Things you may not have known.

Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 2:17 am

Marked For Death stacks with multiple uses. This is mostly useful against Ancient Dragons on master difficulty. I usually end up hitting them with it a third time when they are around half health and then 2 shot them with a 100 damage bow.
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 3:50 am

  • Dragons are very good at Tracking you, even if your using an invisibility Potion.

When does this happen. Most of them I encounter are blind as a bat. There are times they will fly right over me and keep going to fight something else and never bother coming back.
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Tha King o Geekz
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 4:24 pm

Some more I thought of. Some of these are obvious, and some are stated on loading screens. Whatever though, here-go!

Shield bashing interrupts attacks from opponents.
After beheading an enemy, their head weighs that of their body.
Placing a kettle over an npc's head prevents them from "seeing" you and you can steal their base in front of them.
Dropping gems in front of villagers makes for interesting fights.
Hitting a dragon with dragonrend while it's down "holds" it down, thus preventing them from flying away.
Kiting dragons into villages, giants, sabercats, bears, etc, will distract the dragons attention onto other targets.
You cannot kill children. (Which is bullcrap, some of them are annoying as hell)
Killing chickens gives you a fine.
Killing everyone who witnessed your crime lifts your bounty.
Sheathing your weapon may opt a guard to sheath his weapon attempt another arrest instead of trying to kill you.
Vampirism can be cured with a simple potion of cure disease.
Walking around without armor or robes on will make for some funny comments from other npc's.
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Stryke Force
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 3:12 am

spell traps can be disarmed when shot with the same kind of spell ex Fire for fire traps

I had no idea. Good to know.
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Jaylene Brower
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 6:05 am

  • Some Dragons sleep at night, curled up on the ground.
  • Spriggans will slave nearby animals to fight you with increased strengh/speed and detection abilities.
  • Giants buy cattle (ok not really but they do trade for them)
  • there are atleast 7 pitfall traps in Skyrim in various ruin types for various reasons.
  • Khajiit Traders Travel in real time from place to place, and don't just randomly spawn at their locations, they can lose followers.
  • not all it seems...her inhabitants I mean.
  • There is a spell called Bound Arrow that lets you shoot arrows out of your Hands....
  • Dragons are very good at Tracking you, even if your using an invisibility Potion.
  • Taking shelter into a Wilderness Building will make Dragons wait outside patiently.
  • the Hanging Bones are Alarms, do not trigger them.
  • Firing arrows at a wall near enemies will distract them, allowing you to move past if needed.
  • Skyrim is ****ing awesome.

There is just so much goodness in this game, I can confirm several of these points
- when faced with multiple enemies (such as bandits in a fort on the road I want to travel along) I often fire an arrow at a wall to get their attention if I don't initially have a clear line of sight to shoot any of them - the nearest ones will head towards where they heard the arrow hitting the wall, and I can pick them off once they come into range.
- "bone chimes" alert everything in the near vicinity, including getting draugr out of their coffins - useful if you have a high sneak skill, use the chimes to get the draugr out of coffins and then sneak around picking them off
- you can sneak up on a dragon in its roost, it WILL detect you once you hit it, they have like superpowered vision, but that first shot gets the sneak damage bonus and can help a lot
- I have traded with Khajiit on the roads between towns (you can trade with the caravan vendor when they are on the move), they move from town to town in real time - but I always enjoy seeing the light from their camp fire as I approach a town if they have got there before me.

Other cool things I have noticed:
- The travelling bard that you can meet in the wilderness stops at taverns to have a drink
- I turned in a bounty with a Jarl, as I came out of the Jarl's longhouse I saw a courier running into the nearby tavern, lo and behold when I spoke to the innkeeper they told me that a new bounty letter had been delivered. This could have just been random coincidence, but it seemed pretty cool at the time!
- An "Imperial patrol + Stormcloak prisoner" random encounter spawned for me on the road near Winterhold as I was approaching the town - the Winterhold town guards ran towards and fought the Imperial soldiers, killing them amongst the derelict buildings and the Stormcloak prisoner ran to his freedom.

It's little details like this that take it to the next level.
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Dominic Vaughan
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 10:59 am

-You can lay a Rune on top of a Fire Trap, and then Shout towards/over it, and it will spring the Trap, which springs the Rune! Overkills FTW.

-(Xbox 360) Click Right Stick to go into third-person view. Click and hold Right Stick, then manipulate Left Stick. You can control the zoom of the camera in third-person this way.
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Rob Smith
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 1:11 am

-Fus Ro Dah interrupts a dragon's breath attack.

-Ice Form is freaking hilarious to use on enemies standing on inclines.

-The View from Azura's shrine is incredible

-Fast traveling causes you to miss out on everything that's truly wonderful about this game

-Be careful choosing a spouse, if you pick an immortal npc like Aela the Hunter they cannot be un married
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Andres Lechuga
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 12:54 am

So, theoretically, I could move these all to the Whiterun commons and watch people trip over themselves to be the ones to die at the traps' teeth?


Nazeem.... OH YES!
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tegan fiamengo
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 3:22 pm

-Fast traveling causes you to miss out on everything that's truly wonderful about this game

The truest word that has been spoken - my playthrough (something like 260 hours) in which there is no fast travel --- questlines completed 1 (thieves guild, although still not guildmaster). Yep, just 1, one, (as in one single solitary), questline completed in all that time, yet a HUGE amount of adventure along the way. And I have still not: completed the main quest; taken sides in the civil war; visited an Orc stronghold; discovered half the locations on the map. Anyone who says they have done the game already is doing it wrong!
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Tyler F
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 1:15 pm

-Be careful choosing a spouse, if you pick an immortal npc like Aela the Hunter they cannot be un married

aela the huntress
and she can be killed
did a dozen times on accident when she was following me

dno about remarrying though
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Samantha Wood
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 8:56 am

Mjoll the Lioness from riften is the only marryable follower that can't be killed.
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 2:34 am

Mjoll the Lioness from riften is the only marryable follower that can't be killed.

