Things you wish you knew sooner

Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:06 pm

Doing jobs increases the amount of gold merchants have in that city.

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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 6:23 am

Shame on you. Any self-respecting PC gamer would have removed the windows key from the keyboard years ago.

hey i never said anything about havign a problem with the key myself, i just find it odd that anyone would put any other function near that key, and yes i have it disabled, but it doesnt stop me form disliking anything that goes near it. Its like my firearms, i have them unloaded and away from any ammo but i just dont like anyone else wanting to touch them even though its perfectly safe.
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Maya Maya
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:53 am

level enchanting and smithing together
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 1:01 am

Woodcutting is the only one I can think of.

How does me chopping wood increase the gold merchants have to trade with me? That doesn't make sense.
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Charlotte Henderson
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 12:17 pm

How does me chopping wood increase the gold merchants have to trade with me? That doesn't make sense.



The town exports the wood, bringing money into the town.
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Lil Miss
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:38 am

hey i never said anything about havign a problem with the key myself, i just find it odd that anyone would put any other function near that key, and yes i have it disabled, but it doesnt stop me form disliking anything that goes near it. Its like my firearms, i have them unloaded and away from any ammo but i just dont like anyone else wanting to touch them even though its perfectly safe.

Winkey assassin. Keeping hardcoe characters alive since Diablo 2 ;)
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Mrs Pooh
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 3:00 pm

Mjoll the Lioness is better than Lydia.

thieves guild
is trash. That whole town... embarrassing.

The College
quest-line is very short and ends rather abruptly. I should have savored it?

Mammoths can climb trees.

Food isn't worth picking up and cooking it is a waste of time and salt.

Catch ALL the blue butterflies.

Dragons hate the watch tower by Whiterun and the Mage's College in Winterhold.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 12:36 pm

Not all Followers are created equally; Try out a few rather than just sticking the ones thrust upon you.
Some are considerably better than others.

Yes, some followers svck, even if you put them in the best armor and give them the best weapons.
They are usually down and out, begging for mercy in a dungeon more often than they are attempting to get an entire room agro you.
Others can tank a dragon or a giant like it's just a wolf whelp. Using the same equipment.
Also some make use of a larger range of equipment given to them, others will only use one weapon thats it.

It makes a huge difference to the perks of taking a follower with me on a quest. Before they were a pain and a nuisance, now they save me when it gets tough.

I'm curious to find out if Followers are of similar level to you, or are stuck at a preset level or even stuck at the level you were when you first meet.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 1:08 pm

Mjoll the Lioness is better than Lydia.

So True!
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Sian Ennis
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:13 am

I wish I knew the reward for the

Amulet of Gauldur

quest was worthless before I spent all that time on it.
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Vicki Gunn
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:13 am

Right Bumper (Shout) is not the same a Left Bumper (Sprint) on the 360 controller, especially in a shop.
Level 3 Unrelenting Force at the front door of Riften's Jarl's building (on the inside), NEVER gets old. EVER.
You do not need to spend Perk points as soon as you get them.
Fistfights are great way for Archers to get their Light Armor skill up.
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Jade Payton
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:55 am

PC: Press R to learn a new shout if you have a dragon soul. A lot of my friends missed that some how. :facepalm:
Also learn the shouts that will be useful to you first, then pick up the extra ones.

I've killed several dragons since I left the greybeards, and got the glowy thing around my character each time, but didn't realize you need to press R to learn a new shout.

I guess there's no way I can use it now sigh.
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Carlitos Avila
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 12:17 am

@eagle: you got it wrong you need to find the shouts first, the souls are saved after you kill them - no worries, but in your shouts menu you can unlock new found shouts with those souls by pressing R

dont bother with alchemy, waste of time and the potions you find are better then those u can make
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:05 am

I've killed several dragons since I left the greybeards, and got the glowy thing around my character each time, but didn't realize you need to press R to learn a new shout.

I guess there's no way I can use it now sigh.

The souls are 'banked', you can use them once you find words you want.
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Nancy RIP
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:07 am

I wish I knew to not try everything at once. If anything, try to be as specialized as possible per character, that way you can get the most fun out of each playthrough and it will vastly increase replayability.

That's exactly what I'm doing. My goal is to split the game up into thirds. My first run-through (just finished) was a (mostly pure) Thief, so I did the Thieves Guild, Dark Brotherhood, and Stormcloak quest lines. Started a Warrior last night who will do The Companions and Imperial quest lines, and finally a Mage who just has the College of Winterhold quests.

I'm also keeping track of what side-quests I complete on each character so I don't repeat them.

I figure by the time I'm done I will have experienced close to 100% of the game. Talk about getting your $60's worth out of a game!

PS: This is a great thread. I hope there's a lot more good info to come!
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Krista Belle Davis
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:23 am



The town exports the wood, bringing money into the town.

No one said anything about selling wood. Only chopping wood was mentioned.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:36 am

The souls are 'banked', you can use them once you find words you want.

Anyone else have a surplus of dragon souls? I have, like, 16 souls stored, and can't find enough word walls to use them.
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dean Cutler
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:00 am

Question: On 360 if you have killed dragons and have soles where are they stored and how do I use them?
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NIloufar Emporio
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 1:39 pm

Erandur is an AWESOME Follower.

For those who don't know (yet), you can find him
at the Dawnstar inn. He gives a Daedric Quest called

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Josee Leach
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 3:00 am

Doing jobs increases the amount of gold merchants have in that city.

You say what?!
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Kevin S
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:02 am

Question: On 360 if you have killed dragons and have soles where are they stored and how do I use them?

Go to the magic menu, go to shouts. The ones you have unlocked with a soul will be equippable, and the other ones can be unlocked by "spending" a soul (can't remember which button, but it tells you on the screen). The number of souls you currently have will be in the bottom right-hand corner.
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Charity Hughes
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:27 am

Question: On 360 if you have killed dragons and have soles where are they stored and how do I use them?

1. Press B
2. Magic
3. Scroll down to Shouts
4. Spend a minute admiring the spell effects
5. Look at the bottom right, it says how many Dragon Souls you have available.
6. Look a the bottom left which button you use to learn them (I can't remember and I don't have Souls available right now. It's probably X)
7. ???
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 3:15 am

Do not set foot in Tolvald's Cave until your character is a badass.
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GabiiE Liiziiouz
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:06 am

As a warrior, I wish I had saved smithing for the end. I had full Daedric gear at legenday level at level 20. I didn't use any of those terrible exploits that let you make godly weapons, but it was still disappointing overall. At first I liked it, for the first 20 hours I loved it even. But then I realized nothing would ever be better than what I have now. I had already attained the best equipment availalbe for my playstyle very early on. Not a game breaker for some, but for me it makes continuing on that character less appealing.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 2:28 pm

You can rename your Enchanted items before you create them. Just found this one out.
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