Things you notice that don't make sense in Crysis 2 SP.

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:36 am

Here's some for me:

1. As soon as you get in the subway and see the bugs attacking the soldier you hear, "It's a nest!", then the nanosuit says "Find an alternative route." You know how long I spent trying to find a completely different route from that tunnel the nest was in the first play through just because I was thinking the bugs would eat me alive? Then you finally realize you can go in there unharmed but you have to equip (or swap for if you don't have one) a pistol to jump up to the other floor. MORONIC!

2. Why is it the heli that appears when you're driving the tank along the FDR just sits there without firing at you? Then if you fire at it, it just might get a clue and fire back now and then. And why is it when you get near the last checkpoint before exiting the FDR tunnel the rockets the tanks in the distance fire sometimes hit an invisible wall, but sometimes get all the way through to you?

3. Why is it if you circle around the left via the viaduct after taking out all the visible troops at the start of Lab Rat it keeps those guys that would otherwise spawn and come down the stairs near the warehouse from appearing? Are they THAT bad at scripting proximity triggers?

4. Why is it the troops entering the warehouse where you destroy the computer in Lab Rat rarely come and investigate when they know you're holing up in the landing by the elevator, and why do the guys that appear IN the elevator just stay there?

5. Perhaps the most odd, but more generalized, why is it they once in a while make you kill an enemy/enemies to be able to continue on, but most of the time allow you to sneak past lots of them?

6. Why is it if "Nanosuit 2" is more advanced you can't jump as high or toss things as far as with the prior generation?

These are just a few. I know if I gave it some more thought I could come up with lots of others that aren't the commonly mentioned obvious ones. So what things do you notice about Crysis 2 SP that don't make sense?
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Charleigh Anderson
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:33 am

Why was Lockhart's hatred for the nanosuit program never explained in the game? In the book, Lockhart's nephew tried the program, but died because Hargreave conveniently forgot to tell everyone that the nanosuit makes you a walking corpse and when you remove the suit, you die.

On a related note, if the nanosuit makes you a walking corpse, how could Prophet remove the suit and put it on Alcatraz without dying?
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Marquis T
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:02 am

*SPOILER* He couldn't. That's why he killed himself. "It won't let me go that easily. Have to break the link."
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Devils Cheek
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 8:42 pm

with number 2, the rockets have a max range
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:33 am

with number 2, the rockets have a max rangeYeah I know from having played a lot of shooters there's an "invisible wall" effect due to the max range, but as I said I can see some of the rockets stopping, but some come all the way through to me, and they're coming from the same tank.

BTW, didn't anyone else think the nest/find an alt route thing was weird? It was the first time in playing the game I really wondered how much thought they really put into the actual gameplay.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:32 am

*SPOILER* He couldn't. That's why he killed himself. "It won't let me go that easily. Have to break the link."

I thought that this was because he was infected by the aliens?
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Kelsey Anna Farley
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:59 am

Why was Lockhart's hatred for the nanosuit program never explained in the game? In the book, Lockhart's nephew tried the program, but died because Hargreave conveniently forgot to tell everyone that the nanosuit makes you a walking corpse and when you remove the suit, you die.

At the beginning when you first learn how to cloak, listen to the 2 soldiers talking. They talk about how Lockhart wants to get Prophet bad because he thinks Prophet killed his nephew

BTW, didn't anyone else think the nest/find an alt route thing was weird? It was the first time in playing the game I really wondered how much thought they really put into the actual gameplay.

I didn't have to equip a pistol to jump...I just jumped.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:31 pm

No, no, honestly that part was easy to get I thought. Prophet clearly says he needs to break the link with the suit before handing it over, that it was the only way. No telling how infected he was or if he'd had survived if he didn't have to break the link, but I assure you, he didn't kill himself because he was infected.I didn't have to equip a pistol to jump...I just jumped.Well all I can say is I tried numerous times to make that jump with an assault rifle in hand and it didn't work. With pistol it works for me every time though. And I'm not getting lag there.

I find the platforming overall to be annoying in this game. Some places it works well, others not so well. I also don't like the sticky cover system that can leave you exposed at the worst possible time even while just trying desperately to crouch behind it. There's certain barricades that cause you to rise up on them when aiming over them, then you can't get low enough to crouch behind them unless you back off of them, in which case sometimes it's too late.

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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:09 am

*SPOILER* He couldn't. That's why he killed himself. "It won't let me go that easily. Have to break the link."

I thought that this was because he was infected by the aliens?

probably infected by aliens
since crysis 1 when he came back with MOAC/MOAR alien gun that merge with his nanosuit
correct me if I'm wrong
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jesse villaneda
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:50 am

The SCARAB is actually one of my more irritating irks....its just a SCAR....modified....
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:34 am

I dont know if this has been mentioned but in the level after aquiring the suit your objective upon leaving the castle is to head north through the camp/park but if you look at the compass above the map you must go south.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 7:39 pm

Anyone else have melee and single shot options suddenly disappear, then reappear later?
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:24 am

Level Dead Man Walking, cut-scene with Lockhart and Tara. Lockhart says "I'll have this jammed in your ear..." and he shows his gun, Scarab with Gauss attachment...that's new. Then, when everyone is rushing to get out of the building, Lockhard punch Alcatraz with his gun, and's Scar with Gauss attachment. Anyone noticed that?

