» Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:15 am
I can't really think of one tbh, as NV is its own game like every FO title in the series.
That and so far I've faced super mutants, raiders and assassins all over, I like the weapons in NV just as much and all my favourites are in.
Ok perks for silly things like grave robing or just for roleplaying none to few bonuses with them, they're just there to add flavour and maybe offer new dialogue like FO1 & 2.
More random encounters, but tbh NV areas seem to change after you visit them that I no longer miss the random ones as I find new things all the time.
Multipule companions, but not really as one is enough in NV imo.
All towns having unmarked quests, but again in NV most do anyway or as said above change over time, so I'm just being greedy here.
Some combat tactics that FO tactics had, such as prone, climb.. etc.
six as a weapon, or in all the towns but a few quests already let you use it as a weapon of choice.
Barter with anyone, just enter dialogue and say want to by a pistol? sorry you don't have enough caps but I'll take that rope off of you for this knife.