» Fri Dec 09, 2011 2:29 am
Great thread
- Fast travelling will cause dragons to attack. I did not fast travel for the first 25 levels and saw only 5 random dragons, since recently I started to fast travel back and forth just to sell loot and pretty much once out of two fast travels a dragon attacks. Probably this is scripted in a away as people who fast travel to everywhere will not encounter any random dragons in the wild, that's why dragons will attack after fast travelling somewhere as you will need to encounter dragons somehow.
- Try to walk everywhere and not use fast travel you will encounter so many more random quests and events. Yesterday I saw the Stendor Prosecuters fight a Ancient vampire, man that vampire was strong, cut me down in matter of seconds. I respawn at my latest safe point not far from there. I walk the same route and at the same point I get another random event, this time it is 3 Thalmor Justicars that wanted me dead, their wizard was really strong they killed me 4 times so I scaled down my difficulty back to Adept from Master. With other words to really enjoy this game travel/explore and you will see the many great random events that are in this game.
- For those who are wondering how the 2 extra quick keys work on the consoles: Go to favorites --> Hold left on the spell you want to save (it should say one), go to another spell or pieceo f equipment and hold right (it shoudl say 2 now). By pressing left now for example you can switch from shield to dual wield without having to pass the games while pressing right can be changing to your bow and back.
- to discover the purpose of an ingredient you can eat it to discover its first effect ( I looted a human heart yesterday from a assasin and yes I ate it)
- Don't like horses? but prefer to run faster but don't have much stamina? Get the Restoration perk healing you also recharges your stamina. I play a paladin and sprint around with fast heal in the right hand and shield in the left. I do not run out of stamina or Magicka and can keep sprinting.
- Concerning the jobs that you can do at the towns. Besides cutting wood which you can sell back to the owner of the mill for a good price you can also help with farming the crops and wheat and sell them back to the farmers. Kind of fun when you imagine living in Riverwood for example. Besides that Probably working in the mines of Dawnstar could be benificial for the economy as that is a mining town and the mines are in the town.