1. As soon as you get in the subway and see the bugs attacking the soldier you hear, "It's a nest!", then the nanosuit says "Find an alternative route." You know how long I spent trying to find a completely different route from that tunnel the nest was in the first play through just because I was thinking the bugs would eat me alive? Then you finally realize you can go in there unharmed but you have to equip (or swap for if you don't have one) a pistol to jump up to the other floor. MORONIC!
2. Why is it the heli that appears when you're driving the tank along the FDR just sits there without firing at you? Then if you fire at it, it just might get a clue and fire back now and then. And why is it when you get near the last checkpoint before exiting the FDR tunnel the rockets the tanks in the distance fire sometimes hit an invisible wall, but sometimes get all the way through to you?
3. Why is it if you circle around the left via the viaduct after taking out all the visible troops at the start of Lab Rat it keeps those guys that would otherwise spawn and come down the stairs near the warehouse from appearing? Are they THAT bad at scripting proximity triggers?
4. Why is it the troops entering the warehouse where you destroy the computer in Lab Rat rarely come and investigate when they know you're holing up in the landing by the elevator, and why do the guys that appear IN the elevator just stay there?
5. Perhaps the most odd, but more generalized, why is it they once in a while make you kill an enemy/enemies to be able to continue on, but most of the time allow you to sneak past lots of them?
6. Why is it if "Nanosuit 2" is more advanced you can't jump as high or toss things as far as with the prior generation?
These are just a few. I know if I gave it some more thought I could come up with lots of others that aren't the commonly mentioned obvious ones. So what things do you notice about Crysis 2 SP that don't make sense?