I did consider her as a marriage prospect, but doesn't she have that guy Aerin following her around everywhere? It's creepy enough waking up with Lydia standing over me and she's just my Housecarl, not sure I'd want my spouses stalker doing the same! *shudder".
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Latisha Fry
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 12:15 am

roadside Wagons are not just models they function EXACTLY as you would think they do the wheels spin and balance the cart, you could effectively push along 3 bodies in a cart by sneaking and running up against it.

Wagons Hurt. do not F with the Wagons do not listen to my prior statement, those things Hurt if you push them against a wall.

Wagons can attack you, to many horror stories about them killing players. no I am not kidding.

Wolves will periodically based on your direction flank you, to attack your back, if say you're being attacked by 3, 2 will aggro you and one will flank to eat your rear.

becareful of "dead" skeletons sitting in a pose or laying down, they will get up -silently- and stab you in the back if you aren't paying attention.

The Daedric prince of Light (not real title) guiding lights hurt, do not intersect them, they hurt. you'll know what I'm talking about when you do the quest.

Travelers have a destination and do not simply wander about, if you have the time, follow them. they lead you to some interesting places if they don't give you a destination. for those that do like Imperial/stormcloak hopefuls, they will actually travel from wherever you meet them to windhelm/solitude.

refusing certain quests or generally pissing people off will net you Hired thugs to come after you.

Periodically you will come across hostile individuals decked out in full ebony riding a horse, this is the games way of shuffling your deck and giving you a challange.

Vigilants of Stendarr actively hunt Vampires/Undead/Daedra. if you find one wandering around chances are you'll soon see them attacking the appropriate targets.

Assassins range from Hired thugs, Hired Necromancers, Cultists, Dark brotherhood and various other things I'm sure I haven't come across yet.

Soul turrets can see you whether your sneaking/invisible they can be disabled easily at a distance if you have a bow, simply shoot the gem, otherwise beline it and take the soulgem off the pedestal.

Spouses will utilize the amenities of their homes you provide or that they already have, some own shops and will give you gold once a day, this does fluctuate based on sales.

Using FUS RO DAH to knock down creatures will sometimes give you an autokill, you could effectively kill powerful enemies with 90% health by simply making them roll for a time.

you can shoot birds out of the sky if you haven't tried already.
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Stephanie Nieves
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 3:26 am

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Emmanuel Morales
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 1:55 pm

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Daniel Lozano
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 11:35 am

I did consider her as a marriage prospect, but doesn't she have that guy Aerin following her around everywhere? It's creepy enough waking up with Lydia standing over me and she's just my Housecarl, not sure I'd want my spouses stalker doing the same! *shudder".

you can kill him and as long as nobdy see you do it your fine, i think
so muder some guy in her "freind zone", so you can be left alone that sounds good to me
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Jennifer Rose
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 8:10 am

Vigilants of Stendarr actively hunt Vampires/Undead/Daedra. if you find one wandering around chances are you'll soon see them attacking the appropriate targets.

I have come across some interesting battles between groups of Vigilants and Vampires out in the wilderness, usually in my game the only ones left standing are the vampires! Easy pickings if you watch from a distance and take out the last one standing with a bow. I am always on the lookout for the magic flashes of a battle in progress because it can be pretty easy loot.
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Jesus Sanchez
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 4:01 pm

Some of the Daedra Princes have the ability to continue talking even when the game is paused. I don't remember which did this, but there were two instances that I encountered :P
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Harry Leon
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 12:57 pm

I JUST found out that you can pick up torches that are affixed to walls. It adds torch to your inventory.
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 1:14 am

There's an area to the east of Froki's shack that has a mountainside not fully rendered, and you can walk right through the side of the mountain.
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Richard Thompson
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 2:16 pm

At Lost Vally Redoubt, there is a marker on the map called Bard's Leap Summit. Its a stone walkway that ends over a waterfall. If you decided to leap over the edge and fall into the water below, a ghost will appear. It's a Bard that decided to take the same leap, but unfortunately he did not survive and tells you that he has never seen anyone survive the leap, except for you.

I happened on this by accident. I was too lazy to walk all the way down the steps, so I leaped over the edge lol. Amazing what you can find by accident in this game.
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Dawn Porter
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 3:23 pm

Ah yes I remember that nopulse, I ended up jumping off afer fighting a newly formed Briarheart by the Hagravens near the jump. I more or less cut his head off at the egde and his body and head full into the water below. then I jumped and that ghost greeted me :D
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sarah simon-rogaume
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 8:16 am

You can put buckets on peoples head to blind them.
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Rachel Tyson
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 5:59 am

i am trying to think of what cool stuff I know that others may not.

i do hear people complain about not enough vendors. if you can stand being a thief and pay attention to the fences, you will always be able to unload loot.

there is endon in markath, the guy in honningbrew, tonalia, and at least 2 others.
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Mrs shelly Sugarplum
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 2:51 am

Using shouts in public places like bars or using whirlwind rush to move through the streets will cause couriers to be dispatched to tell you about word walls.
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Andrew Tarango
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