Fallout 3.
Raider in house.
Comes out with gun
Hi there, want to come in and have some tea and cakes?
Raider in wasteland cafe, dwelling area.
Hello there, settle down. Have a beer, what would you like to eat?
Would you please go plant this in the nest, then test this repellant stick and find out about this stuff. And don't bother not killing stuff. Carve a bloody trail for all I care.
I will give you more the more destruction and death you cause.
Warhammer meets Fallout 3.
Warhammer Space Marine to Brotherhood Of Steel Knight.
Awesome mecha armour dude!
Brotherhood Of Steel Knight
Is'nt it just.
Slimming too.
Yours is very gothic.
It is is'nt it.
So what do you fight?
Chaos, Destruction. You?
Super Mutants, Centaurs, Ghouls, Feral Ghouls.
Cool. Actually some of the chaos forces are quite hot. Some of those chaos witch females, smokin.
None I fight are hot.
Bioshock meets Fallout 3.
A portal opens between Rapture and Fallout 3 land.
The place in Fallout 3 is highly radioactive.
A Spider spicer steps through. Ouhh, what is this place? Ooh whats that tingling sensation.......Arm starts to mutate.
Get out man, its freaking glowing here! Runs off.
A Brute splicer comes through.
A Super Mutant, shoot it!
Oy, fight fair you mully, bowls over raider.
Super Mutant
Looks at Brute Splicer
I'm outa here, runs off.
Vault Dweller goes through and finds ADAM and EVE syringes. Ooh, whats this? Interesting. ooh, Plasmids.......
Comes back loaded.
Yep, theyll get a shock next time they fight me!