Boone: So after shooting my wife, taking part in what was essentially a war crime and spending my nights brooding in the head of a plastic dinosaur there was only one thing left to do: Head to the Tops and begin my one man comedy show case!
Courier/Lone Wanderer: Today I'll be showing you how to make a glow lamp, all you'll need is some nuclear material, a brahmin skull and three fission batteries. Oh and a repair skill of 50+
joshua well i forgive you salt upon wounds,daniel wait what, joshua yes i'm letting him go,daniel but he killed all our friends and mentors, yes but god told me to embrace peace,daniel ..... give me the damn gun!
Lanius: Ohh a butterfly Nord: Thats my butterfly, give it here Lanius: No Nord: ..... *Squish* Nord: There now no-one can have it. Lanius: YOL TOOR SHUL! *BOOM!* Nord: Looks like I'm blasting off again! *Tink*
Alt ending involves a baby Lanius in the corner cry - canon sources say this never happened
#?: Courier: So after this one Vault 21 woman, I just carry a bundle of vault suits around with me. At this point I don't even wait for them to ask me if they're interested in that kind of thing. I just wander the wastes throwing jumpsuits at random women.
#?: Courier: So after this one Vault 21 woman, I just carry a bundle of vault suits around with me. At this point I don't even wait for them to ask me if they're interested in that kind of thing. I just wander the wastes throwing jumpsuits at random women.
Moira Brown: "This survival of the fittest, which I have here sought to express in mechanical terms, is that which Mr. Darwin has called 'natural selection', or the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life."
NCR trooper: I'm kinda' cold, good thing there was no nuclear winter! House: quick! spend all my money on food for the orphans! Caesar to Lanius: Your a sixist. Lanius to Caesar: Your bald.