Do you really think the guys at Bethesda are so stupid to not be able to think of a different name for two distinctly different screenshots? How about you think before you post.
It was obviously not intended to be called spider hero.
Absolutely not. I'm confident they're more than capable of coming up with different names for two distinctly different screenshots.
How do you know it wasn't intentional? Maybe the two pictures are part of a set. Maybe it's a creature that was intended to be somewhere in the original Spider Hero picture. There are endless possibilities for why they would intentionally name two different pictures the same.
Again, think before you post.
I seriously hope Bethesda has a better naming convention than the only relied upon by Google and millions of internet websites.
It's not Spider Hero.
~ Dani ~

I hope so, too, but we don't know anything yet. Also, I think you may have got some words mixed up in your post. "...better naming convention than the only relied upon by Google..."?
True. But did you ever think that the odds of finding two pictures with the same name on EVERY PART OF THE INTERNET REACHABLE BY GOOGLE is a lot higher than finding two images with the same name on the same website by a single company?
Think harder before you post.
Read above.