Dragonborn questline. In that moment after Mora asks you to give him the secrets of the Skaal, you can choose one of those three powers.
I picked Dragonborn Frost which gives Frost Breath a similar effect to Ice Form. Later on, I noticed how useless it is, since it only lasts a few seconds.
Then I checked my inventory to read Epistolary Acumen again and it wasn't there. I'd forgotten to loot it back from Storn. When I realized that, his body was already gone.
I thought it was like when you let Erandur read The Dreamstride, in which case you're just lending the book, and it remains in your inventory.
Dragonborn Force would've made so much more sense to choose since it adds some extra punch to Unrelenting Force, which is the LDB's signature Shout, in a way.
I swear, if I hadn't invested several hours into this gameplay, I would be willing to start over just to fix this crap.