Here is some:
*You can attack Dragur before they wake up. Go into sneak mode and when your in an area with body stuck in crevices you can shoot a sleeping Dragur with an arrow or two. You can tell if its going to get up by noticing it's wearing clothes. Of course if your not sure, shoot it anyways

. This does not work however if there inside the stone coffins

*If an enemy moves out of your line of sight. Shoot an arrow at the back wall, pillar or whatever. This will cause the enemy to go towards the sound and you can sneak attack them.
*If a dragon is in a village and you do not want to fight them, go into a building, wait a minute and come back out, the dragon is normally gone.
*If your having issues with a bunch of enemies out in the wild and there is a Giant Encampment near by, run through it. The enemies will stop attacking you and turn to attack the Giant(s) and the Mammoth(s). Once combat is over, no one will be trying to kill you.

*Kill a person in town with no one looking. Leave your weapon out and stand over the corpse. When people do walk by, they will say things, think you did the deed, but cannot prove it (<-----rather funny).
*Run a dragon into a Giant Encampment (<------hilarious)
*Having issues with a Dragon Priest or a Deathlord? If they way you came has a gate, run back through the gate and close it. The enemy will not be able to attack you, but you can attack them! LOL!
*Too many enemies on your tail in a dungeon? If the way you came or forward has a trap, such as blade pendulums, use your Dragon Shout sprint to the other side, hit the switch and watch the baddies get chopped to pieces.
*Shoot the Hawks flying above the Emperor's Tower in Solitude and you'll be stopped by the guards for breaking the law and be force to pay a fine.
*Once you have made friends with a merchant, they'll let you take some of their stuff for free and then turn around and sell it to them.
*Having issues catching butterflies? Go into sneak and get them that way.
*(Now this one make me laugh so hard I cried) Hate the Thalmor? Go into Mararth and speak to the Thalmor rep in the Jarl's house. He will ask you to get proof from someone. Get the proof and give it to the Thalmor rep. He will give you a reward, Turn around and kill him and his bodyguards. The Markarth guards will attack you, ignore them. Loot the Thalmor bodies and run the hell out of there and hide. Wait a little but and go back in. The guards will not care you killed those people and you will not be fined. And for the hell of it you can return the item back to the person the Thalmor rep asked you to get, or sell it.