» Fri Dec 09, 2011 1:50 pm
1) To follow the civil war storyline more closely from the start. There's no skirmishes, no real feeling of war, unless you do. Its easy to forget about it.
2) I wish I had known to take my time and not fall for veteran tricks.
I ended up hoarding too much stuff, and while it was a successful tactic in the sense that I got tons of money, that also made me not care to do any of the jobs and interesting, immersive activites in the game. I do wish it was harder to make tons of cash so that it would actually feel like a struggle for ressources. I always face the same issues in Beth games. Same with Fallout 3. It should have been an epic struggle for survival, but instead with an hour of stepping out the vault, I had tons of bullets and caps. >.<
I'm not done with my first character yet, but I'm half tempted to delete and recreate him, play on a harder difficulty and throttle my actions to make sure I don't rake in tons of gold, steamroll the blacksmithing skill, ruin the civil war feel for me.