EDIT: After falling off the chopper and killing all aliens, there is an objective marker to escape the heat source. When near it, a Devastator falls, he shots a rocket or whatever he shoots, and Alcatraz is down. In the very next level, he wakes up, no aliens, no devastator, the street is destroyed...I have no clue what the h*ll happened there...
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meghan lock
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:07 am

Tara and Lockhart arguing and screaming at each other, and then afterwards sitting next to each other in the helicopter. Must be awkward as hell.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:08 am

how you get from level 5 "Lab Rat" to level 6 "gate keepers"
is just retarded..

end of level 5:
you fall out the window with the cell solder
you hit the ground your suit shuts down (blackout-go to cutscene)

(cut scene) ok so cell now has you, they are moving you by helicopter...

start of level 6:
POOF you are on the rooftops with all your weapons..........

What The Hell is cell just your taxicab now
"they drop you off with all your weapons ??"
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:45 am

do not understand what u are saying!!
cutscene that theyre in helicopter with alcatraz????
what cutscene ???what helicopter???
its just falling down with cell soldier,losing senses and wake up in cutscene
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 7:37 pm

The whole crysis2 story dont make sense. its totaly different game, compared to C1
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 7:03 pm

He gave the suit away BECAUSE he was infected, he had to break the symbiosis link to the suit to do it.
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Inol Wakhid
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:21 pm

do not understand what u are saying!!
cutscene that theyre in helicopter with alcatraz????
what cutscene ???what helicopter???
its just falling down with cell soldier,losing senses and wake up in cutscene

watch this cutscene. ok maybe better named as loading screen
he is being transported by a heli
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Andres Lechuga
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:11 am

The SCARAB is actually one of my more irritating irks....its just a SCAR....modified....

I only know this because I just unlocked the (superior) SCARAB in MP with full information. I used it all throughout SP, it was always one of the two weapons I carried throughout the game. You can also view this information, when you pull up the customization menu in SP.

SCAR = Mk. 20 Assault Rifle
SCARAB = Mk. 21 Assault Carbine.

Obviously if you know anything about guns, the differences between a Rifle and Carbine are minimal but if we compare two real world counterparts...

M16A3/4 = Assault Rifle Standard Issue, Semi-Auto or Burst-Auto (3-shot) firing modes.
M4A4 = Assault Carbine Standard Issue, Semi-Auto or Full Auto firing modes, 4-inch shorter barrel and adjustable stock.

A Rifle generally has a longer barrel and therefore longer rifling. It is designed for more accurate and longer shots. A Carbine is generally designed for mid-ranged skirmishes, it is easier to carry due to adjustable size and shorter barrel.

Now in the game, the SCARAB has a higher rate of fire but is less accurate, damage is roughly the same. The SCAR has higher accuracy, with less rate of fire. You be the judge.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:10 am

*SPOILER* He couldn't. That's why he killed himself. "It won't let me go that easily. Have to break the link."

I thought that this was because he was infected by the aliens?

Kinda both how I took it... the infection would have killed him if it wasnt for the suit, but the suit made him dependent on it regardless....
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:38 am

I hate how when I am running around in single player, enemies suddenly show up out of nowhere. Like in that level before "Dead Man Walking", I was running up a flight of stairs, took cover behind a trailer, and FOUR cell guys show up out of nowhere, one popped up RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME (melee-distance!)

Horrible spawning in single player. Broke immersion alreayd.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:13 pm

The solider that come up the elevator DO jump out. What's supposed to happen is that they jump through the gap in the doors.
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Louise Andrew
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:54 am

do not understand what u are saying!!
cutscene that theyre in helicopter with alcatraz????
what cutscene ???what helicopter???
its just falling down with cell soldier,losing senses and wake up in cutscene

watch this cutscene. ok maybe better named as loading screen
he is being transported by a heli
......Are you serious? THEY WERE GOING TO TAKE YOU BY HELI IF THEY GOT YOU, they didn't, you're not getting taken by a heli, it just skips a part until you're near Wall Street so you don't have to run across the whole of NYC without fighting just to get to the next level. Falling with CELL soldier, Gould contacts you while your making your way to Wall Street, then when your almost there the level starts.
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Anna Krzyzanowska
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:41 am

do not understand what u are saying!!
cutscene that theyre in helicopter with alcatraz????
what cutscene ???what helicopter???
its just falling down with cell soldier,losing senses and wake up in cutscene

watch this cutscene. ok maybe better named as loading screen
he is being transported by a heli
......Are you serious? THEY WERE GOING TO TAKE YOU BY HELI IF THEY GOT YOU, they didn't, you're not getting taken by a heli, it just skips a part until you're near Wall Street so you don't have to run across the whole of NYC without fighting just to get to the next level. Falling with CELL soldier, Gould contacts you while your making your way to Wall Street, then when your almost there the level starts.

You're taking the piss right?
They didn't only send ONE Cell troop after you after you'd killed a few.

How did Gould escape?

You were a sitting target, and suddenly you're out of dangers way?
Pull the other one.
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