Now this is more like it, thanks for this thread OP, I'm generally a positive and optimistic guy too.

Anyway, some stuff I'm proud of:
- I was very active in my school as a prefect, working as an anti-bullying prefect for a year before getting promoted to Vice Head of Discipline (Indoor Branch) and finally to Vice Head of Administration. (It's a pretty big school and politics is prevalent.)
- I used to be about 20 or so kg overweight. I started exercising, and cutting down on carbs, and a year later I was fit as a fiddle and participating in a national MMA tournament in which I made it to the final round.
- I wasn't a very outstanding student in some subjects, subjects my parents wanted me to excel in, one of them being French Language. I was so disheartened after the teacher told me not to bother doing the O level because I would "fail anyway". But luckily for me I had a tutor that believed in me and told me to give it a go, for the experience if not anything else. I got an A.
- I was very friendly to people in school, and helped a lot of my friends who were depressed to get back up on their feet and lead happier lives.
- I'm also really proud of my family members for what they have achieved in their lives.