC essential is horse armor.
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Mylizards Dot com
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 4:51 am

Since their first DLC is half the size of shivering isles I'd hope that it would include the following:

Water walking spell
Cloak of invisibility;)
More than 20 new characters
Spell creating or another 7 spells (besides water walking)
Two new 3 hour dungeons
A six hour quest line
Maybe a realm of oblivion with some daedra
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