There is no jealousy involved. It is just PC users with the ingrained opinion that only they should get all of the cool features and that console gamers should be left in the dust. "PC elitist" is just a shorter way of saying that sentence in every post.
Lol I think your a wii bit jealous. It isn't PC players fault that your console is less powerful than most phones these days, It isn't PC players fault that consoles are extremely restrictive. It isn't PC players fault that you don't get the freedom PC players get. It is Sony and M$ that is in control of their consoles. Notice I said THEIR consoles. None of that has anything to do with PC players. I know that is PC elitism because it is all fact. When people present reality you have just refused to acknowledge it.
As Puredragon222 said:
Microsoft and Sony wouldn't like it because it can break your game. Whereas on PC, they're all "Eh, you broke it, your fault."
That is reality. Now quick! Point and shout PC elitism at it and maybe it will go away. Do this, Look on youtube for the video of 5000 cheese wheels + a dragon. If you had console commands exactly like the PC has you could do that also and if you did that on a 360 it would overheat and die. The person who done that video even said it was about to melt his PC lol.
I have no problem with consoles getting console commands but I accept the reality that the overlords that made the consoles wouldn't allow it to the extent that it is allowed on the PC (Look at two worlds console commands and compare them with what is possible with Skyrim). The consoles would need a special version of console commands that limit people's abilities. That special console friendly version of the console commands would take time to make. Time that could be much much better spent else where. See what I did there? More reality. I must be an elitist.
Also whats with your attitude towards PC players? Starting with the questions in the poll and then going on with every reply you have made. You are just another console user with the ingrained opinion that anyone that doesn't play with a console is an elitist.