Well, personally i'll be happy if bullets can now fit trough holes narrower than a Behemoth

Good God almighty, yes! Amen to that, brother!
Seriously: Bullet drop/windage is neat and all, but the (at times wildly) incongruous collision boxes is a major problem. I'll take the fix over the fluff any day.
Ugh, please no... Rage had the most godawful combat mechanics I have ever seen in a shooter: the higher the difficulty, the more inaccurate your weapons were. Great fun to use the pistol with the monocle (which makes zero sense to begin with), and still have your perfectly aligned headshots veer way off. Even the sniper rifle was affected, which is beyond ridiculous.
Probably not going to be added, judging by the sniping scene in the gameplay trailer we've seen.
Has any Bungie game had this? I would only think more realistic shooters would include this kind of detailed physics (Halo is NOT a realistic shooter and neither is DOOM).
This would only effect long range sniping and the weapons / equipment would need some sort of method to allow for intelligent compensation by the player....far too complex for casual gamers and even 2/3 of hardcoe shooter fans.
But a realistic shooter would then need to allow you to adjust your sights to factor in the bullet drop. I'm not a trained sniper, but I've killed a lot of large and small game with a rifle. NEVER did just tell myself "hell I'll just aim a few feet above the buck and I might hit it". You adjust your sights, then shoot. No one but an idiot would just aim above the target and hope for the best.
I guess I'm okay with bullet drop as long as the crosshairs don't make it difficult.
I am pretty sure they will or it will be easy to mod that in down the road. Considering skyrim arrows and what not.
p.s.Bullet to the knee.
I guess I tend to instinctively aim just a bit higher than the center of mass if I'm going for longer-distance shots, but I'm kind of with LeBurns on this one - at the ranges where this would really matter we'd be using weapons where if we're actually getting into "realism" that you'd have adjusted your sights to compensate accordingly. I've generally assumed my PC is doing this, anyway.
I mean... if I'm using a weapon with a sight then that sight is going to have adjustments for these things (factoring in wind would just get too finicky - I'm playing Fallout, not Sniper.) If the weapon doesn't have a sight then it's going to be able to shoot far enough for this to matter anyway.
Though... if I recall from what we've seen of the crafting in the game, one of the weapon mods is apparently just a hollow tube with a nail stuck in it, wherein that probably wouldn't have adjustable sights. So... now I don't know.
Eh, I'll probably still prefer not to have it. I still like my character's skill to matter more than mine, and sights or not, my character can deal with all of those intricacies - I prefer to just select my target and let the mechanics sort them out as much as possible. (Which is asking for a lot in a modern real-time game, but still... )
The vast majority of FPS shooters have no bullet drop. It's basically just twitch based point, click "BOOM! HEADSHOT!" No need for lead aiming or adjusting for drop in most games.
Why i loved Archery in Oblivion and Darkfall Online. It actually took some skill and judgement, you had to lead the shot and arc it, to hit a moving target at a distance. I used to stand on top of the walls at Battlehorn Castle in Oblivion, and snipe Ogres and Minotaurs that were walking around on the nearby hills. Little bit of poison on the arrow, and the monster would drop dead long before they got close to the castle.
I doubt the game will even have dynamic wind calculations just so that you can miss a headshot by an inch.